Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 416 Take Action

Chapter 416 Take Action
Holding the scarlet gem, Bai Zhongfei quickly verified his thoughts.He had one thing in his mind, and then he grabbed this gem and passed it on to the person he wanted to pass it on.

It is completely superfluous to convey ideas to Zero, because the two are connected by the Supreme Command.Bai Zhongqi grabbed the gem and conveyed his thoughts to Ye Qing.

At first Bai Zhongqi was unsuccessful, but when he tried for the third time, a beam of faint red light emitted from the stone, and then the steam from the cup of hot tea placed in front of Ye Qing turned into a concrete shape.These shapes are like simple animations, but they are not so specific, they look quite abstract, Ye Qing was a little confused when he saw it, he didn't know what it meant.

But Bai Zhongfei, who was thinking about the message to convey, could tell that the fast galloping horse and the almost invisible microscope represented that he asked Ye Qing to do research quickly.

"So, instead of calling this stone the king's stone, it is better to call it a sound transmission stone. Its function is to convey the owner's thoughts to others."

After hearing this, Zero was very interested. He folded his hands on the table, stared at him with beautiful eyes, and asked, "So, just now, you wanted to let everyone in the Star Alliance know that you are theirs." the king of

Bai Zhongzheng denied it flatly, "I didn't think so just now."

But Bai Zhongqi would not deny that he had held such a mood for a long time, and he might have conveyed his strongest wish to the entire Star Alliance when the sound transmission stone really took effect.If this is the case, then the power of this sound transmission stone is probably no less than that of the scarlet gemstone with obvious effects like the Homeland Stone.

Just imagine a ruler holding such a gem, able to let all the people in the galaxy he wants to convey know his will, which in itself represents a kind of supreme authority.

Bai Zhongqi then used the sound transmission stone to convey a message to Tao Ranxing's Bu. Some incomprehensible images appeared in front of Bu's eyes. Although Bu didn't know the meaning and meaning of these images, he was quite frightened.

"So, the sound transmission stone can break through Tao Ranxing's communication interference barrier, so what mechanism does this stone use to complete the information transmission?"

Zero smiled and said: "There are still many unsolved mysteries, such as why you are the only one who can use scarlet gems in the Star Alliance? Is your identity inherently special and noble, or is it because of some other things? .”

Ye Qing also said next to him: "The secret of the scarlet gem, it is difficult for the scientific research institute to find out why it has exhausted its research resources. The sample itself is too small, and we don't have any means to explore it. What we can do now is only To collect as much data as possible, this requires Your Majesty's cooperation."

Bai Zhongyu nodded: "I will pay attention to collecting these things."

Ye Qing hummed, then pointed out the window, and said: "Perhaps His Majesty should deal with the mess that the sound transmission stone caused in the All-Star Alliance just now, so I'll take my leave first."

Ye Qing bowed slightly, then exited the room.

Bai Zhongqi raised the quota with his hand, quite helplessly, and said: "It feels like I made a fool of myself, and then people all over the world saw it. This matter is difficult to deal with."

Ling came up with a bad idea, and said with a smile: "Then there is no need to deal with it, anyway, what you said is also true."

Bai Zhongyu looked at Zero and said with emotion: "Maybe you regard me as a king, and some people have similar thoughts, but most people now regard me as an autocratic centralizer, a monster that tramples on the earth's democracy. Such a thing will fall into the truth of these people."

Ling Ling's laughter echoed in the room, she sat beside Bai Zhongfei, and said with a smile: "Actually, what they said is not wrong, and, my lord, do you really care about the clamor of these people?"

Bai Zhongzheng said frankly: "I don't care at all, it's a bit of a lie, but I don't care too much, everyone has different perspectives, they want their values, I also have my urgent things to do, and they can't hinder me things, so it doesn't matter."

----split line----

Abigail, a braided girl with red hair and a few freckles on her face, stood on the rooftop. Her toned body was trembling with anger. Her hands were tightly grasping the railing, and her face was flushed with anger.

"Bastard! This stupid and poisonous bastard!"

While cursing viciously, she took out the smart device on her body, and then made a video call to her partners. The holographic images popped up the figures of more than a dozen people. Because of the performance of the machine, these images were relatively light. It's not particularly clear.

"Abigail, did you see that thing just now?" A black youth with glasses framed, a plaid shirt and a small hat asked eagerly.

"Of course, I'm going to blow my lungs. It's hard to believe that such a guy has been in the United States. Hasn't he even learned the spirit of a democratic country?"

A Caucasian girl put forward weakly: "It seems that Bai has lived for 5000 years, and it is difficult to change his values ​​after living in the United States for a few years."

Abigail said angrily: "Even if he has lived for thousands of years, his thinking is still outdated. Even if the Iridium people have advanced technology, they are still a group of feudal nobles with no freedom and outdated thinking."

She waved her fists, her eyes sparkled, and said forcefully: "We can't bear it any longer, let such a guy be so self-righteous, thinking that he is the emperor of the world, freedom and democracy have been destroyed , if we don't do something else, the only light that the human world has produced since its inception will be completely wiped out! We must act against the poisonous star federation, against the big poisonous one who thinks he can enslave Our white!"

Her words aroused the emotions of some people. These people are some social activists. They have fought for many years in the color revolution, black life, and LGBTQ equal rights movement in the old days. According to the old saying, these people should be regarded as old activists up.

After the Cerebral Worm incident, many people were disillusioned for a while, coupled with the drastic changes in the social status quo, many people were also lost.But as the situation of the Star Alliance gradually stabilized, many people found their targets again—the Star Alliance government and Bai Zhongfei.

Abigail now often organizes street speeches and expresses her opinions on social networks. It has to be said that the number of people affected by the old era, especially in Western countries, is huge, and she has also gained quite a lot of supporters. By hugging each other to keep warm, I got to know the current group of people.

Now, they decided to act.

(End of this chapter)

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