Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 440 Rescue the Teenager

Chapter 440 Rescue the Teenager
No one thought that at this time, the controller would suddenly appear in front of the two teenagers.Police assistant AI Yui immediately warned: "Get out of here quickly!"

The artificial intelligence of the star alliance is based on the established function of protecting the citizens of the star alliance. Even if it is not an auxiliary artificial intelligence that controls some attack weapons, Yui has tried his best to protect the two teenagers.

This artificial intelligence directly overloaded all the light bulbs in the police station, causing the current to rush out. Electric shock is also something that affects energy body creatures, but the impact of electric shock of this magnitude will not be great.

Kentaro gritted his teeth and pulled the fat Lupika back quickly.

These four controllers are unwilling to let them go. By mastering more human beings, the collective consciousness of the controllers can gain more knowledge and life experience. These things can promote the collective consciousness of the controllers to a certain extent. effect.It is precisely because of seeing the lives of too many people and having learned various experiences and lessons that the collective consciousness of the controllers is actually a very shrewd and sophisticated existence.

Kentaro and Lupica were running fast, but the speed of the four controllers was also quite fast.

"Run to your left, there is a door there, go through it!" Yui directed the two teenagers through the horn.

Kentaro and the two did so, immediately turned left and ran through a door, and the artificial intelligence Yui finally found a place where it could help the boy.When the boy ran through the door, it immediately closed the door.The pure alloy gate may not be able to stop several controllers, but the gate of the police station is enhanced with a force field. Several controllers rushed over and were bounced back by the thin energy field on the alloy gate.

Lupika said excitedly: "Great, those things can't get through."

Kentaro did not relax his vigilance: "Run, it's not that easy."

Sure enough, the controllers were not stupid creatures. They cleverly chose to bypass the energy-protected gate, but went underground, bypassed the energy-protected gate, and then emerged from the floor on the other side of the corridor. .For these energy body creatures, passing through objects is their talent, but it is not easy for them to pass through objects, and the speed is even slower.

Assuming they are considered as currents, various objects have different conductivity, and the ease of passing through them is also different.Energy can theoretically be contained in any object, but passing through is another matter.

After burrowing into the ground and coming out again, the controller accelerated again.This time, the luck of the two teenagers was not so good. Seeing that the controller's tentacles were about to be inserted into the hands of the two teenagers, suddenly the ceiling above the corridor of the police station collapsed, and a man holding a flashing spear jumped down from the gap. beautiful woman.

This beauty was dressed in an extremely stunning dress, and her appearance was quite shocking, as if she had inserted it directly with a mighty force, the girl pierced the four controllers with spears and nailed them to the ground with one blow.

It is impossible for ordinary spears to harm the controller. Obviously, this glowing spear is not an ordinary thing. In fact, it is not a physical spear at all, but an attack weapon formed by her performance.

Lupika's eyes widened and he let out a little girl's scream when he saw the beautiful girl turn her head.

"Ahhhhh, it's BBY's Yalu, my idol!"

This time even Kentaro was surprised, he was forced to watch a lot of BBY's concerts and surroundings with his bad friend, and he was familiar with the seven beauties of BBY who were like fairies.The nimble heroine in front of her who rescued them turned out to be one of the BBY members that Lupika thought about day and night.

What made Lupika almost faint out of breath was that girls jumped from the ceiling one after another, and finally they stood together.Everyone is dressed in perfect costumes like angels, as if they have just come off the stage of the performance, and each of them is holding a different "weapon", which makes Kentaro feel a little unbelievable.

The flashing spear disappeared along with the crucified controller on the ground, Yalu smiled slightly, and said to the two teenagers, "Are you alright?"

Lupika screamed again, and ran in front of them: "Hello, I'm good, I'm so good, it's BBY, I'm so honored, I'm your fan, No. 4766 of the support club Members, I bought ten copies of each of your CDs."

What this little fat man said made a few girls who had just transformed from idols into Galaxy battle singers a little embarrassed. Yalu said angrily, "Ah, that's right, thank you for your support."

Kentaro stood there, also a little shy, looking at a few big stars who can only be seen on TV at ordinary times, they are so perfect that they don't look like things in this world, he stuttered and couldn't speak.

Lina came over and said to the two teenagers: "Don't stay here, go to the shelter quickly, we can point out a way to the shelter for you."

Kentaro finally spoke, and said: "No, we have to find weapons. We now have the ability to transform ordinary household robots into robots with certain combat capabilities. Humans are a burden to the controller's battle, and only robots are the most effective. If we can If all the domestic robots in Edo are transformed into ones capable of fighting, then the controller must be finished."

Atayal, who is very technically savvy, also nodded and said: "This is a very good way, but it is very easy to flash the code. You know that the core of all robots is the supreme command. Every robot has debugging for the convenience of users. After flashing the code, you must send an execution request to the supreme command, and if the supreme command allows it, then the new command will take effect."

Lupika also immediately said: "That's right, that's right. Although we can't contact the head of state, he will definitely pass such a request."

It may sound unbelievable, but it is true.There are many daily matters that may involve supreme instructions, and it is impossible for Bai Zhongqi to approve each item one by one, but his bones and brains cooperate with his brain to already have the ability to analyze and process a large amount of data.Basically, requests that meet the principled requirements will be automatically approved and executed.

At this juncture, the request sent by Kentaro will definitely be filtered by the bone-headed, and directly noticed by Bai Zhongqi.

Atayal said: "Then give it a try. You can send a message to the head of state through the Supreme Command. I think you came to the police station to find weapons. It is impossible for the artificial intelligence here to give you permission, but if you report With the head of state, he can unlock this authority."

Kentaro said quite wisely: "Actually, if the head of state accepts this opinion, he can immediately organize home robots to attack the controller through the supreme order."

(End of this chapter)

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