Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 236 Slaves

Chapter 236 Slaves

Bibilin, a Gaotian native, lined up with his companions in fear and boarded a spaceship.Unlike the female Scarlets ahead of them, whose fate is almost certain, what fate they will face is unknown.

The Gaotian star is located in the treasure box star field, and the Gaotian people had lived there for tens of thousands of years before they were conquered by Taizin.Although the level of Gaotian civilization is not high, it can be regarded as a level 9 civilization. It has mastered the phase jump technology and has already touched the threshold of warp speed flight.But this level of technology is nothing in front of Tezien, and the Gaotian people are a little cowardly. When encountering a large number of Taizien warships surrounding Gaotian, they chose to surrender instead of resisting.

In this way, the Gaotian civilization became a vassal civilization of Taizin. Not only that, the Gaotian people were also regularly levied "ration tax" by the Taizien people, and provided a large amount of products to Taizin.As for combat, Taizien looked down on the fighting power of the Gaotian people, so he never made them soldiers.

Gaotian people are a special kind of intelligent creatures. Unlike most intelligent races in the universe, they walk upright on two legs. Gaotian people are multi-legged creatures, and they are non-insect multi-legged creatures.The Gaotian people's body is relatively broad, shaped like an olive, but the skin is not hard, and it is easy to be scratched by sharp objects like the primates.The Gaotian people have different numbers of tentacles. The newly born Gaotian people have no tentacles. As they grow older, they begin to grow tentacles.Khotanese had exceptionally flexible tentacles and a rich nervous system.These tentacles have a certain ability to deform, and the ends can be bent and flattened to be used as feet to walk on the ground; up to 18 small tentacles can be born from the ends, which can also be used as hands to make tools.The most special thing is that after the Gaotian people matured, one of the tentacles would mutate and become their sex organ to achieve the purpose of mating.

The brain and heart of the Khotanese grow in a huge olive-shaped body, and their hearing, smelling, feeling, and tasting organs are all on the tentacles, and each of the tentacles has them. Even eating is through the tentacles. of.Their tentacles can be discarded, but in the aesthetics of the Gaotian people, the Gaotian people with more tentacles are more beautiful.

After this magical creature fell into the hands of the Taizien civilization, because of the regeneration of the tentacles, the Taizien people kept cutting off the tentacles of the Gaotian people as food.It seems that these tentacles are particularly delicious because of their structural problems.

Even these Gaotian people who were sold as slaves were chopped off to only limbs at this time, making them look like a football with long legs.

After the small spaceship transporting Bibilin and his fellow sufferers docked with a huge spaceship, a few primates came from the huge spaceship, which looked like they were of a very high level of civilization.

The merchants who bought Bibilin's Sando civilization were respectful in front of these primates.It was not because these primates who claimed to be the Eagle Shield civilization paid them business fees, but because the Shaduo people soon discovered that the level of the Eagle Shield civilization was much higher than their own. The way of survival of low-level civilizations.

Bi Bilin heard the pale green-skinned Shaduo communicate with the primates flatteringly in Puping Arabic: "My lord, it is our honor to serve your civilization. There is no need for business expenses. If you can If so, it would be very grateful to leave a communication channel for us."

The leader of the primates seemed to think about it, and said: "We will pay the middle fee, you can give me your contact information, if necessary, I will find you again."

"Okay, my lord, thank you!" Sha Duo's civilized businessman said repeatedly.

Bai Zhongqi stretched out his hand to dismiss the Shaduo people, and glanced at the group of slaves who were picked up on the Holy Falcon.This is already the second batch sent by the Shadu people. Most of the first batch sent were female Scarlet Stars. When those catgirls boarded the ship, they caused some commotion among the crew of the Holy Falcon .

In total, Bai Zhongqi rescued a little more than [-] Taizien slaves, from six races, and the Scarecrows accounted for about one-third. Maybe the lizardmen in Tezien also knew that the Scarecrows were easier to sell.

Among the six races, three races are not primates. In addition to the Gaotian people, there are dwarves and horse-faced people whose height reaches the knees of the earth people.The dwarves are intelligent creatures discovered by Tezyn hundreds of years ago on a desert planet similar to their home star Tezyn. Of course, calling them intelligent probably flatters them.These ugly, intelligent creatures somewhat similar to the goblins depicted in human fantasy works, although highly social, are cunning and vicious, deceitful and fearful, and their IQs are not very high.They can collaborate to perform some complex labors, but it is difficult for them to carry out higher-level education.

As the name suggests, the horse-faced people have the face of a horse, and the skin on their bodies has short hair similar to that of a horse, but other than that, they are closer to the primates.Of course, the horse-faced people couldn't have been called this name in the first place, but Tezzin forcibly added this title to them after occupying their planet.The limbs of the horse-faced people are different from the primates, they are anti-joint, and they still retain some traces of evolution from primitive horses.The intelligence of these horse-faced people is not low, but they are sentimental, very easy to be moved or emotional.

At this time, the three races that Bai Zhongfei saw were of different shapes.The Gaotian people were trembling, and even after they stopped walking, they retracted their tentacles directly into their bodies, like snails.The dwarves didn't feel any sense of urgency at all. If they weren't still wearing shackles, they would probably be running around like naughty children. On the contrary, their expressions were flamboyant, as if they were still demonstrating to their new masters.The horse-faced man was crying and crying, and some even sang a sad song.

Bai Zhongfei has two big heads in one head, and he generally thinks that aliens from the primate family are easier to communicate with, even if it is Puping, he thinks it is not a big problem.However, these non-primate races with a low level of civilization seem to have difficulty communicating.

However, Bai Zhongyu couldn't give up either. On the one hand, he liberated these slaves out of humanitarianism. On the other hand, he also considered using these people to learn more about Tezien.Of course, if there are more capable people among these people, Bai Zhongfei doesn't mind letting them serve the Star Alliance and grant them full Star Alliance citizenship.

"Okay, Lieutenant Colonel Chi Jia, I have a mission for you. Gather these aliens and bring them to the great hall of this ship. I want to give them a lecture."

Looking at the aliens on this ship, Chi Jia also began to feel a little numb.

(End of this chapter)

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