Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 455 Unparalleled Star Wars

Chapter 455 Peerless Star Wars ([-])
The benefactor retreated without the slightest sense of honor and integrity, and was still facing the fierce artillery fire from the Starfleet, so he retreated like this.

Great Mercy ordered the benefactor's vassal battleship to be at the forefront to provide protection for the benefactor's warship, but at this time, no one was stupid.The warships with vassals fled outward immediately, and displayed the surrender marks common in the galaxy, which are equivalent to the white flag on the earth.

Even Xu Lanzhou, who was eager to let the enemy taste the disastrous defeat, could not believe it when he saw that the united slaver fleet, which was still fighting tenaciously, fell apart at this time.

Lu Zhinian muttered to the side, "A clay figurine frightened them into such a state."

The lieutenant general can clearly see that the planet giant is similar to the cloud giant that appeared in the entire Star Alliance administrative planet. It has no combat power, but it has a very powerful ability to condense matter, and it can even overcome language barriers. Get the message out to everyone.

The planet giant waved his fist just now, pretending to hit the enemy, that is, just pretending, but he didn't hit anyone at all, while the enslaver battleship retreated crazily as if it was scared out of its soul, and at the same time He also disrupted one of his flank formations, allowing the Star Alliance battleships to take advantage of it.

Xu Lanzhou was full of excitement at this time, and she said to Lu Zhinian and Yuan Lang: "Now is the time for us to launch the final blow, destroy all enemy ships, and win!"

However, Lu Zhinian said: "Commander, I don't recommend launching the final attack in such a hurry now. The enemy is already in chaos, and it is unlikely to recover. It would be risky to rush forward now."

Yuan Lang originally wanted to ridicule Lu Zhinian for being too cautious, but thinking about it, Lu Zhinian has basically exhausted his plans since the beginning of the war. He didn't want to make a fool of himself and get slapped in the face, so he simply kept his mouth shut and said nothing.

Xu Lanzhou thought about it and made some adjustments to make the battleship follow closely, but it was not too shocking.

Emperor Taizien was on his own ship at this time, looking at the fleet of benefactors led by Daci'en, he fled backwards without any will to fight, and his eyes almost burst into flames.

"Great Mercy, you are a traitor to the slaves!"

Da Ci'en knew that he was not honest, but he didn't want to admit it, and retorted: "The slaves will no longer exist. After our benefactors escaped today, we immediately went to a higher civilization in the Galactic Council. I won't play with you bastards anymore."

Emperor Taizien clearly realized that the benefactors really had no integrity and no shame at all.These dwarf ghost-like creatures disguised as beautiful, tall and powerful creatures in the prosperous age were originally servants of a higher civilization. It was only through shit luck that they developed to where they are today. There is really no psychological burden at all.

The Star Alliance warships with a fast advance and retreat and strong firepower have formed a turbulent situation. The large number of Tezien battleships in the front were sunk. Originally, they had an advantage in numbers, and they could form a good level of slaver warships to face the Star Alliance fleet. Not to lose the wind, but when they themselves are in a mess, they can no longer compete with the Star Alliance.

At this moment, Emperor Taizien wanted to tear the benefactor into pieces, eat his flesh raw, and drink his blood.

Before the ruler of the Taizin Empire could react, the controller made a move.

During the continuous battles, most of the Maquivina battleships controlled by the master were also destroyed, but there were still warships holding the Whip of Death.

The collective consciousness of the controllers was really frightened on the earth. Although the controllers had imagined that the eternal spar might also be their life-threatening thing, the powerful effect of the glow cannon showing the killing of the controllers still made them feel extremely shocked. fear.For the first time, the controller even showed the emotion of retreating.

The retreat of the benefactors on the Star Wars battlefield made the controller even more annoyed.At this time, the controller has completely ignored his two allies.

The bow of a Maquivina battleship slowly opened like a flower bud, revealing the terrifying Whip of Death inside.

It's just that the direction of attack of the Whip of Death is not towards the side of the Star Alliance, but towards the fleeing benefactor.

When Da Ci'en saw the bow of the warship Marquivina open, his whole body trembled violently: "No—!"

He wanted to order the benefactor warship to intercept the whip of death, but the distance was too close.

After dodging dozens of intercepted ammunition, the Doom Whip finally exploded in the formation of the Enslavers United Fleet.Although this kind of world-killing weapon is not as effective against warships as it is against planets, it is still a large killer with a killing range of tens of thousands of kilometers.

All the light elements on the spaceship, including nuclear fusion raw materials, started an uncontrollable rampage under the trigger of the Doom Whip, and the huge power burst out, instantly engulfing the large battlefield of the enslaver fleet, and thousands of warships were swept in. Even if they were still supporting their weak shields, they could no longer resist such terrifying power.

