Chapter 405
Bai Zhongzheng didn't lie, he really didn't want to be an aggressor.Neither the Iridium nor the Star Alliance can be regarded as a ****, especially the Star Alliance is now strongly influenced by the Earth culture, and it is more inclined to defense in the field of war, but it will have opposition to foreign wars without legitimate reasons Public opinion and moral divisions.

"During this exploration operation, we also roughly learned the number of planets in the two-star area that match the primates of our Iridium Earth civilization. In the two-star area, there are a total of 119 habitable planets, only in the Danlu interstellar cloud. There are Earth, Cuihai Star, Lie Que Star, Tianju Star and Eden Seven Stars, a total of 11 habitable planets, and it is also the star field with the most habitable planets in all star fields. Among the remaining 108 habitable planets, 44 planets are controlled by other civilizations, and 15 planets have intelligent life and a certain degree of native civilization, and there are no intelligent life on other habitable planets." Xu Lanzhou introduced to Bai Zhongfei.

In a very short period of time, the Star Alliance has roughly detected the situation of all the planets in the two star regions, which naturally took a lot of effort.Not only did the Space Force invest more than half of its spaceships in reconnaissance, but nearly [-] spaceships from the Silver Plume Army also participated in the exploration.

After hearing this, Bai Zhongqi smiled and said, "So are there at least 49 habitable planets waiting for us to plant flags?"

At this time, the Space Force has basically completed the holographic star map of the two-star region with detailed labeling. Bai Zhongfei observed that most of the interstellar civilizations in the two star regions are located in the Hyades and adjacent star fields.The Hyades is a moving star cluster, and like the interstellar cloud, it is also a natural standard star field.

In addition to the relative concentration of habitable planets in the Hyades cluster, there are also many habitable planets in the border area between the Xunyi star region and the local Pao star region. In fact, Lingge star, Jijit star and Taoran star are all in this area .There are also scattered habitable planets in some other places, but obviously, in terms of development value, places with habitable planetary clusters are better.

This is why civilizations are more prosperous in places where the matter in the Milky Way is denser. The civilizations there can relatively easily access habitable planets and resource planets other than the parent star, so as to obtain living materials and continue to develop.And the local bubble star area and the surrounding Xunyi, Raoer and Pu Sanxing areas are all material void areas.In the words of the game, it is the natural disadvantage of the birth point.

Lu Zhinian has always been expressionless, he said: "Those civilizations in the Hyades Cluster were probably intimidated by the high council when they joined the high council, like the Pan Xing civilization, obviously There are two habitable planets in their own star field, but because there are intelligent life forms on them, they have to abide by the High Council's 'non-interference principle' and cannot occupy these planets."

Bai Zhongqi crossed his hands, thought for a moment, and said: "We are not afraid of those people in the High Council. We are not members of the High Council, and we don't need to abide by their principles. However, we will not be casual invaders. We have native civilization and Planets of intelligent life, we can colonize lands they have not developed. If they will join us, we welcome them to join the Star Federation."

Xu Lanzhou was somewhat disapproving of Bai Zhongqi's decision. The Iridium United Empire's approach in the First Universe was much more domineering.Iridium does not invade interstellar civilizations, but when encountering native civilizations that have not even stepped out of the universe, they usually use force to convince them to force them to join the United Empire, or they are called vassals of the United Empire.Then through a series of means such as technology export and cultural export, the structure of the original civilization was destroyed, and finally this vassal had to be called a part of the empire.

In fact, the Star Alliance's actions on the Ling grid are somewhat disgraceful, but the Ling grid was at least liberated by the Star Alliance from the Tezien lizard people, and there is a saying that it is under military trusteeship.

Bai Zhongfei said clearly to the two generals of the space army who presided over the exploration activities: "Local Pao and Xunyi star regions, most of them are undeveloped. The Star Alliance now has very strong capabilities. We The strength of our country is indeed not enough to colonize dozens of planets, but it is still possible to plant flags. If there are 49 planets without intelligent life, and none of them will fall, we will all plant flags, establish a planet stronghold, and station a small number of planets. Even if we don't use it now, we have to stand up for our status. As for the 15 livable planets with native natives, those that are still in the primitive tribe stage, we can just occupy them directly , when dealing with the locals, we can use relatively flexible means. As for the native civilizations that have developed to the feudal or even industrial age, we use slow tactics to establish their existence first, and then subtly transform them into a part of the Star Federation.”

In the end, Bai Zhongyu added: "The same is true for resource stars with relatively high mining value. First plant a flag to show ownership, and it doesn't matter if you do it later."

Bai Zhongfei didn't hide his crazy pursuit of territory, even if the hundreds of star alliances in the Danlu interstellar cloud couldn't be ruined, Bai Zhongfei was still willing to keep taking over new planets.This move is essentially not much different from the European colonists' staking in the New World in history.

He thinks that Bai Zhongfei's approach is relatively restrained, because even if there are only one of the five or six planets in the planetary system where other neighboring civilizations have a civilization, Bai Zhongfei will not invade the entire planetary system.

However, his generous actions still caused intense concern and anxiety among several civilizations in the Hyades cluster.In the past, these civilizations were all about the same size and could check and balance each other, but suddenly a tiger came down the mountain. Although it didn't eat them all, it ate the place around them in one bite.

There are more than 300 stars in the Hyades cluster, and the number of planets is close to [-]. It is a relatively large star field.Although there are more than a dozen interstellar civilizations here, there are still several habitable planets that they do not control.

With Bai Zhongqi's colonization order, the Star Alliance ships quickly established colonies on the three planets with intelligent life in the Hyades, and he also directly sent people to establish colonies on the remaining two habitable planets without intelligent life.Even if Bai Zhongfei can only free up one construction unit for each planet, the effect is still very significant.

On those planets, after the Star Alliance built colonies, they built orbital facilities in orbit. The momentum seemed huge to other civilizations, and it also caused them to panic.

(End of this chapter)

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