Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 483 Dragon Species Dictionary

Chapter 483 Dragon Species Dictionary
Bai Zhongfei closed the booklet in his hand, raised his head and looked at the three young men standing there, and said quietly: "This dictionary-style book describing dragons and different dragon species is worth a thousand gold, and you just give it to me like this." I am, is it really okay?"

Uritanba smiled honestly and said: "Master realized a truth in his later years, that is, the power of individual dragon slayers is too small. Only by cooperating with each other and twisting into a rope can human beings have hope. He hopes We can make friends with other dragon slayers, exchange what we need, don't be like the last time in the Dragon Age, everyone cherished their own skills and weapons, and eventually they were defeated by the dragons one by one."

Shi Nazhen had a cool expression on his face, looked at Bai Zhongfei and said, "Master Bai Zhongfei, although your name and master have not been mentioned, but with your strength, you are enough to be the leader who leads everyone to fight against the dragons. We three brothers, no Learn all his skills from the master, and we don't have the strength of the master, but we do not lack the determination to fight the dragons to save the common people. I hope Master Bai Zhongqi can accept us and let us fight together."

Bai Zhongqi put down the booklet, stood up, walked in front of the three of them, and said gently: "I issued the order to recruit talents and slay dragons from all over the world. The purpose is to attract dragon slaying talents like your three brothers. I totally agree with your master's point of view. Individual human beings may be small, but thousands of people who share the same belief stand together, and their strength is powerful. I hope that this Dragon Age will be the last Dragon Age, and Imodoya will be able to usher in long-term peace and stability."

Shi Nazhen looked at Bai Zhongfei, impressed by his self-confidence and leadership demeanor.He added: "If possible, I hope that Master Bai Zhongqi can guide the three of us on the road of slaying the dragon."

Bie Sugai also said: "on the way just now, brother Zangmu Renqing explained the philosophy of the master to us. You said that the knowledge that everyone can master can arm everyone and let everyone slay dragons. This is what I am most grateful for." Interest and skill that I most want to learn.”

Bai Zhongzheng smiled and said: "No problem, if you want, you can study under my school like Zang Mu Renqing and the others."

Shi Nazhen and the three looked at each other excitedly, then knelt down and saluted Bai Zhongfei.

The master-student relationship in Imodoya is relatively loose, so there is no such thing as a student worshiping only one teacher.In fact, the education here is basically aristocratic education. Nobles will find many teachers for their children when they raise their children, so they are very open about the matter of apprenticeship.

Zepei looked at the three guys who were very excited now, turned his head to Zangmu Renqing and said: "The three of them are happy now, and when they start learning Chinese, they will cry."

When it came to Chinese, Zang Mu Renqing’s expression froze for a moment, and he said: “I spend almost half of my time studying Chinese now. Although the teacher praised me for making fast progress, I’m still worried that my progress is not enough. If I can learn more, I will If you can master more knowledge, you will be able to save more lives in the Dragon Age."

Zepei also sighed with emotion: "Yes, there is less than half a year left. Although Jishan is thriving here, are we really strong enough to fight against the entire group of dragons?"

Gang Naji said confidently: "What we see now is just the tip of the iceberg of the teacher's ability. The teacher must also be constantly strengthening his strength in a place we can't see. His self-confidence is by no means without a source. We All you have to do is trust him."

Xu Erli also nodded emphatically: "Follow the teacher, we will definitely win! The tragedy of Hebian Village, don't happen to other people again."

Zang Mu Renqing looked at these brothers solemnly, and said, "Everyone, work hard!"

After the students left, Bai Zhongfei was still sitting there, carefully browsing through the materials sent by Shi Nazhen and the others.Their master is an important dragon slayer who participated in the last dragon era. Although he is not the strongest, he is a rare and rational type among dragon slayers.

He recorded the situation of various giant dragons, and compiled this "Dictionary of Dragon Species", which recorded information on a total of 96 kinds of dragons.For Bai Zhongfei, this is of great value.

Ling Ye was lying beside Bai Zhongfei, the queen of the swarm was getting more and more "instigated", she was wearing a cool short-sleeved top, but only underwear on her lower body, and her two beautiful legs were laid on Bai Zhongfei like this On the thigh of Mr. Yuan, the soft European style is also next to Mr. Yuan's arm, which makes people feel distracted.

"So, the five-color dragon with the largest number in the dragon group is the most conscientious and inferior soldier in the dragon group." Ling looked at the contents of the book and said.

Red dragons, black dragons, blue dragons, green dragons, and white dragons are the dragon species that account for more than 40% of the dragon group, and the five-color dragons are also the dragon species that serve as the backbone soldiers in the dragon group.These giant dragons can often reach [-] to [-] meters in size, and special ones may become even larger.The main weapon of the five-color dragon is its strong and tough body, and they can also spray dragon breath that matches the color of their skin and has different effects.

There are still many differences between the dragons in the dragon group and the dragons in the earth's legends. For example, these dragons have no scales and are covered with keratinized skin, often with markings.Horns are also absent in these dragons, and the heads are horny protrusions.Their claws are very flexible, even more flexible than human hands.

"According to the records, for five-color dragons, ordinary hot weapons are effective in attacking them. However, the real threats among the dragons are those special dragon species, such as the warp speed dragon." Bai Zhongfei said.

"Yes, and if you want to master more biotechnology, you still need to obtain the DNA of those special dragon species. Like this Magnetosaurus, it is also a very useful means to control the electrodes; um, Dozhilong, According to the description, it is actually a supercomputer in the Dragon Qun, with a computing unit that can help the Dragon Qun process large-scale and complex data."

Turning to the middle page, Bai Zhongfei saw a picture. This picture was a huge flying dragon that almost covered the sky and the sun. This was also the only super giant dragon that the dragon slayer had ever seen in his life - Battleship Dragon.

"It's probably more than a hundred kilometers long. It's hard to imagine that such an existence is actually a dragon." Bai Zhongfei said in surprise.

Zero was a little unconvinced, and said: "If I evolve to level 20, I can also create such a huge battleship beast."

Bai Zhongqi smiled and touched her small face, "I know that the potential of the insect swarm is greater than that of the dragon swarm."

Zero smiled with satisfaction, moved closer to him, and said: "With things like battleship dragons, the strength of the dragon group should not be underestimated. We should find ways to strengthen ourselves."

(End of this chapter)

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