Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 438 Galactic Battle Diva

Chapter 438 Galactic Battle Diva
Lena asked in amazement: "Can you really let us fight? Fight like you?"

Lina obviously understands that this green-haired girl looks like a middle school student, but the methods she used just now are definitely not as powerful as ordinary star warriors can possess.Even the life of the energy body was flattened and rounded by her, and even killed by those who controlled it with the flip of her palm.

The green-haired girl rubbed her fingers under her nose, like a tomboy, she smiled and said: "It's not so easy to be as good as me, but it's not hopeless. Xingneng, um, haha, is that what you call it?" , star energy is a very interesting power, if it is concentrated in some special areas, it can achieve very special effects."

She came over, stretched out her hands, and said, "Hold your hands together, let's form a circle, and then close your eyes and feel."

Lina and the others couldn't understand, but they still did as the green-haired girl said.When the girls held hands together, they suddenly found that they seemed to be in the Milky Way, the background was the endless starry universe, and their consciousness suddenly became infinitely vast.

"Human beings think that singing can convey emotions and the power of love and hate. There is nothing wrong with that. However, more people think that singing can only have a positive effect on morale and spirit, but in fact, if you really believe that singing has great power , then what will happen?" Lu Maomei's words became ethereal and distant, as if they contained infinite things.

The catgirls were incredulous about what happened to them, Xiaomi exclaimed in amazement: "I feel like there is a green seed in my body!"

"Hey, I think I have it too."

The girls of BBY hold their hands together, and in the palm of their hand is an extremely crystal-clear and lovely green seed that exudes a mysterious light.Lumao smiled slightly and said: "This is my gift to you, feel it, feel your own heart, and then show your beauty and strength!"

The Milky Way starry sky turned into the streetscape of Edo City again. Several cat girls looked at each other, and the seeds in their hands seemed to be missing, but they could feel that there seemed to be something more in their bodies.

Lina's bright eyes glowed with brilliant starlight, she seemed to have realized something, took a light breath, Lina took a step, and saw a circular plane with purple fluorescence appearing, Lina stepped onto the purple platform Sky.She took another step, and a pink platform appeared to catch her slender feet.Every step is a different color, and every step on the platform makes a pleasant sound.

A burst of fire burned all over Lina, turning the cloak on her into a gorgeous dress, and a layer of performance makeup appeared on her face, which was not wearing makeup, making her even more charming.

The few sisters below looked at Lina's appearance and were beyond shocked.Xiaomi asked tremblingly, "Can we all do this?"

The green-haired girl smiled heartlessly, "You guys try it."

Several catgirls looked at each other, and then jumped into the sky one after another, and the colorful and colorful platform caught them.Or pure snowflakes, or rainbow stripes, or pink cherry blossoms, or golden flashes, all kinds of magical sound and light effects surround their attractive bodies, and then turn them into extremely dazzling divas.

Their appearance was so dazzling that even in mid-air, those who controlled them were shocked.These equally luminous creatures, who didn't like someone taking away their brilliance, came towards the girls one after another.

Lina said to everyone: "Are you ready, it's time to sing."

"Come on!" The beautiful girls brimming with enthusiasm greeted them with smiles.

Huge and glowing speakers emerged from the sky out of thin air, and each singer held a silver microphone in his hand. When the controller rushed over, the girls were like agile young eagles, led by the shining platform, fighting with the enemies. Frustrated.

The controller, who was originally extremely fast, flew into the sky to attack BBY, but found that he couldn't keep up with the figures of these beautiful girls with cat ears and cat tails.At this time, the girls are like the latest Star Alliance fighters, changing their positions in the sky with extremely complicated trajectories.

The singing voices sang from the mouths of the seven girls, and the whole air seemed to be stagnant for their singing voices. As the controller of the enemy, it was as if he had been hit with a sap, and his movements became less flexible.

Lina's beautiful face is full of heroism at this time, showing off her dancing posture in the sky. Although there are no fans and fans of her here, when she sings with her heart, she can feel the surging energy rolling in her body .

Surrounding this beautiful girl, dozens of luminous arrows like Cupid's arrows appeared out of thin air. With Lina waving her hand, they nailed the controllers who came over to the ground one by one.The controller is not affected by physical attacks, but this arrow-like attack comes from the star power that Lina has just mastered.

