Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 260 "Inferior Civilization"

Chapter 260 "Inferior Civilization"

It is no accident that Bangyan has heard of the Tezien civilization. The Milky Way with a radius of 6 light-years is actually not particularly large in total, especially a group of advanced civilizations that have broken through the second warp speed, and it has only been more than 30 years to cross the Milky Way.

The scope of activities of advanced civilizations is the entire galaxy, and some advanced civilizations have even been mixed into galaxies outside the galaxy. Intermediate civilizations between 15-25 generally carry out activities within a range of 2000 light-years.The location of Ruomian Interstellar Bubble (Local Bubble) is also considered to be the range of activities of Tezyn. Although Tezyn itself has not been here a few times, other civilizations will spread the reputation of cannibals.

Although the cannibals are terrifying, what makes Bang Yan really uncertain is what kind of route these earthlings came out of the Danlu interstellar cloud.If they really don't know anything, why do they still look like they know the internal situation of the galaxy, and even say the name of the Taizin civilization.

Bangyan tentatively said: "Tezyn civilization is a famous cannibal civilization in the big star area we are in. The civilization level is 17, but it is an opponent that many civilizations over 20 would not dare to provoke. , the military power is extremely powerful. Uh, how do you know about such a civilization?"

Bai Zhongqi said casually: "It's nothing, now the Taizien civilization is our enemy."

Bang Yan was suddenly stunned: "What? You have become enemies with Tezien?"

But then, Bangyan began to doubt, "Mr. Bai must be joking, the Taizien civilization is so powerful, let alone the Raumian interstellar bubble star area with thin matter, and you are in Danlu How can the civilization in the interstellar cloud have a festival with them?"

Bai Zhongqi also had nothing to hide, and said to him: "The Danlu interstellar cloud protected by the space barrier has a unique geographical location in the Milky Way. As long as the outside world does not know the internal coordinates, there is no way to get in. Tezien By chance, we got our coordinates, so now there is a large Taizien fleet with more than a thousand warships sailing towards us."

Bangyan's face changed drastically: "What? Is Tezien actually coming here? Why is this happening? What should our Luzhao civilization do?"

Bai Zhongqi said to him seriously: "What else can we do besides resisting? Although the Luzhao civilization is not in the Danlu Interstellar Cloud, it is so close to the Danlu Interstellar Cloud. To enter the Danlu Interstellar Cloud, the Taizien Fleet must There will be a rest outside the interstellar clouds, and there is no better rest place nearby than Luzhao Star, so Luzhao civilization will be the first to face the attack of Tezien civilization."

Bangyan was already in chaos, and he pointed at Bai Zhongqi angrily: "It's all your fault, why even the coordinates of the life and death of civilization are lost, it doesn't matter if you die, you will drag us to die together!"

Bai Zhongqi said with a serious expression: "If you want to defeat our earth civilization and occupy the Danlu interstellar cloud, you can't do it with Taizien's ability. The Luzhao civilization will not be a doomed situation. If our two civilizations work together, we will still be able to do so." There is a silver lining."

Until now, Bai Zhongqi didn't want to give up his efforts completely, and made a final attempt.

But as expected, Bang Yan showed a contemptuous sneer on his face. He was emotional and afraid of getting mixed up. He sarcastically said to Bai Zhongqi: "With your inferior civilization that just learned warp speed and crawled out of a small corner of the Milky Way, To actually want to compete with Tezien is really a dream!"

As soon as the words "inferior civilization" entered Bai Zhongqi's ears, Bai Zhongqi became angry.He can accept the stupidity of others, but he can't accept that stupid people are insulting the civilization to which they belong.

Without his help, Ling Yi, who could fully understand the mood of the head of state, stretched out his hand, and slapped Bang Yan on the wall of the conference room like swatting a fly from the air.I don't know if she did it on purpose or if she didn't control her strength well, but Bang Yan was really like a slapped fly, his flesh and bones were shattered and stained all over the wall.

The other Luzhao people in the conference room were all dumbfounded, as if they had never seen such a terrifying and unimaginable scene, some even fell off their seats and scrambled on all fours, trying to escape from the two terrifying aliens.

Bai Zhongqi actually felt that the zero shot was a bit heavy, but he would not blame his assistant for killing a fly casually.Bangyan's attitude should be representative of Luzhao people.These Luzhao people have lived in the remote countryside of the universe for a long time, and have never seen the real world, but they are arrogant and think that they are already very great in the universe.Or, they know that they are not such a powerful civilization, but they rely on their old qualifications and want to suppress the civilization of the earth.

Regardless of their mentality, this is not the mentality that Bai Zhongqi hopes to cooperate with.

A Luzhao person rang the alarm bell at this time, and the alarm bells rang loudly in the whole city of Ou Nian, and someone shouted: "Killed, aliens killed! Kill them quickly."

Bai Zhongqi looked at Ling and said, "It might be a little more troublesome to go out now."

Ling showed a confident smile, his glamorous face was intoxicating, "It's okay, I will protect His Majesty and return to the Holy Falcon."

A stream of information flickered in Ling's eyes, and then he smiled again: "The group of Luzhao people seem to have 'bad intentions' too. They tried to block our warship docked at Ou Nian Port, and used some Trojan horse programs to seize it. Let go of our control of the battleship."

Since Ling said so, it is natural that the Luzhao people have failed.The huge gap in civilization and technology made any small moves by the Luzhao people in front of the Iridium people only a joke.

Bai Zhongqi ordered: "Forcibly disconnect and blow up Ou Nian Port."

He is now a colonial city on the surface of the planet, and there are no people from the Star Alliance in Ornian Port.Once Ou Nian Port is destroyed, O Nian Star, a colonial planet, will not be able to function normally, so the transfer of materials will come to a standstill.There are also thousands of Luzhao people in Ou Nian Port, and these people naturally have no reason to survive.

He and Ling walked out of the conference hall, and a group of Luzhao soldiers shot at him with ray rifles.Zero didn't see any movement, so he blocked all the rays from Bai Zhongqi's body.

Ling smiled and said to Bai Zhongqi: "It seems that these Luzhao people are also very weak."

Bai Zhongqi nodded and said sarcastically, "Then let them see how inferior civilizations fight."

After he said this, his whole body shot out like a whirlwind.The head of state has never neglected his physical training on weekdays, and his fighting skills have improved rapidly.This group of Luzhao soldiers is probably slightly stronger than the earth people in the old era, but they don't even have individual armor.Bai Zhongqi's inner lining is a set of light individual armor that can enhance personal strength, coupled with his own strength and speed that are several times greater than that of Luzhao, it is like a cheetah rushing into a flock of sheep.

 Bailian has been very busy at work recently, and he couldn’t get up when he was too tired to get home. Now he codes and writes on the bed. The first update time is sometimes late, everyone forgive me
(End of this chapter)

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