Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 196 Declare the world

Chapter 196 Declare the world
After a day, the earth remained normal quiet and peaceful except for the war zone.Most people don't know what fate this planet is facing.

Cui Zhihao, in his early 20s, set foot on the land of Nansha Island with a schoolbag on his back.He is Bai Zhongqi's junior in San Francisco, and he admires his senior very much.After suspending his studies, he returned to China, and instead of obeying his family's arrangement, he spent all his time on the Internet criticizing those netizens who opposed Iridium and Starlink.

After the completion of Nansha Island, the project of relocating to Nansha Island has already started.Although the war is still going on, many people are watching.But most people know that there will be no country on earth capable of shaking country C's control over the surrounding areas.However, many favorable conditions of Nansha Island have been released, and jokes such as "once you enter Nansha Island, you will become the successor of communism again" are circulating everywhere on the Internet.

The comprehensive guaranteed supply of daily necessities, the basic consumption income of the nationals, the new education system, job training programs and job assignments, all kinds of benefits make people exclaim what kind of European welfare state, and they are completely incomparable with the policies of Nansha Island.Although Ruyi City and Yuegong City actually implemented similar policies before, most people are not ready to live in outer space.

Cui Zhihao was fortunate enough to successfully apply for household registration in Nansha District, and came to Taiping City, a dream city.Although he had seen some graphic introductions on the Internet, he was still amazed when he actually arrived here.Skyscrapers of various shapes, vehicles flying in the low sky, and robots walking on the streets are like a city of the future.

He held the Sun Moon mobile phone in his hand, and the AI ​​assistant reminded him about the address of his assigned new home.Housing for any Nansha resident is provided free of charge, and he got a 75-square-meter one-bedroom apartment located in the north of the central business district of Taiping City.

Cui Zhihao was about to follow the AI ​​prompts and take public transportation to his new home when suddenly a human face jumped out of the screen of his mobile phone.Not only that, but the same face appeared on the screens of various buildings in Taiping City.

It was Bai Zhongqi, the head of the Iridium Star.

"Residents of the Star Alliance, residents of the world, I am the head of the Iridium star and a citizen of the earth, Bai Zhongqi. I take the liberty of launching this global video push to convey an important message to you."

Cui Zhihao was very excited when he saw Bai Zhongqi.This senior has become a powerful figure. Although it is estimated that no one can reach his height, Cui Zhihao still hopes to make his own career with the goal of being a senior.

He looked left and right, and found that almost all smart devices, no matter if it was the sun and moon mobile phone, the holographic screen of the city, or the old-fashioned devices held by people, all had the same screen. global device.

Just as he expected, at this moment, Bai Zhongqi's speech is playing in the imperial capital, in Edo, in Washington, in Paris, in Berlin, every city and every corner of the earth.There are no other channels on the taxi driver's radio station, and there are no more movies and animations on the students' computers, and all media are occupied by Bai Zhongqi's voice.

"For a long time, there has been a powerful force dominating the world's political and economic life hidden in human society. After a larva enters the human body, it can eat the human brain and replace human beings, wearing human skins to act in society Terrible alien parasites have existed on our planet for more than 100 years. They came earlier than the Iridium people, but they have no cooperation spirit and friendliness of the Iridium people. This kind of alien parasites called brain worms, By manipulating the power of capital, world politics can be controlled; by promoting false personal freedom and democracy, it can obscure people's hearts and make people voluntarily exploited and controlled by it.

Today, a considerable proportion of politicians, businessmen, and scholars in some major countries in the world are these brain worms. They look the same as us, but they have sinister intentions and are the enemy of mankind.Because not only did they enslave our brothers and sisters, making us fight for our lives and leave nothing behind, but they were also the harbingers of another, more powerful alien race that invaded Earth.

Now, the coordinates of the earth have been leaked by this group of cerebrates. A powerful alien force, an alien race called Tezen who feeds on intelligent creatures, is ready to attack the earth and turn this place into a new place. their pasture, and us as their rations.

However, the Earthlings will never give in!The Star Alliance has exposed the conspiracy of the cerebrates, and united with fellow earth-loving and peace-loving compatriots, preparing to overthrow the puppet regime controlled by the cerebrates and control some countries in the world.Through the East Asian War, the Star Alliance has shaken the old order and severely hit the ruling structure of the cerebrates.

My compatriots, although I am the head of Iridium, I am also a citizen of the earth born on the earth, your compatriots.Today, I ask each of you to contribute your strength to the continuation of the civilization on the earth, so that our future generations can truly survive and multiply in the Milky Way, and enjoy a truly beautiful life and freedom.The Star Federation will fight to the last minute to defend the independence and freedom of Earth.We have never been more dangerous than we are today, but we have also never been closer to unity.My compatriots, please fight with us, the earth's tomorrow will be guarded by our blood! "

This message was conveyed to every corner of the world at once. No matter what they were doing, people were attracted by this message. After Bai Zhongqi's speech, the world boiled like a boiling kettle.

It turns out that human beings have always been ruled by a group of non-human parasites?

Earth is facing a massive alien invasion?
In order to fight against aliens, the Star Alliance solicits the power of every person in every country in the world?

Everything was a shocking event, and many people couldn't even believe their eyes and ears at this moment, thinking that someone had played a bad prank.

After watching it, Cui Zhihao's blood was also boiling, and he clenched his fist tightly.He raised his head suddenly, and said to his mobile phone AI: "Apply for me now, I don't want to study at Xingyang Central University anymore, I want to join the army, I want to fight the Tezen people, and protect the earth."

"Are you sure, this seems like a reckless decision."

Cui Zhihao nodded emphatically: "If the earth is over, it's useless for me to go to school. The seniors have spoken, and I, as a junior, have the obligation to volunteer."

(End of this chapter)

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