Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 210 War Terrain

Chapter 210 War Terrain
People on the earth are fluctuating and restless, Bai Zhongqi has already expected it.Some people have sublimated at this time, like Cui Zhihao, they choose to sacrifice their lives for the cause of human freedom and earth civilization, while others have exposed the selfish side of human nature at this critical juncture, fearing, abusing, accusing and even using This is for profit.

Bai Zhongqi also received a piece of news that made him feel a little angry and helpless yesterday. A fraud gang took advantage of people's fear of the destruction of the earth. One of the scammers claimed to have friendship with Bai Zhongqi. A spaceship like the Ark.Now this Noah's Ark has a limited number of seats. In the hope of saving more people, the liar claims that the one with the highest price can get the boat ticket.

Many people believed this fraud gang, and they paid millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars in order to obtain the Noah's Ark boat tickets that could escape the earth and avoid danger.When the law enforcement department of the Star Alliance took down this fraudulent gang through network information, the fraudulent gang had made more than 20 billion illegal gains.

They cheated on the one hand, and the most hateful thing is that they spread the rumor that the Iridium people did not intend to fight at all, and they created the Star Alliance in order to let the earth people block the wall for them.Although this kind of rumor was quickly contained, it still caused a certain range of negative effects.

According to wartime military laws, the Star Alliance directly sentenced these scammers to death, and reported on a global scale, warning those with impure minds, and strengthening the confidence of people around the world.

Originally, there were still many countries on the earth that implemented the so-called humanitarian policy of no death penalty, but the Star Alliance has greatly improved the sentencing scale.There is no such thing as political correctness on Earth in the Star Federation. The basic logic is that it is impossible for dangerous elements who infringe others or the country to enjoy the same rights as ordinary law-abiding citizens.Especially individuals who have caused extremely bad effects must be punished severely.

The Star Alliance has a firm attitude and powerful means in maintaining the stability of the earth and eliminating all disharmonious factors.Bai Zhongqi was not too worried about this.

Now the Star Federation is gradually transforming into a state of the earth government, more and more powers are gathered in the Star Federation Council, and in the organizations of the Star Federation at all levels and functions, there are more and more people from different skin colors and different cultural backgrounds around the world. more.

At the regular discussion meeting of the Star Alliance Defense Department, Bai Zhongqi had seen about 30 military representatives who were not from Iridium or country C.The Star Alliance will not arrange a representative for the military of one or two hundred countries and regions on the earth. The people on Earth who work in the Defense Department of the Star Alliance all have a reason for their existence.

In fact, members of the defense departments of these earth countries, whether they are staff officers or department heads, will not express their own opinions at this time. After all, space warfare is still something they are completely unfamiliar with, and they are still in the process of adapting. .

Bai Zhongqi stated the main topic of this regular meeting to the personnel of the Ministry of Defense present: "... After we unite the forces of the entire earth and form a unified space army and earth defense force, we have already established basic and Tezen The bargaining chip for civilization to contend. The existing industrial machines of the entire Star Federation are providing various preparations for war. But to truly win this war, we must have a complete understanding of the place of war. Next, I will transfer my speech to The staff of the Star Research Institute will give you some explanations."

On such an important occasion, it was natural that Mo Laitong, the director of the Academy of Sciences, personally introduced and explained to the personnel of the Star Alliance's defense department.

"I have a few things that need time. First, how much do we know about the Danlu interstellar cloud? We all know that we call this collection of celestial bodies where the earth is located the local interstellar cloud, and according to the information we have , this interstellar cloud not only has much less matter than ordinary star fields, but also because of space faults in astrophysics, it is almost impossible for the outside world to enter the interior of this interstellar cloud. Only after mastering the coordinates of the interior of the interstellar cloud and Only by calculating the spatial distribution of the matter in the Danlu interstellar cloud can we really find a way to enter. That’s right, entering the Danlu interstellar cloud from the outside, unless a star gate is established, or a direct space jump, otherwise the warp speed or There is only one way to enter by other means of navigation.”

A general from the Lighthouse Kingdom was a little startled, and said, "Doesn't that mean that as long as we guard the only access to the interstellar cloud, then we can ensure that our earth can rest easy?"

Molaitong replied: "Theoretically, it looks like this, but it will be more difficult to operate in practice. Even if it is a road, due to the special space characteristics of the universe, the range of appearance of the entire local fleet may be 1-5 Astronomical units, this makes our defense more difficult. We can indeed set up a large number of defensive facilities in this area and deploy the fleet, but if the enemy plans to split up from the beginning, for It will also be a trouble for us, after all, our troops are small."

Another Batie general asked, "So what does the Starfleet Space Force think about this?"

Mo Laitong glanced at Xu Lanzhou, the commander of the space army, and the beautiful general said at this time: "We will set up a warp-limiting force field generator in this area, which can guide the enemy within the area we know as much as possible. .In addition to the construction of limiting force field generators in the above areas, we will also set up large-scale defensive weapon platforms to serve as auxiliary firepower for warships. At the same time, I have suggested to the head of state to densely set up space in these areas. Ray's minefield."

Space mines are actually mines used in space. This kind of weapon is not big but powerful. It has a certain degree of concealment and can be deployed in large numbers in space areas. For the enemy, if the number of space mines Too many, and concealment is also good, it is a very troublesome thing.

There are very few warships that are really stupid enough to hit mines, so the main function of space mines is to restrict the enemy's movement, especially in the outer areas of the planet's gravity well. Setting space mines in a large area will make it difficult for the fleet to approach the planet, launch an attack or Planet bombing.

(End of this chapter)

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