Atayal has experienced emotional ups and downs just now, and now she is more determined to face the controller.She held an electric guitar that seemed to be covered with cute stickers in her hand, and strummed the strings vigorously, as if visible notes were rushing out along the electric guitar.

The petite Xiaomi has a serious expression, and her big eyes are rounded. The microphone in her hand has turned into a Gatling revolver at some point. This little cat girl is wearing a loli skirt, holding a Gatling, facing the ground The controller on the top is a burst of shooting.The bullets fired by the machine gun are small hearts, but they are fatal to the controller.

If the controller has a face, the expression on his face at this time must be a look of bewilderment.They didn't know what happened at all, why such a group of violent girls suddenly appeared, and shocked them so that they couldn't move forward, and killed them one by one in a strange way.

In just ten minutes of fighting, BBY's catgirls sang a long song, and hundreds of controllers were killed by them. The girls were so excited.

But at the moment of landing, when the gorgeous costumes dissipated, they felt that their bodies had been emptied and had no strength.

The green-haired girl came over and said: "Okay, the first performance was very good, but there are some lack of audience. You have run out of star energy now, and you need to recover slowly. When your strength increases in the future, you will be able to fight for a longer time. "

Xia Ke said with some regret: "If we are stronger, we may be able to destroy more enemies and save more people."

The green-haired girl laughed and said, "Take your time, take your time. However, your Star Alliance is about to undergo some earth-shaking changes."

Lina asked nervously: "Will the Controller defeat the Star Alliance?"

The green-haired girl shook her head: "That's not true, it's your head of state. Well, I still remember the way I met him a long time ago. At that time, it was really super stinky, but he was also a help. Me. Hey, I can’t say more, I can’t say more, in short, even if I help him, he must take it.”

A few catgirls didn't know about it, but they knew that something very big might have happened.

"Are you saying the head of state may be in danger? We should warn him." Yalu's face was very pale.

Lumao continued to shake his head: "You can't do it. Even if you go to your head of state now, you will only die halfway. The power of the law of karma is something you cannot resist."

The girls became silent when they heard that the green hair had pulled out such things as the law of cause and effect.If they were ordinary people, they would think they were liars, but this green hair killed a group of controllers and turned them into star warriors.

To be precise, it is [Galaxy Battle Diva].

Lina looked at the green hair and couldn't help asking, "I haven't asked for your name yet."

Lvmao touched his flat chest in surprise and said, "Ah, how can idols not know the name of their manager, hahaha, my name is Cuihai, don't call me Cuicui or Xiaocui, it's too earthy!" Yes, they are the trendiest."

Xiaomi was confused and said: "Cuihai? Is it the same name as Cuihaixing?"

Lumao nodded, and said with a wider smile: "That's right, those two words."

Lu Mao was not happy to talk nonsense about his name, and said, "Take a rest, aren't you planning to help others?"

Lina couldn't help asking another question at this time: "Cuihai, your strength is far above ours, and you may even be at the same level as the star warrior master. You are so powerful, why don't you help everyone?"

Lumao laughed and said, "This is your battle, it has nothing to do with me. As for being on the same level as Star Warrior Master, I can only say to my beloved Lina, hehehe."

Lina knew that she might not be able to convince this powerful green hair, but at least they had mastered the power now and could help others.

At this time, there are still many people who are eager to help others like Lina and the others.Behind a police warehouse in Edo City, Lupika and Kentaro hide there furtively.

"Ghost fist rabbit, are you sure we want to do this? We just modified the command lines of the domestic robots so that they can attack, but they don't have weapons."

Kentaro pushed the already fat Lupika on the back, and said: "That's why we came to find weapons. Because of the restrictions of the supreme command, the puppets controlled by the group of controllers can't use guns, so they are all thrown away. places, but as long as we can find weapons, we can fight back against them."

Lupika still looked terrified: "Ordinary weapons have no effect on them."

"That's why we are looking for energy weapons! We will hide in the shelter for a while, control the robot remotely, and then fight back against the controller. If we don't do something at this time, it will be too uncomfortable!"

(End of this chapter)

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