Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 478 3 Brothers

Chapter 478 The Three Brothers

The dense forest stretches from one end of the plain to the end of the mountains, and there is only one path through the dense forest.The three young men on horseback were walking very vigilantly in the forest. The more dense the forest, the more likely there would be unknown dangers.

"This road leads to Wankou Pass. After passing Wankou Pass, you will reach Ranji Mountain. This is the only way to enter the mountain in the south of the mountain." Said a young man with a simple and honest face walking in front.

"Although Jishan is closed in the mountains and is located in a remote area of ​​the Northeast Road, it is really easy to defend and difficult to attack. In the past 60 years, other territories have basically changed several lords. However, the lord of Jishan There has been no change. Outsiders want to attack the mountain, and the logistical trouble alone will kill them." Another black-faced youth said.

The thin young man with a pair of raised eyebrows smiled and said, "Isn't this a change of lord after all? He's still a dragon slayer."

The black-faced young man said: "It is still uncertain what happened in Ranji Mountain. Is there a dragon slayer lord who killed the original lord and occupied this territory? We'd better be careful."

The honest young man smiled and said: "I think this is [-]% true. The ability to spread messages across the world is not something ordinary people can do. Moreover, this person doesn't care about letting people know, he just wants to recruit talents to slay dragons with him. The dragon slayer has such an idea, and there is no other family."

The skinny young man shook his head: "Even a dragon slayer is out of his mind. By making his travels public in this way, not only people from all over the world will know, but also the giant dragons that have come to our world. Can't say, the next Long Ji From the beginning, the Dragon Clan will be the first to kill this person."

The black-faced young man sighed: "I don't know how many dragon slayers there are in this world now. After the master died, we left three brothers and sisters. We haven't learned half of his old man's skills, but we have inherited his three skills." Before he died, he told us to look for other dragon slayers, so we could learn some self-protection power. From the beginning of the Dragon Age, we were asked to hide in the ruins and not care about world affairs."

The simple and honest young man looked sad again, and said: "Master thinks that the strength of our dragon slayers is still too weak, especially after Long Ji was severely injured by the dragon group last time, there are not many people left. If we have the ability, we can enter The ruins, take out the treasures in it, and lead a new batch of dragon slayers, and we may have the strength to fight again in the Dragon Age."

The skinny young man shook his head: "Our brothers and sisters may not survive to that time. Even if we do, we will be old men in their seventies and eighties who are dying. How can we fight Long Qun?"

The black-faced young man looked serious, and said: "Master, after the last Dragon Trial, he came to the conclusion that the dragon slayers fight on their own, and they can't win in the end. We want the three of us to contact other dragon slayers and work together for a great plan. The three of us have visited For many years, we haven’t seen a single dragon slayer. This is the first time we’ve heard about dragon slayers, so we’re going to get in touch anyway.”

The three young men discussed while walking, and they had arrived at the entrance of Ranji Mountain, Wankou Pass.

The black-faced young man praised: "What a Wankou pass. The green hills on both sides are steep cliffs, which are difficult to climb. In the middle, only this small gorge of tens of feet can pass through. It really looks like Wankou."

The thin young man raised his eyebrows, and said: "It's obviously a natural danger, but the gate towers have not been built. The lord of this place is too negligent."

The simple and honest young man smiled and said, "What does it matter? Which lord is willing to run hundreds of miles, pass through the mountains, enter the narrow pass, and take a small territory that does not have too many people and resources? Years also make sense."

The three brothers rode horses deep into the pass and walked straight to the depths.They walked in the mountains for two days, and finally saw the outline of Ranji Mountain City on a hilltop.

Looking from a distance, the blue fortress in the middle of Ran Jishan City is very eye-catching. The black-faced young man couldn't help but wonder: "It is said that the population of Ran Jishan is only [-] to [-], and most of them are mountain people. There is also such a majestic castle. Moreover, the architectural craftsmanship is simply at its peak, and there is not a single brick or stone visible from the outside, it is like a mirror."

The thin young man couldn't help but marvel: "Not only is this huge castle, but the buildings in the whole town seem to be very neat. With so many houses built, and they are all buildings, there must be unified planning and construction. It must be impossible, it must be the way of the lord."

The simple and honest young man said: "That was also done by the previous lord. This Bai Zhongfei should not have sat on the throne of the lord of Ranji Mountain for a long time."

The black-faced young man analyzed with his own logic: "The former lord of Ranji Mountain was named Shaoxiong. Although his family has guarded Ranji Mountain for three generations, they have no skills and ambitions. It is obviously not something that ordinary people can do to build such a city. If he has such manpower and financial resources, he may have already attacked Ranji Mountain and established a larger territory."

The thin young man said: "Anyway, let's go to Ranjishan City to take a look."

The black-faced young man said cautiously: "Don't worry, let's observe in this mountain first, it's best to find the locals to find out the news, no one knows whether the notice that is spreading all over the world is really Bai Zhongfei's beating, if It is a trap set by the evil dragon, in order to lure the dragon slayers, then we have cast ourselves into the trap."

The honest young man nodded and said, "What Shi Nazhen said makes sense, we'd better be more cautious."

Just as the three youths were about to hide in the mountains and continue to observe the situation in Ranji Mountain City, a sudden gust of wind blew past, and the three youths could feel the violent airflow in the air while standing on the ground.

"Fuck, it's a dragon!" the skinny young man cursed.

The honest young man also frowned and was very nervous. Although their three senior brothers were all apprentices trained by dragon slayers, they were also dragon slayers, but they had never really seen the giant dragon.

The black-faced youth Shi Nazhen grabbed the two senior brothers and said, "Calm down, let's see what's going on."

The dragon that broke through the sound barrier and rushed towards the castle was not that big, not even much bigger than a human.He has dark red skin all over his body, seems to have no scales, and has a pair of wings that are at least ten meters long after opening. In fact, his appearance is more like a creature between a dragon and a human.

The skinny young man revealed the true identity of the dragon: "Sure enough, it is the scout and vanguard officer of the dragon group——Curve Velociraptor."

(End of this chapter)

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