Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 338 Fighting Jijit

Chapter 338 Fighting Jijit ([-])
When the silver plume army unicorn warship with a white body and a silver ram installed on its bow arrived late, Hevins and his retainers hadn't realized who it was.

"Which civilization is this? Why haven't I heard of it? With such a fleet size and such a distinctive battleship shape, it shouldn't be someone unknown." Hai Wensi thought to himself.

It is almost completely non-existent to say that such a large-scale fleet is a coincidence passing by here occasionally.At this time, Hai Wensi still hoped naively that this fleet was not hostile.


Xu Lanzhou took the lead in ordering: "Final attack, light up the flag."

The battleship AI Fomalhaut, who doesn't like to talk too much, made a movement like a dance, and the symbol of the three-way lightning flashed above the flagship of the space army, Fomalhaut.

Today, with the development of quantum communication, the flag symbolizes a sense of ritual and boosts morale, and it is a deterrent to the enemy.

Other battleships in the fleet also showed their flags one after another, including the Holy Falcon, which also shot three-way lightning above the head of its own battleship.

When Hevins saw this scene, his eyelids couldn't help but twitch.In the battle between his younger brother Su Beisi and the earthlings, the earthlings showed this sign at the last moment, and then started a shocking counterattack.

However, the reason why Xu Lanzhou showed the flag was not to express his determination to fight to the end, but to scare people.

The flagship of the Yinling Army and the governor of the Yinling Army, Nian Deng, the governor of the Yinling Army, saw the flag that Xu Lanzhou played, shook the white robe behind him, and sighed to the left and right: "We have abandoned the three-way lightning for thousands of years, today for our head of state , will reuse it."

Nian Deng's momentum was like an abyss, and he was ready to go. He ordered: "Silver Ling Army, light up the flag!"

If the 66 cosmic warships flashing the three-way lightning flag was just a shock, then when more than 2000 Silver Plume Army unicorn warships fired three-way lightning at the same time, Tezien's side was completely dumbfounded.

Rows of densely packed unicorn battleships, the whole body is shining with silver-white holy light, golden or blue arcs are surging above the unicorns, and directly above are three symbols that symbolize the supreme force and majesty of the iridium star. Xiang Lightning, even though Tezien's fleet is not small at this time, but when he looked at it, it was as if the sky filled with soldiers and generals stood in half the sky, looking majestically at the shivering little lizard.

Even though the warships were completely different in shape, the same flags proved that the more than 2000 warships that arrived later were clearly the fleet of the Earthlings.Hevins no longer had the time to ask why people on Earth suddenly had so many different warships, and now all he could think of was how to escape.

"Disband the formation, attack separately, and cover our flagship to leave!" Haivins no longer thought about how to fight, and now the Taizien battleship is not in full condition at all, and it doesn't even have a shield, even if these unicorn battleships They were all useless battleships like the Association of Order, but they were enough to wipe out the entire fleet of Hevins.

On the side of the Association of Order, Caesar, Lu Kexia and the others completely dropped their jaws to the floor.

Caesar stared at the unicorn battleships that filled the entire universe densely at the end of his line of sight, and the three-way lightning flag they played, he opened his mouth and was speechless for a long time.

Ma Weichai from Muze said tremblingly: "Is this the strength of the earth's civilization? The God of Eternity, I never thought that there would be such a powerful civilization in the closed Danlu interstellar cloud."

Lu Kexia even guessed: "Could it be that this powerful civilization has always sealed itself in the Danlu interstellar cloud and never went out? If so, then although the earth's civilization is very powerful, they may not be an aggressive civilization. "

The current civilized representatives and generals of the Association of Order have consciously lowered their positions.All of the associations of order are low-middle civilizations, and low-middle civilizations basically don't talk to high civilizations.In the big society of the Milky Way, low-middle civilization and high civilization are two classes, just like the poor and the rich. The poor cannot imagine what kind of life the rich live. Many poor people try their best to establish friendship with the rich. , but most of the rich avoid the poor and are too lazy to talk to them.

As long as a high-level civilization is casually supported, it may greatly improve a medium-level civilization.Just like the Tezien civilization, although notorious, it respects higher civilizations and flatters the Polkai civilization in every possible way, which is why it has some high-tech products sold by the Polkai civilization.Although they themselves have paid a huge price, these technologies have also greatly improved them.

The unicorns of all the unicorn warships are unique weapons of the Silver Plume Army.The arcs of various colors surged on the unicorn, and then converged into a powerful beam of light, which was fiercely shot at the opponent.

Compared with the warships built by the Space Force, which is the mainstream design model of warships in many civilizations in the galaxy, the design of the Unicorn warship is considered niche, and it is relatively lacking in light weapons in terms of firepower configuration, such as the Gauss railgun. .But their one-horned cannons are also really powerful.

The penetrating power of the one-horned cannon is outstanding. Although the efficiency of surface damage and hull damage is poor, it can even be penetrated by an ordinary small Tezyn ship with a single blow.

Beams of one-horned cannon shot out one after another, filling the sky like intricately colored threads, extremely gorgeous.Some Tezon warships were pierced by multiple single-horn cannons, and the air in the hull leaked, unable to keep the crew alive, and soon lost their combat effectiveness.

At this time, Ao Lansi was horrified to find that the beam weapons of these unicorn battleships were basically not affected by the reflective armor of the hull, and could easily penetrate the hull.Even if the Tezyn battleship does not face more explosions or other risks, dealing with damage control alone will kill.

Even Bai Zhongfei was amazed when he watched the shooting of the thousands of one-horned cannons of the Yinling Army.The battle of the Silver Ling Army is completely different from the battle of the Cosmic Army. The more than 2000 unicorn warships are not like soldiers swarming up, but more than 2000 swordsmen with one hand holding a sword and the other behind their backs. , and the moment the sword is drawn, it must stab the enemy's throat.

At this time, Taizien, who chose to disband the formation and break out of the encirclement, actually lost the last chance to fight Bai Zhongfei.In terms of defensive performance, the Unicorn warships are not as good as the Iridium warships. If they exchange firepower with each other in a large formation, I am afraid that the Silver Plume Army will also suffer certain losses. The prey of the ruthless Silver Plume Army.

(End of this chapter)

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