Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 471 Smoke

Chapter 471 Smoke
Although there is no huge scientific and technological knowledge base carried by the Iridium R19 fleet, Bai Zhongfei has gained nothing in the deep sleep learning system in the past three years. In addition, the insect swarm system mastered by Zero has the manufacturing ability of reverse bionics, Bai Zhongfei is optimistic. It is estimated that he can raise the technological level of Imodoa from the Middle Ages to a low-level interstellar civilization that is more advanced than the old age of the earth. It is about a civilization of around level 7, that is, it is initially capable of obtaining a civilization through navigation within the planetary system. The ability of resources on other planets in the planetary system, and basically master the controllable nuclear fusion.

Another advantage is that Imodoya should be the result of an ancient interstellar civilization. If some technology in the ruins can be obtained, it should be able to raise the level of civilization to a higher level.

Don't forget that the swarm civilization represented by zero is not a form of civilization that can be measured by the civilization level of the Milky Way. The swarm civilization can improve the power of civilization by itself through continuous acquisition of DNA.

In the study of Iridium Star, there was a very apt description of the swarm: "If there is really a Creator in the universe, then it has written all the mysteries of the universe in life. In the DNA of carbon-based organisms, it has been hidden There are too many mysteries, biotech civilizations like the swarm civilization have chosen a completely different path of progress from mechanical civilization, they explore life itself, and benefit from the truth of the universe left by the Creator in life, and then reflect it On oneself. In this way, the swarm can develop into a terrifying force in a very short period of time. It is also because of its high-speed development and expansion attributes that other civilizations in the galaxy call it a natural disaster and are greatly vigilant .”

Bai Zhongfei has already known to the people in Hebian Village. The leader of this mountainous area is called Ranji Mountain, and the lord has ruled Ranji Mountain for three generations. Considering the last Longji to now, Ranji Mountain Since the re-establishment of the neighboring country, it has always been managed by a family.However, the roads in Mount Ji are inconvenient, and there is still an endless no-man's land of Daxue Mountain to the north. Although there are other lords bordering on the south, it is very inconvenient to enter the mountain to fight, so Mount Ji is invincible due to the natural danger.

Although Jishan's territory is all mountainous, the Boshui River that originated from Daxue Mountain broke through the mountains and formed a huge basin plain in the mountains, covering an area of ​​more than 1 square kilometers.The water and soil conditions here are excellent, and despite the tyranny of the lords, the locals are still very rich.Zero sent his newly created pterosaur to scout, and found that two-thirds of the plain was still a wasteland.

Bai Zhongzheng's current plan is to go to the plain of Ranjishan Basin, take the life of the lord, and assign this land to himself, and then let Ling plant all the chlorophyll beasts and photovoltaic beasts here, and start his own swarm of swarms. plan.The chlorophyll beast can provide organic matter, and the photovoltaic beast can efficiently use solar energy as energy. In this way, Bai Zhongfei's ability to expand the insect swarm will be greatly improved.

The ability of the swarm to fix carbon is quite terrifying. The most extreme example, Bai Zhongfei, has heard that the swarm placed a group of chlorophyll beasts on 5.00% of a planet. After only three years, the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of this planet disappeared completely. .

Just when Bai Zhongzheng wanted to take down Ranji Mountain, Ling suddenly pointed to the mountains behind him and said, "There seems to be thick smoke in the mountains, it should be in the direction of Hebian Village."

Zang Murenqing and Zepei's expressions changed, "Could it be that something happened to Hebian Village?"

Bai Zhongqi didn't hesitate, he turned his horse's head and said, "We are favored by the villagers to take us in, we can't just sit idly by and go back immediately to see what's going on!"

"Yes!" The two apprentices responded.

Zang Mu Renqing looked at Bai Zhongqi who was galloping in front of him, feeling admiration in his heart.In this world, if you can ignore other people's affairs, it is best not to meddle in other people's affairs. As the son of a lord, his father told him since he was a child that if he sees any injustice in other territories, he must not intervene. Don't get yourself into trouble.However, he was born with a chivalrous heart and could not see the tragedy in the world.The reason why he is willing to worship Bai Zhongfei as his teacher is not only that Bai Zhongfei is a "dragon slayer" with high wisdom and knowledge, but also because Bai Zhongfei is a typical good person because of his appetite for him.

The four galloped back to Hebian Village, only to find that the village was surrounded by raging fire.

The eyes of the two young men were tearing apart, filled with grief and indignation.

Bai Zhongfei also had a gloomy and solemn expression, but zero sent the dragon-robbing beast to rush in and circle around, and said to Bai Zhongfei: "There are nearly a hundred households in the village, and only four or five people died, but most of them didn't find their bodies. was taken away."

Bai Zhongqi frowned slightly, and said, "Could it be that he was robbed by robbers?"

Zepei guessed, "I'm afraid he was kidnapped by some lord's private army."

Zang Murenqing also came to his senses and said: "Yes, the Dragon Age is coming, and the lords want to arrest the population to satisfy the evil dragon's request, it must be like this."

Bai Zhongqi said: "Since their purpose is to offer sacrifices to the dragon, the lives of most people in the village should be guaranteed. We should chase after it without delay."

Zepei said nervously: "But teacher, there are only four of us, and the opponent may be a private army of hundreds of people. Can we handle it?"

Zang Mu Renqing said proudly: "Zepei, it's useless to worry. We have Gatling and bazookas, as well as teachers and Master Zero. Even if we defeat the lord's private army, we will kill him one by one."

Zepei slapped his thigh and said, "That's right, if you can't even beat these lackeys of the lords, why are you talking about slaying dragons!"

Bai Zhongqi smiled slightly and said, "Stop talking to yourself here, when did I say that there are only four of us?"

Zang Mu Renqing was surprised: "Does the teacher have other reinforcements?"

Bai Zhongqi gave Ling a wink, Ling gave a sweet smile, raised his hand and waved out a door that was shining with silver light, and then spit out a large armed helicopter from the door.

This helicopter is of course not a real helicopter, but a helicopter-like beast designed by Bai Zhongqi.Half of the body of this large Wuzhi beast is made of alloy and the other half is made of carbon-based composite materials. Its appearance is somewhat similar to the double-bladed helicopter in the game Red Alert 3, with a double-rotor alternate layout.In addition to its powerful attacking ability, this double-bladed Wuzhi beast also has a cockpit that can accommodate dozens of people, and it can deploy a platoon of troops at a time.

Of course, Bai Zhongqi would not leave the cockpit empty. Besides the four of them, Zero also produced 27 combat humanoid beasts. Each of them holds an automatic rifle beast, and there are also weapon beasts such as machine gun beasts.

(End of this chapter)

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