291 Refuge
The shield of the Aquarius was not completely destroyed, but due to the unstable operation of the shield system, the largest capital ship of the Star Alliance at this stage has been traumatized by Tezien's artillery fire.5.00% of the exterior of the hull has been damaged, more than a dozen cabins have been torn apart, and many Space Force soldiers who were too late to escape were killed.

It was impossible for Bai Zhongqi to just sit back and watch the Aquarius being severely damaged by the Teziens. He immediately mobilized the firepower of the earth's defense circle and the main firepower of the fleet to violently bombard the more than forty Tezien battleships that had escaped from the restraint force field.Even though these capital ships have been freed, they have to be distracted to deal with such a great pressure, and cannot fully intercept and kill the retreating Aquarius.

The keen Bai Zhongqi has been paying attention to the battlefield, and he soon discovered something.

"These forty or so Tezyn battleships have clearly escaped from the restraining force field, but they still haven't left too far away from the main body of Tezyn's fleet, and have always remained within the fleet's formation. I remember that they launched an attack in the Frost River Galaxy When the shields are arrayed, these Tezon battleships also maintain a relatively concentrated formation."

Zero's beautiful eyes lit up, and he said, "What you mean is that the shield array of Taizien can't reach too far, so it is necessary to keep every warship in the fleet relatively close."

Bai Zhongqi nodded: "It looks like this. Telling Lin Yin about this may help her work."


Bai Zhongqi closely monitored the battlefield, and he didn't think too much about Lin Yin's impromptu breakthrough.This fight with Tezien may be full of punches, and in the end the two sides will fight to the death. Even if Tezien has such a shield array, Bai Zhongqi still believes that the Star Alliance still has a chance of victory .

It's just that at this moment, the confidence of the head of state is difficult to convey to other people on the earth.

Among the countless underground shelters, the large screen hanging above the shelter space is simultaneously playing the live broadcast of this war that affects everyone on the planet.This is what Bai Zhongqi decided. For many people in power, they do not want to let the people know everything that happened in the regime, especially the war. If there is even the slightest loss, it may cause an avalanche of panic.

But Bai Zhongqi didn't want to, he wanted everyone on Earth to know how much effort and blood the warriors who defended their homeland had put in for this war, and he wanted everyone on Earth to send their prayers to the battlefield .Maybe this will not play any role, but he firmly believes that the will of the people on earth can eventually bring them victory.

At this time, the tragedy of the Aquarius has been transmitted to almost every corner of this planet through the quantum video signal.The aircraft carrier that was constantly under fire, the destroyed turrets and hull cabins, and even the space soldiers who were involved in space can be seen. The cruelty and horror of war are fully exposed in front of everyone.

"Ah, this is the strongest warship on our planet. It has already been beaten up like this. We will definitely lose." Fear has completely occupied some people's hearts. At this time, a frail young man desperately embraced Tears came out of my head in fright.

A middle-aged man with a big belly panicked and complained: "It's that alien named Bai Zhongqi, why do we have to fight the aliens? Let's just sit down and talk, maybe nothing will happen. "

Even though most people knew that the alien invaders that the Star Alliance was facing now were the heinous and cannibal Tezien, but no one refuted the irresponsible complaint of this middle-aged man.

Parents hugged their children and sobbed, and the entire shelter became extremely depressed following the disaster on the Aquarius, and some people even began to show signs of commotion.

"It's going to be the end of the world, so why bother, what the hell, find a girl and have fun first!" A guy who looked like a ruffian yelled, and there were a few guys who didn't look like good people gathered around him, and their eyes were everywhere. Glanced randomly, looking for his target.

Just when the situation was about to get out of control, there was a sudden bang, the sound of crutches hitting the ground, and everyone couldn't help but look at an octogenarian man who had already hunched over, standing tremblingly in the middle of the crowd, with a look on his face. An upright look.

Even though he is short and old, he has a powerful aura.Because he was wearing an old military uniform with pine branches and green, and on his chest was covered with countless medals.

"What chaos? When little Japan invaded our country, many traitors and lackeys were just like you now, bad-mouthing our motherland, saying that we must not be able to defeat little Japan. What happened in the end? It's me and my comrades-in-arms, With one shot at a time, the victory was achieved in battle after battle! When we fought in the war, how far was it from others? They have aircraft, cannons and tanks, and we are all rustic guns that don’t even have enough bullets.”

The ruffian was a little overwhelmed by the old man, but he stepped forward sternly: "You are so old, what are you talking about..."

Just as he was about to go up and push the old man, a strong hand had already grabbed his wrist.

At some point in the crowd, a big man with a height of more than two meters stood up, like a bear.He had a smile on his face and an unshaven beard, but he couldn't hide his toughness.

The big man smiled and said to the old man, "Go on."

The old man nodded and said: "Everyone was born in a good time, our country is rich, and everyone is living a good life. Now, all countries on the earth have formed a group and joined hands to deal with aliens. However, the courage and bloodiness of the past have been lost. You are talking sarcastic here, have you ever thought about the soldiers who are fighting the enemy in the sky now? They are bleeding on the front line, but they still have to be looked down upon by you And neglect, you feel your conscience, are you still there?!"

He couldn't help crying when he said this: "My surname Cui is in his nineties this year. Our Cui family has been passed down for three generations, and there is only one seedling. He is on that boat now. I am old and I can't fight anymore. I sent my grandson to fight in the sky, even if he died there, I can't even take back a corpse. But I am proud of him, he is a good man, he deserves to die! It is with hundreds of thousands of heroes like him in front , this planet and this country can be saved!"

In the huge refuge, there was absolute silence for a moment, and it seemed that only the faint sobbing of the old man could be heard.Even the ruffians who were playing tricks just now lowered their heads in shame.

On the contrary, the big man was the one with the most relaxed expression. He came to the old man, saluted the old man, and said: "At that moment, I was actually thinking in my heart all the time. But, listening to what you said, I Instead, I feel that we cannot lose this battle."

The big man smiled and sat down again, thinking to himself: "When should we play again?"

 The next chapter begins to ignite
(End of this chapter)

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