Chapter 486
Bai Zhongqi rode a white horse, and Linghe and several students came to the gate of Ranji Mountain - Wankou Pass.

He, Zang Murenqing and the others came from the mountain road on the other side of the Daxue Mountain, but the road to the north is hardly a road, because the north of Ranji Mountain is connected to the Daxue Mountain, which is still very difficult for the troops to march. difficulty.This makes Wankou Pass in the south the only exit leading to the outside world from Ranji Mountain.

"Although the terrain is not as steep as imagined, it's not bad." Bai Zhongfei judged purely based on the common sense of ancient marching and fighting.

Zepei said: "Teacher, all the lords of Ran Jishan in the past dynasties lacked strength and built a tower at Wankouguan. Of course, the more important factor is that no lord seemed to be okay. The expedition of Laoshi did not have any special output, and the mountain was rugged. Ranji Mountain. Therefore, it is not very useful to build a tower here at Wankouguan.”

Bie Su, a new student of Bai Zhongfei, interjected, "Look, we don't really need to worry about Wankouguan. Although the troops from the Northeast China may be tens of thousands, so what? The teacher fought that day. The supernatural power of the Warp Velociraptor cannot be resisted by these troops. We lined up Teacher's cannons outside the pass and blasted him upside down. No matter what the coalition forces are, they will collapse."

Zang Murenqing said solemnly: "Although the coalition army of the Northeast Land is only a human army, and its weapons are not as good as mine, but it should not be taken lightly. Although I haven't really learned about it these years, the Guiwangshan family, It raised a few dragon slayers, well, at least they are dragon slayers in terms of ability, but they have no intention of slaying dragons in their hearts."

Zang Murenqing had already mentioned this matter when he expressed his heart to Bai Zhongfei before, and Bai Zhongfei was not surprised.

He sighed: "After all, human beings are creatures that are prone to fear and self-interest. Even a powerful dragon slayer wants to join the lord. In the next Dragon Period, he will become the 30.00% that can survive in the hands of the lord. And just sit back and watch other people die like this."

Shi Nazhen also said: "How shameful, a dragon slayer shouldn't have such a backbone. Fortunately, there is a teacher who stepped forward and led everyone to fight against the dragons. Otherwise, human beings will really be discounted, and they will be the pigs of the dragons from now on." dog."

Bai Zhongfei didn't show arrogance, but continued the theme: "That guy Qu Velos has felt the firepower of our Ranji Mountain, he doesn't know that the coalition of tens of thousands of human beings will not be able to shake our Ranji Mountain after all. ...Since he has made such a plan, there must be other supporting actions, which requires that our combat preparations must be sufficient and thorough."

Ling smiled coquettishly: "It's just building a city tower, it's not that difficult."

As she spoke, she opened her own subspace.This was the first time that Shi Nazhen and the other three saw Zero's swarm subspace, and they were inexplicably horrified, and the soldiers who were incorporated into Ran Jishan's guard were also a little terrified.

Out of the subspace, more than a dozen silver-skinned giants with a height of at least ten meters stepped out, looking extremely terrifying.This is a new type of beast produced by Zero after splitting the second nest and evolving its own nest level, Type I engineer beast.The main function of this beast is to build, and its main construction technique is actually 3D printing.

Type I engineer beasts can spray a large amount of powder and secreted special binder from their mouths, and then they can spray extremely high-temperature flames to sinter these bonded powder solids and finally form a complete shape, even if they There is a lot of construction powder sprayed out, but the Type I Sapper can still control its precision to the level of 1 micron.Moreover, the strength of the shaped object is also very high. According to Bai Zhongqi's own experiments, even a large-caliber cannon can't penetrate the wall structure beyond 1 meter.

The dozen or so I-type engineer beasts sent by Zero started to work quickly. They sprayed out a large amount of powder, and some directly sprayed extremely high-temperature flames for sintering.After completing one layer of the wall, they sprayed a builder substance with metal alloy powder and sintered it again.

In just a few hours, the Type I engineer beast built a majestic city at Wankou Pass.

Shi Nazhen supported a big tree in disbelief: "This is simply amazing."

Uritanba said with a smile, "Looking at the fire-breathing giant, I can fight a giant dragon."

Bai Zhongqi doesn't think so. The speed of the engineer beast is relatively slow. Although the outer layer also has a layer of metal-protected armored skin, it is very inflexible. The dragon's fighting talent is too good, and the engineer beast cannot fly, so it is difficult to threaten the flying dragon. .

Building a Guancheng was originally something that Bai Zhongfei did conveniently. It was considered as a layer of insurance for his own defensive operations, which was not very meaningful.Of course, another advantage of this tower built by Zero is that it is convenient for Ran Jishan's army of beasts to deploy troops on the tower, especially firepower beasts.

Zang Murenqing suggested at this time: "With Guancheng, our army can be said to be invincible. The cavalry that General Lang Risong is currently preparing to build has been initially in place, as well as the tanks and chariots under the teacher's command. Weapons, coupled with air power, when the battle starts, the students ask the teacher to send cavalry and chariots to charge into the enemy's formation and disperse the enemy. With the help of various artillery firepower, the battle will be successful .”

Bai Zhongqi was amazed that Zang Mu Renqing was a fast learner, and he hadn't been learning from him for too long, and now he even learned the tactics of infantry, tank and gun coordination. Suppression of firepower, interdiction and strikes by the air force, and assaults with high-mobility ground units, not to mention the medieval army with a small number of firearms, can all be fatal to the thermal weapon army of the old era.

However, Bai Zhongfei has more considerations. Undoubtedly, the army of beasts in his hand is a trump card. The spy Qu Velociraptor will definitely pay close attention to this war, and he will definitely report Bai Zhongfei's situation to Long Qun However, Bai Zhongfei didn't want to expose the strength of the swarm so early, and create more surprises for the swarm after they arrived.

On the other hand, it is impossible for Qu Sulong to simply let the Allied Forces of the Northeast Land come to die like this. He must have made other deployments. Before he has reliable information, Bai Zhongfei is still more cautious and does not plan to send mobile troops. Especially the cavalry of the guard went out to fight.

Zero still smiled, and said: "It doesn't matter, even if we send 1 combat humanoid beasts to fight those so-called coalition forces hand-to-hand, we can easily win. The swarm is getting stronger and stronger. The corpses will become the nutrient for the swarm, allowing us to create new beasts."

(End of this chapter)

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