The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 994 999 officially begins! 2 more

Chapter 994 999 officially begins! 2 more

The arena on the island in the sea gathered many monks today, many times more than the number of people competing for the arena arranged by the five powers before.

There is no other reason. Today is a match between geniuses from the four major continents. In addition to the monks from the Eastern Shenbu Continent, there are also monks from the other three continents present. It can be said that it is overcrowded.

Fortunately, the arena was chosen in the sea, and there was enough space to accommodate many people.

Ships floated around the island, and there were people standing on them, and even in the sky, there were dense figures.

This grand event between the four continents was unprecedentedly large, and it can be said that 90.00% of the monks in the entire universe were attracted here.

The Mahayana realm powerhouses from the four major continents suddenly realized that the arena they had set up was a little too small for everyone to see clearly the confrontation between geniuses, because there were too many people, and finally decided temporarily to change the battlefield to for being in the air.

In this way, no matter how many people there are, they can see clearly.

The appearance of the most powerful people from the four continents has caused a lot of discussion. After all, these people are all at the top of the cultivation world, and they are not just the powerhouses of one continent, but the four continents.

The five powerful forces of Eastern Shenbu Continent, the five most powerful members of Taishangmen, Sushui Palace, Wuxiangmen, Mujia, and Tianhezong, appeared together.

He Zhenren, Li Sunu, Ye Wuxiang, Mu Nanbei, and Du Ling, all of them exuded the demeanor of peerless powerhouses, and attracted the cheers of countless monks in Eastern Shenbu Continent.

After all, they represent the power of Eastern Shenbu Continent.

Behind the five people are the elders and younger disciples of their sect, all of whom made no secret of their aura and demonstrated their own strength.

Right now, the monks from the four major continents are all here, and they all want to show their respective strengths.

Next to Dongshenbuzhou is Nanzhanbuzhou, and Nanzhanbuzhou has four supreme beings, representing the four forces.

These four supreme beings are Fuluo, the supreme being of the Tianshan Sect, Binghuo Xuanjun, the owner of the Binghuo Island, Chiqiu of the Hundred Beasts Sect, and Tianbao Taoist of the Qi Sect.

Behind the four powerhouses, you can still see a few familiar figures. They are the geniuses Qiu Li, Saintess Xuelian, Meng Wudi, and Xie Hongyun who came to the Eastern Shenbuzhou before. and others.

Not far from Nanzhan Buzhou is the monk of Xiga Buzhou. Xiga Buzhou is different from the other three Buzhou. The monks of Xiga Buzhou have faith. They believe in true immortals and call themselves true immortals. The disciples are divided into three branches, namely the Tianlong Department, the Earth Dragon Department, and the Human Dragon Department.

The last one is the North Lubu Continent. Compared with the other three continents, the number of people in the North Lubu Continent is much smaller, because the environment in the North Lubu Continent is not suitable for human survival. Unwilling to live in it, North Ashibe Island is a paradise for ascetics.

But ascetics, after all, are a minority, not much different from those who practice physical training.

But there is no doubt that the monks in Northern Lubuzhou are very powerful. Under the difficult environment, the monks in Northern Lubuzhou are terrible.

The monks from the Eastern Shenbu Continent cast their gazes at the crowds of the other three continents, and kept looking at them. Many people’s eyes were full of curiosity. Not everyone has been to the other three continents, so many People come here not only to witness the level of strength among the geniuses of the four major continents, but also partly because of curiosity, to satisfy their own curiosity.

The monks of the Eastern God Buzhou have such thoughts, so why not the monks of the other three Buzhou, everyone has a lot of curiosity about each other.

"These monks from Xigabezhou are really interesting. You can see that their clothes are basically yellow, and they are very loose. It's really interesting."

"They believe in true immortals, and believe that as long as they follow in the footsteps of true immortals, they will be able to achieve positive results and live forever."

"I've also heard that their daily practice is to recite scriptures, cultivate their moral character, and pay attention to not killing animals. There are many precepts, and they are very harsh on themselves. Even female sex has become a taboo."

"Zizi, although I've heard of it before, it's the first time I've seen it today. These people are really interesting. All of them have shaved their hair off."

Among the monks in Eastern Shenbuzhou, there was a lot of discussion. Some were talking about the monks in Xigabezhou, and some were talking about the monks in Northern Lubuzhou. point.

It is mainly concentrated on the monks of Xigabe Continent and North Lube Continent.

Lu Feng, Lu Yao, and Hong Qi also came here.

After Hong Qi said with certainty that Ding Ning would be fine, several people chose to believe Hong Qi that Ding Ning might really be able to create a miracle and come out of the Prisoner Tower at Taishangmen.

"A lot of people."

Lu Feng said with emotion, looking around, it was densely packed with people, even in the sky, there were countless figures.

It was the first time for a few people to see such a grand event with such a large number of people.

"The geniuses from the five powers are also here, and they will represent the Eastern Shenbu Continent in the battle." Shitou said.

"Brother Ding is the only one who can really represent Eastern Shenbuzhou. It's a pity..." Seeing those people take away what should belong to Ding Ning, Lu Feng and the others felt very sorry. Otherwise, with Ding Ning's strength, he would definitely be shocked. The geniuses of the other three continents.

"They are not qualified to represent Dongshenbuzhou. Only Brother Ding is the most qualified." Lu Yao was still in a bad mood. , she couldn't completely let go of her heart.

"Look, this fight is about to start."

I saw a figure floating in the middle of the flying path. This is a strong man in the Mahayana realm, and Lu Feng and others all know him.

"The talent exchange meeting of the four continents is about to begin. Let me explain the rules and requirements of this exchange meeting."

"Because there are so many geniuses, we continue to adopt the method of melee. For the sake of fairness, the four major continents need to send one person in each round. In other words, there are only four people in a round of melee, and only one of the four can pass. Qualification for the next round."

"According to the number of geniuses in the four continents, it is divided into ten rounds of melee."

"Now invite the four major continents to send out the first round of contestants."

As they said, one person walked out from each of the four major continents, and all of them flew into the air. This is their battlefield.

A huge beam of light extends from the island to a height of several hundred meters in the sky. The area surrounded by the beam of light belongs to the battlefield.

When the four figures entered the beam of light, many monks from the four major continents shouted.

"Who is the person we sent out in the first round of melee in Eastern Shenbu Continent?"

For a while, many people didn't see it clearly.

It wasn't until the four of them stood firm that everyone could see clearly.

"Feng Yichen who is too close to the door."

(End of this chapter)

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