Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 125 Five Great Services

Chapter 125 Five Major Services
Bai Zhongqi sat there with his legs crossed, waiting for Nan Ma to give a demonstration.

To launch the Flashpoint app, you must first pass his test.If Bai Zhongqi is satisfied, he will naturally authorize Nan Ma.On the contrary, whether it is allowed or not on the earth has nothing to do with the Iridium people.Even if the major app stores do not allow it, the Iridium people are still capable of launching the app, and the managers of the app stores do not even have the ability to remove it from the shelves.

The time was short, and Flashpoint did not do much publicity and packaging for the app, but Nanma and Liu Zhe believed that just relying on Iridium's production of this current hot marketing, and then using rogue-style pop-up advertisements across the network, It can make this app harvest a large number of users in a short period of time.

However, Bai Zhongqi is still a little unsure about the latter kind of unreasonable pop-up advertisements on the whole network.After all, doing so may have done negative marketing and gained fame, but there may be negative perceptions.

Flashpoint only made a short advertisement of tens of seconds.

In the picture, a beautiful girl stands behind the porthole of a huge spaceship, and the endless starry sky is outside the window.The voice-over sounded: "The wider the world, the lonelier the human heart becomes."

The picture was cut again, showing a young man on a flying skateboard, with a smile on his face, speeding past the streets of Ruyi City.

"The more exciting the experience, the more eager to share it with others."

The explorer, carrying a huge travel bag, ran desperately in the lush virgin jungle, accompanied by a hovering assistant robot with blue sci-fi lights.Behind him is a huge one-horned lizard chasing, this is a kind of native creature from the legendary continent of Cui Haixing, which looks a lot like a dinosaur on earth.

The picture changed again. Several energetic young people were wearing diving suits, pinching their noses with one hand, and holding their mobile phones with the other. From the perspective of the mobile phone camera, they were smiling big. They laughed and jumped from the yacht into the sea.The picture changed again, a middle-aged man dressed as a worker was riding a spaceship, and the blue earth was outside, while the other half of the picture was a little girl holding a doll waiting for her father to come home.

"We are always looking for the beauty of heart-to-heart connection. We believe in companionship, no matter how many light years apart."

The screen switches, different people hold their mobile phones or computers, the AR cursor appears on the smart device, countless virtual existences like files fly into the sky, and countless files are downloaded and entered.

Among a group of friends, the friends are holding a glass tablet-like mobile phone, and a cool holographic image pops up. It is the video playback window on the Flashpoint app itself, but it looks particularly magical in the hologram.

In a business meeting, a strong woman in an office worker and framed glasses is holding a mobile phone. On the screen is the display cursor of all her colleagues in the meeting room. She slides her finger, and the document is distributed to all colleagues present at the same time.

The push page with iridium star knowledge and all kinds of bizarre knowledge points of the universe make curious young people keep flipping the page to browse.

"It is each of us who changed the trajectory of our lives and reshaped the world."

"It is each of us who has created miracles and headed for a wider world."

At the end of the promotional video, the logo of the lightning app popped up, and the company's advertising words appeared:

"The new social interaction in the space age brings hearts closer and makes the galaxy smaller!"

After watching the promotional video, Bai Zhongqi couldn't help being amazed.This 40-second promotional film is basically shot with things familiar to people on Earth, including the actors in the advertisement. The dress and behavior are also very earth-like, but each scene in the advertisement may only last three or four seconds, but it makes people People can't help being fascinated, and people have never heard of it.

In a very short period of time, the support of Iridium Technology is indispensable for Nanma and Flashpoint to produce such a high-quality promotional video, but the efforts and talents of Nanma and Flashpoint's employees are also worthy of recognition .

Nan Ma was very proud, and even asked Bai Zhongqi stinkingly, "Your Majesty, what do you think?"

Bai Zhongqi said: "It's great."

Nanma smiled and said, "This is the first step of the Iridium civilization to penetrate into people's daily life. Although it may seem proud to say so, I have put in a lot of effort."

Bai Zhongqi had to admit that maybe among the thousands of Iridium star traversers, there may be no more than two hands who understand what they want to do, and there is absolutely no one who can understand as deep as Nanma.

Xu Lanzhou, Du Peng and the others are considered to be his right-hand men as the head of state, and they are also very capable in doing things.But their actions were more political. On the contrary, Nanma had an insight into Bai Zhongqi's thoughts from the very beginning. The Flashpoint company he pulled up became Bai Zhongqi's beneficial attempt to integrate the iridium civilization and the earth civilization.

Bai Zhongqi praised him without hesitation: "I have a heart."

In terms of being wary of Nan Ma, Bai Zhongqi is not without it, after all, this is a star warrior master with strong individual strength.However, the powerful Iridium star system checks and balances, as well as the backup he has left behind, is not afraid of Nanma Bai Zhongqi.But no matter what, Bai Zhongqi didn't want to see the unconditional superhuman social status of the original Star Warrior.Nan Ma also noticed this.

