Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 430 Great Invasion

Chapter 430 Great Invasion ([-])
The controller's surprise attack came too suddenly. Generally speaking, the Star Alliance has set up a large number of strategic early warning systems and defense lines in the Danlu interstellar cloud and the two star areas. They normally attack the enemies of the Star Alliance and want to approach the earth. The line of defense of the Star Alliance must be penetrated.

However, last time Tezzin used a clever tactic to deceive the time difference, coupled with anti-warp jamming technology, to break through to Earth.This time, the controller directly used the method of cross-space energy transmission, which can only be used by them, which was completely unexpected by the Star Alliance.

The evacuation is global, and the governments of all the earth’s administrative regions have begun to organize evacuation, and this evacuation and refuge activity cannot be completed in a short time, at least it cannot be completed before the controller lands.

Zero felt extremely nervous. She looked at Bai Zhongqi and reported to him: "The number of light clusters we captured in the sky is about 2000 million. Are there so many controllers?"

Bai Zhongzheng was looking at the scene of the demonstration in London at this time. He still had to keep watching the extremely uncomfortable scene.At this time, the head of state pointed to the screen and said: "The way the controller controls other intelligent creatures is to insert them directly into the human brain through the luminous tentacles they are in. It seems that something flows from the human brain along the tentacles to their brains." In the main body, and then several controllers combine a ball of light together, and that thing becomes a new controller.”

Bai Zhongqi's observation was assisted by the combined artificial intelligence system, and he quickly came to a new conclusion: "You see, those newly-generated controllers cannot reproduce the next generation, but they seem to have the normal control The ability to control puppets and attack, this is a troublesome creature."

At this time, Bai Zhongfei received a message from Xiao Yu. The commander of the space army had a very serious expression. After saluting Bai Zhongfei, he said, "Your Majesty, a message has been sent from the Frontier Front of the Star Region. A large-scale fleet is approaching our control area, and the scale should be very large, judging that the size of the fleet may be more than 8000 ships, or even more than [-] ships."

Bai Zhongqi's heart sank suddenly, and he asked, "Where is their goal?"

"The place where the warp speed escapes should be near Tao Ran."

Bai Zhongqi's original composure became a little shaken, and Ling also looked at the head of state with some worry.At this time, Han Jiaxue was working on the local city at Tao Ranxing, and it was too late to evacuate from Tao Ranxing urgently.The battle of thousands or even tens of thousands of warships may affect the entire star field and even beyond.Any civilian ships of the Star Alliance must stop sailing at this time, waiting for the space army to wipe out the enemy.

Bai Zhongqi took two deep breaths, opened his eyes and said firmly: "The Cosmic Army and the Yinling Army immediately organized a defensive line in the Xunyi star area. No matter whether these two civilizations brought [-] or [-] ships this time, we You can't let them pass through the defense line of Xunyi Star District and enter the local bubble. Moreover, Tao Ranxing is defending to me, even if you can't defend this planet in the end, you have to blow it up to ashes."

Bai Zhongqi understood that the benefactor and Taizien's attack on Tao Ranxing was definitely at the behest of the controller.In the case of the controller's raid on the earth, the other two slaver civilization organization fleets attack the Star Alliance, which will make the Star Alliance scramble and even suffer a major failure.

Tao Ranxing has a lot to do with it. Once the Eternal Stone is regained by the controller, the controller's strength may increase sharply, which will make the Star Alliance face a more dangerous situation.

"Leave the command of the Grand Fleet to General Xu, Commander Xiao. Now I need you to immediately organize the Earth Defense Force to kill all these controllers who are raging around the world." Bai Zhongfei's expression was serious.

This is really the most dangerous situation he has encountered since he became the head of the Iridium Star.The volume of each of the three civilizations is larger than that of the Star Alliance, and the controllers are transmitted across space to directly attack the people on the earth, while the combined fleet formed by the other two may break through the large fleet of the Star Alliance Space Force at any time.

"The hand of the controller is really going to kill us." Bai Zhongfei gritted his teeth angrily.

This is a battle with two battlefields. As long as the three major slaves win one battlefield, the Star Alliance will lose.If the Earth battlefield is lost, the Star Alliance will lose its base camp, and even Bai Zhongfei himself may die, so there is no victory; if the Tao Ran Star Battlefield is lost, the Star Alliance will lose almost all the warships it has accumulated over the years. The army was completely wiped out, and the controller got the Eternal Stone from Tao Ranxing, continued to grow himself, and then launched a bigger attack.

This wasn't a complicated or subtle tactical layout, but it was very effective, and it contained the vital points of the Star Alliance and Bai Zhongqi with one move.If Bai Zhongfei wanted to win this round, he could only win on two battlefields at the same time.

Xiao Yu naturally realized the heavy responsibility on his shoulders, so he did not hesitate to issue a military order, and assured Bai Zhongfei: "Your Majesty, even if it is the last soldier of the Earth Defense Force, even if I die in battle, I will never Let the controllers continue to wreak havoc on Earth."

Xiao Yu made great determination, and then borrowed troops from Bai Zhongqi: "Your Majesty, the controllers pose a great threat to all intelligent life. Our ordinary soldiers will become their puppets when they lack protection on the battlefield. It will affect our operations, so I beg you to authorize me to command your android troops to fight back against the enemy."

Bai Zhongyu nodded. Strictly speaking, a bionic person is not a life, but it can be seen from the pictures in London that the controller has not successfully controlled even a bionic person, so a bionic person or robot without real spiritual and spiritual energy is a blow to control. It is the best weapon that can control the life of the energy body of the human heart.

"I will send out all the bionic troops in my hands, and you will arrange to send them all over the world immediately."

"As ordered!"

Zero said worriedly: "Your Majesty, what about the defense of Wuya Palace?"

"I am guarded by the head of state's personal guards. There are no less than 2000 guards in the Wuya Palace. Even if the controller attacks us fiercely, it will be difficult to pose a threat to us."

As soon as Bai Zhongqi finished speaking, he heard a giggling voice laughing loudly: "That's right, not to mention there are people from our Star Academy!"

I saw the bald-headed Star Warrior Master Nanma, who was dressed in black and white checks and wearing a square scarf, strolling in from the outside, followed by Tao Ran, the Star Warrior Master who has always been not very talkative.

Nan Ma said confidently: "The three star warrior masters gathered in Wuya Palace, no matter how many controllers there are, they can only deliver food."

Ling breathed a sigh of relief, and Bai Zhongfei also nodded.

Nan Ma's expression seemed to be more excited than usual, the corners of his mouth were grinning all the time, and his bright eyes were blinking.

 Thanks to the lord [Ye Meng Bing] for his support and reward, we will add more updates today!
(End of this chapter)

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