The figure of Da Ci'en disappeared into the universe after being surrounded by intense light and heat. Along with him, the main fleet of the Benefactor, and even most of the Taizin fleet disappeared.

Because it was on the verge of an explosion, Emperor Taizien's ship was only affected, but not sunk.But after eating this, the shield value of the battleship basically fell to the lowest point.

"Crazy, the controllers are all crazy! Why did you detonate the Whip of Destruction in our fleet?!" At this time, Emperor Tezien also became distraught. The fleet fell, and nothing remained.

I don't know if he didn't want to answer him, or he didn't bother to answer him, the controller remained silent.

The Maquivina warship that fired the Whip of Destruction was naturally destroyed in the explosion.In fact, the controller kills the benefactor with an attack that kills his own people.

If it weren't for being far away, the Star Alliance battleship would not be spared.

Xu Lanzhou was almost stunned when he saw the endless burst of light and heat from the super weapon strike.This battle was really inexplicable. At the beginning, the enemy showed a strong fighting power, but in the end, the fighting power and will collapsed so completely, and even started fighting.

The three major slaves have never been of the same mind.

Lu Zhinian frowned, and said, "There are still a few Maquivina battleships that survived, and I'm not sure if they still have the Whip of Doom."

Sure enough, as soon as his words fell, the last few Marquivina battleships rushed towards the position of the Star Alliance battleship without fear of death.

Yuan Lang's face turned pale, and he scolded: "Damn it, this bastard planned a suicide attack from the very beginning. Ma Kuiweiner's battleship has a shield, so it won't explode for a while. If they let them If you get close to our fleet and detonate the Doom Whip, our fleet will be finished."

Lu Zhinian quickly said: "I'm afraid this is the real plan of the controller, to weaken his two allies and our fleet in the name of war, lure us far away from Tao Ranxing, and then use such a suicide attack Destroy our main force, they may have fleets ambushing in other places, they have not entered the Xunyi sector, but are waiting for the result. Once our Starfleet fleet is destroyed, they will fight out to take Taoran Star .”

Xu Lanzhou believed in Lu Zhinian's judgment: "What a vicious strategy."

At this time, Xu Lanzhou and the others didn't know which battleship was hiding the Whip of Destruction, and these Maquivina battleships had been hiding behind other warships since the beginning of the battle, letting other enslaver warships bear the blow for them. At this time, their shields are still in a relatively optimistic state.

Xu Lanzhou ordered the fleet to focus their fire and attack, but the Whip of Death is a weapon with a range of damage after all, as long as it is close to detonating, it may cause huge losses.

"Retreat while fighting!" Xu Lanzhou hoped to give up space and prevent the enemy from approaching.

At this critical moment, the huge planetary giant suddenly stood up.Under the control of Bai Zhongfei, the planet giant without attacking ability stood abruptly between the Starfleet and the Maquivina battleship.

The Maquivina battleship had to make a sharp turn in order to bypass this huge planetary giant, and taking advantage of this opportunity, Xu Lanzhou's fleet withdrew from a large space.

In a hurry, the controller released the whip of death, hoping to control the whip of death to bypass the planet giant.

But Bai Zhongfei couldn't make it so easy for them.

Holding the sound transmission stone in his hand, Bai Zhongqi let out a loud roar, and forcibly disintegrated the planet giant. A large amount of matter that was only fragments and stardust was ejected suddenly. Maybe this force is not strong or fast, but a planet The total amount of matter produced after the explosion is also quite terrifying.

The Whip of Destruction was originally flexible enough to avoid planetary giants, but when it faced an overwhelming rain of material fragments, it couldn't penetrate.

At the moment of contact, the whip of death was detonated.

The huge power swept everything, and at the same time, it brought the fragments of the planet that had already been bombed once, and rushed to the surroundings again, especially the side of the slaver's combined fleet. Because it was closer, a large number of warships were destroyed by this powerful explosion. .

The huge body of the planetary giant, on the contrary, became a shield for the Star Alliance fleet because of the blocking relationship. Although the explosion still caused the Star Alliance fleet to be affected to a certain extent, the damage was so small that it could be ignored.

Xu Lanzhou's eyes were full of excitement and respect, and a word poured out from his vermilion lips: "The head of state."

In the Star Alliance Fleet, the soldiers who had fought desperately for hundreds of hours cheered heartily when they saw that the warships of all the enslavers were finally wiped out.

"Long live the Star Alliance! Long live the Führer!"

In Wuya Palace, Bai Zhongfei looked at the sound transmission stone which had been completely shattered, but smiled.

"we won!"

(End of this chapter)

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