In the R19 fleet, Xu Lanzhou and others are not very focused on ordering Nanma.However, after Bai Zhongqi returned to the empire, Nanma wisely searched for his place in the "new empire".His demeanor is out of the ordinary, but it does not lose its meaning, which is more in line with Bai Zhongqi's thoughts.After Flashpoint Company was established, he has become an important pawn in Bai Zhongqi's civilization creation grand chess game in another way.

A large part of this situation came out of Nanma himself, and Bai Zhongqi also experienced it, and he was particularly impressed by Nanma's IQ and EQ.

For the star warriors recruited from Cui Haixing in the future, Bai Zhongqi will turn them into military units that completely obey orders in a way that is very different from the way Iridium Star established the Star Transmission Academy in the past.

After all, in the Iridium United Empire where the Führer exists, no one is privileged except the Führer himself.

Nan Ma smiled and introduced to Bai Zhongqi: "My Majesty, according to your instructions, our upcoming version 1.0.0 only uses limited functions. Basically, there are five major aspects. Social, entertainment, service, self-media and payment business The main function of chatting is still missing in the social section, but we can achieve the highest effect in terms of voice and video quality. In addition, we have also spent a lot of thought on the subculture of emoji packs, setting up the self-made function of emoji packs. The other is the function of social circles. Many social apps have similar things, but we can provide a better fit between circle contacts and social points.

In terms of entertainment, our main consideration is to have a certain fit with the self-media, and it is also in line with your statement of 'content producer and provider'.Not only will there be grassroots live broadcasts, but we will pay more attention to creating exquisite content broadcasts, so that the broadcast content will be more organized, more informative and more entertaining.I personally also divide the live broadcast into four categories, namely experience, performance, game and social.

The experience category may include a series of content such as outdoor, food, variety shows, etc. We will guide and plan content providers, especially we will contact some very powerful public figures to participate in this category.Performance and games are similar to other platforms nowadays, so I won’t list them for the time being.The social category is a live broadcast service for ordinary users, with low threshold and many tricks.Adhere to the principle of no routine and sincerity.

In terms of services, we now mainly provide big data cloud services and high-speed downloads.Needless to say, today, when major cloud services are gradually being regulated, our almost unlimited data services, coupled with extremely fast communication links, will surely attract a large number of supporters.Other services also include the video player service in the commercials. With our data storage cloud service, it is possible to watch the film without getting stuck.Finally, there is the built-in browser in the app, which is simple and fast, and I believe it can also attract a group of people. "

Bai Zhongqi couldn't help nodding, obviously Nan Ma and the team he got from country C were very accurate in taking the pulse.The combination of social and data services is also a good breakthrough.When chatting with friends, there is often transmission of audio and video content, and the powerful data storage support behind it must be very powerful.

Natural knowledge copyright is a problem, but intellectual property rights with strong capitalist characteristics will be greatly improved by Bai Zhongqi to create property rights instead of simply becoming a tool for capital to make profits.

"On the side of self-media, we haven't prepared enough. The push of Iridium content you mentioned is what we are mainly building now. Later, we will also attract other content providers to increase their layout in self-media, not only similar public No. This kind of text push, we will make it closer to the complete media, with more comprehensive coverage.

Finally, there is the payment business, so there is no need to repeat the meaning of this point.We have already communicated with country C, and we have obtained the payment business license. Although the financial significance of it is self-evident, I know that your majesty does not want to do this.However, the government of country C seems to intend to use our technology and intervene in this market to get a share of the payment business. Xiang Fei proposed to form a company for this payment business with us.As I see it, this is a kind of suppression of the too great power of domestic private capital payment business in country C. "

Bai Zhongqi nodded. The domestic payment giants rely on the closed loop of payment business users to master a large number of soft resources, and often use this power of public opinion to attack the state's control.Some of them are constructive, while others are capitalistic. Country C also has a lot of capable people, and the future of the Star Alliance must be a social form similar to communism that benefits the whole people.The country will have a large number of service resources, and the payment business is naturally one of them.

In fact, based on Iridium’s original model, payment services have been linked to citizen welfare and basic income, covering almost all areas of consumption, and are part of citizenship. Naturally, such things cannot be in the hands of private capital.

Bai Zhongqi said: "Although the popularization of payment will not be seen in the short term, the prototype has already come out, and I have also thought about this issue. It is not bad to test the waters through the Flashpoint app and initially set up a shelf. The new payment company should be set up in Under the Star Federation Financial Management Authority, I will arrange personnel there to assist you in this area."

Nan Ma clapped his hands and said, "This is the best."

(End of this chapter)

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