Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 182 Loyalty

Chapter 182 Loyalty
In Ruyi City, 20 kilometers away from the surface of the earth, the Star Alliance Military Academy is as quiet as usual.The second batch of trainee officers has ushered in here, and the first batch of short-term trainees have now been sent to Space Force warships and other positions for internships. It will not take too long for these first batch of trainees to become qualified An officer of the space army, driving a warship to travel around the star sea.

The hall of a teaching building of the college is more like a foreign university institution. In the hall and spacious corridors, there are sometimes sofas and desks for students to take a rest or study.

Tashvi was sitting on a sofa, holding his college-special edition sun and moon mobile phone in his hand, a little lost in thought.

A big hand patted on his shoulder, Tashvi turned his head and saw that it was Huang Quan who had a good relationship with him.Although the two of them usually tell each other's faults, they have similar backgrounds. They both grew up in wealthy and prominent families. They have inexhaustible money since they were young, and they are quite wise. .

Huang Quan noticed something on the holographic screen of his mobile phone. It was a piece of news. The content about the island-building incident in the South China Sea that happened yesterday was basically from Western media.

"Hey, what do you think these things are doing, you're an idiot." Huang Quan sarcastically said mercilessly.

Tashvi did not talk back to Huang Quan as usual, but said with a rare seriousness: "The Star Alliance finally fought with the Lighthouse Kingdom."

Huang Quan sat across from him, surrounded by college students who were coming and going to and from get out of class, and some robots walked around, cleaning or serving students.

"Why, are you starting to question your position?" Huang Quan also became a little more serious.

Tashvi smiled wryly, pointed to his own face, and said, "My face is already exceptional enough in the academy. The two countries are at war, and I was born in the Lighthouse Country and even served in the army Those who have lived through it will inevitably have some gossip."

Huang Quan said: "What those people want to say is their business, the key is what you think."

"Me?" Tashvi put his feet on the low table and leaned on the back of the sofa with his arms outstretched, looking very out of shape. He said, "From the time I made this decision, I thought about today's , since I have made this decision, renounced the nationality of the Beacon Country and chose to join the Star Alliance, then I have no regrets."

Tashvi pointed to the news on the holographic screen in his hand, and said: "These media are all afraid of chaos in the world, and the things they pull out casually are big concepts, and they also advocate that ordinary people are worth doing for these things. Dedication to bullshit. It seems that the lighthouse country has withdrawn a series of military bases in East Asia, and all these things will collapse. I am rich, I live in the lighthouse country, and I have never been richer than others Dish cooking, Genzi pomelo. It's just that few people are willing to admit it.

There are disgusting logical traps everywhere, using the overseas bases that have brought all kinds of troubles to the locals of Nihong and Nanbang as outposts to defend freedom, and taking America's world leadership for granted. In fact, the last blood It will always be those who are incited to go, those who really believe in those lofty ideas, but the people who really benefit will always be capitalists like my father. "

Huang Quan asked with a smile: "So you joined the Star Alliance? Are you a leftist?"

"Are you kidding me? I don't care about these ghost things. I like exciting life, beautiful women and money." Tashvi said solemnly.

He took a deep breath, with a relaxed expression on his face, and said, "I'm not interested in what the world is like or what society is like. The most I'm interested in is the things around me. You don't have to doubt my loyalty in the Space Force, I have A person of professional integrity, I will fight against all enemies of the Star Alliance, even the Lighthouse Kingdom."

Huang Quan nodded, and said, "We don't need our cosmic army to fight on Earth. Speaking of which, the higher-ups don't worry about you. They didn't do anything about it. You're still allowed to fly, and you'll have to join us in the future." Expedition missions on Titan."

Tashvi didn't point it out. He felt that the main reason why he would not be banned from flying was that the space army's aircraft were controlled by the Supreme Command, and it was impossible for him to use those things to do things that would harm the interests of the Star Alliance.

"Is it another exploration mission? Last time we discovered a huge underground world of Mars. Not only have we not entered it yet, but we can't even see the credit for it."

Huang Quan laughed and said: "You have won the bonus, and our names will definitely stay in the underground world of Mars in the future. This is something that cannot be escaped."

Tashvi folded his hands behind his head and said, "People like you and me don't pay attention to this amount of money. I don't know if there is an end to the exploration missions in the solar system. I don’t think it’s very interesting to do it once or twice, I’m a flight pilot, and I should fight like a knight in space with space fighters of other interstellar civilizations.”

Huang Quan grabbed something casually and threw it at him, saying, "Don't make random wishes, I'd rather be quiet like this, get promoted and get rich."

Tashvi quipped jokingly: "Things with no ambitions."

After talking to Huang Quan for a while, Tashvi's mood became much brighter.In this slowly unfolding picture of a huge interstellar civilization, he is just an insignificant role and will not have any impact on history.That being the case, it is certainly worthless to think too much.

Huang Quan knew more than Tashvi. The outbreak of this war seemed very random, but in fact it was definitely not the case.

Some people think that it is country C that is challenging the status of the lighthouse country as a world power that has declined, and is breaking free from any military threats and blockades in the country's surrounding areas.

Some people think that, in order to maintain its remaining authority, the Beacon Country has recklessly tested Country C and carried out military provocations, thus seeking its own death.

But Huang Quan knew that there was something deeper behind this.Right now, that reason is not being brought to the table.However, those who planned this war and stirred up changes in the world situation have already accelerated their moves on the chessboard.

All of this is definitely not that country C wants to break through some island chain blockade, or compete for world hegemony.

It looks like a major event on the earth, but it is actually an action of an interstellar civilization.It was the three armies of country C who launched the thunder strike, but the real sword bearer was the extremely young-looking head of state.

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(End of this chapter)

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