Chapter 498

There is only one week left before the arrival of the Dragon Age, and the astronomical observation beast established by Zero is still unable to observe any signs of the imminent arrival of the dragon group.This is also normal, the dragon group was brought by Warp Velociraptor, so they should not be within the scope of the observable surface layer of the material world.

The mighty army is heading towards the [Altar], this is the place where the Warp Velociraptor Ionde communicated to the lords, asking them to bring the sacrificed population at the beginning of the Dragon Age.No one knows when this magnificent and dilapidated huge altar was completed, maybe hundreds of years ago, maybe thousands of years ago.Some people rumored that it was built by the dragons, but Bai Zhongqi did not believe that the dragons lacking the spirit of work, and even very bad at building, would build such a huge building.

He led the army here with only one purpose in mind, which was to start a decisive battle on the spot with the group of dragons who were about to enjoy the feast.This is actually not a smart way he thinks. It may be more beneficial to hide the army better and attack the scattered dragons.But if that is the case, dragons will wreak havoc on the entire planet, causing life to die.

Bai Zhongfei, who had already made Imodoya his new base, would not sit back and watch such a thing happen.

The main force of this army is still all kinds of beasts. Ever since Bai Zhongfei led the army of beasts, the army of beasts has changed from the appearance of all kinds of terrifying big bugs of the previous generations of swarm queens to those with almost no biological characteristics. The fighting ability of the weapon servants and swarms at the same level has actually been greatly enhanced.Especially at a relatively low stage of civilization, the combat effectiveness of human-made weapons is actually more impressive than that of monster-type beasts that pursue biological omnipotence.

At this time, the army of beasts led by Bai Zhongfei had reached the scale of 60 infantry, tens of thousands of ground vehicles, and more than 5000 fighters.Although individually speaking, these beasts would definitely not be able to defeat dragons, but what Bai Zhongfei pursued was the superiority of system combat.

In addition to the army of beasts, Bai Zhongfei actually selected the private troops of the former lords who surrendered to him, and finally armed an army of as many as 40.The 40 troops came from two continents, and even a large part of young and middle-aged men were recruited.

Bai Zhongfei also specially made a beast for publicity, which is actually a large screen with storage function, which is pulled by the Universiade to various territories.

Bai Zhongqi recorded a speech of his own, which reads:
"I don't know how long it has been. Imodoya has been harassed by dragons. Every dragon period is almost a destruction for the human beings on this planet. It is for this reason that we have no way to leave a complete history It is recorded that our culture and technology are not fully developed. Countless people trembled in the face of the dragon, and in order to avoid being killed by the dragon slayer, the evil dragon wooed the lords and asked them to betray their own people In exchange for their own lives, almost none of these lords who are usually domineering take their lives seriously, but are willing to exchange [-]% of the people for their own lives. How long will Imodoia sink in such darkness? ?Are human beings doomed to be dominated by the fear of dragons forever?

No!Of course not!Human beings are the primates of all things on this planet. With wisdom and hard work, we can create tools to feed our families and future generations; we can create weapons to defend our lives and future.Human beings can't fight against the dragon because we haven't mastered the knowledge and weapons to fight against the dragon.But now, I, Bai Zhongqi, the ruler of Imodoa and the king of human beings, are here to provide you with weapons that can easily pierce evil dragons, and give you the knowledge to live a better life.What I want you to pay is your loyalty to me, your confidence in human civilization, and your courage to fight.

I will lead you to use our sharpest weapons to break through this dark sky and truly open a path for Imodoya to develop safely and pursue the truth of the universe and a better life.I will stand at the forefront of you and stab the dragon with my sword. As long as I don't fall, Imodoia will not perish, and human beings will not perish.This is our homeland and our era. Victory is already doomed, and we just need to reach out and grab it.Now, follow me! "

It can be said that Bai Zhongqi, who has been on the earth for so many years and has seen countless video editing skills, completely used mixed editing techniques and a magnificent speech that people have never seen before, inspiring people who were originally in fear.In particular, he put a scene in the video where the anti-aircraft guns shot down the pseudo-dragons in the sky. Most people didn’t know that those were pseudo-dragons, but they took it for granted that they were real dragons. Seeing that Bai Zhongqi's weapon defeated the dragon like harvesting wheat, everyone's heart was swaying and full of pride.

"This is a fight that can be won!"

Such thoughts began to sprout in the minds of countless people, and after Bai Zhongfei's majestic fighting humanoid beast army arrived, many young and middle-aged men left their farm tools and joined Bai Zhongfei's army.They were issued military uniforms, stuffed into the Universiade, and sent from all over the world to the training camp set up by Bai Zhongfei.After a very short training, he was sent to the battlefield.

Obviously, it is impossible for these people to form any particularly strong combat power, and they are even more likely to sacrifice or cause chaos on the battlefield.But Bai Zhongqi knew that it was the best way to forge a brand new planet and establish a new civilization, and to unite a nation through blood and fire.

The image of Bai Zhongqi also swept the hearts of every Imodoan like a whirlwind. A "big lord" who was willing to fight for the people wiped out all the lords and became the sole master of the world. Eliminate the evil dragon by force and make the future of Imodoans better.

This kind of publicity is undoubtedly very effective, and the recognition of Bai Zhongfei is gradually increasing.

Even the Lang Risong who wanted to run away at any time at the beginning is now very airy every day.Bai Zhongqi allowed him to select the best soldiers to form the personal guard of the head of state. Lang Risong quickly selected more than 3000 outstanding young men.Although the combat effectiveness cannot be guaranteed, the appearance is definitely the best.

While the other soldiers were wearing camouflage uniforms, Lang Risong's subordinates wore silver armor and a white cape, looking very mighty.

When the shape of the altar was fully exposed in front of Bai Zhongfei's million-strong army, Lang Risong came to Bai Zhongfei with a camera (actually a beast) and said, "Führer, please win this contest with the guards." Let’s take a picture of the elites.”

(End of this chapter)

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