Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 500 The Ruins

Chapter 500 The Ruins
Bai Zhongzheng and Lingling were relatively speechless, and fell into a long silence.

In the end, Ling looked at him with blinking eyes, then hugged Bai Zhongfei's waist tightly, buried his head on his shoulder, and said softly: "Even if you are not the leader of Iridium, you are also my leader. My man, my master. I will follow you for the rest of my life."

Bai Zhongqi was greatly moved, patted her on the back, felt the temperature of her soft and charming body, and said, "Well, just stay by my side all the time."

He held up Zero's pretty face, and couldn't help but lightly stamped on her cherry lips.This was the first time that Bai Zhongfei kissed her proactively, and Ling couldn't help but feel elated, and his whole heart seemed to be about to melt.

"I am the head of the Iridium Star, no doubt. I took the name of the Iridium Star, and I laid down the territory. However, the history of the Iridium Star seems to be different from what I remember. As for the source of the Iridium Star, I Not sure, but there is no doubt that I created the Iridium United Empire."

Ling still hugged him and didn't want to let go, she seemed to like such intimacy, she asked: "So, the theory of reincarnation doesn't exist anymore?"

"Well, I was born on Earth, and I have never been to Iridium. My rule over Iridium is through the supreme command across the universe." Bai Zhongfei said.

He tore off the pendant around his neck, and said: "The supreme command that I initially ruled Iridium was not the one that was taken by Xiao Yu, but this one. The supreme command that I used in the second universe was in R19 After the fleet came to Earth, it was separated from it. And since I used the new Supreme Order, the old Supreme Order cannot be used."

Zero was amazed, and even more moved, because Bai Zhongfei revealed such important things to himself.

Zero thought of something, and asked: "If we have a way to allow you to use the original supreme order again, then you will be able to master the power of the iridium star in the first universe. Just bring the large fleet of the iridium star to the second universe , defeating Xiao Yu's Starfleet is easy."

Bai Zhongfei didn't nod or shake his head, but said: "We have to find out first whether this place is the Iridium star 5000 years ago, and if so, why did we come here?"

He felt more and more that he was walking on a preset route, acting like someone's marionette.From the R19 Fleet game through reality, to Xiao Yu's usurpation of the throne, and then to his coming to this place suspected to be the Iridium star 5000 years ago, his trajectory is like a flywheel that is so precise that no deviation can be tolerated.

Bai Zhongqi had a hunch that if he continued to walk, this preset script would reveal more mysteries for him.

At this moment, Gangnaji and Shi Nazhen ran in front of Bai Zhongfei.

"Teacher, the army has been placed and deployed, and Zangmu Renqing is in charge of the arrangement of the firepower units. In addition, we found two strange guys in the middle of the altar, and they lived in a grass shed built there."

Shi Nazhen said: "But these two people don't look like mountain dwellers in the wilderness, they look a bit evil. We wanted to drive them away, but we couldn't get close to their thatched hut."

Bai Zhongyu was a little surprised. It would not be surprising if the altar had a mysterious atmosphere, after all, this place is one of the most mysterious places on the entire planet.

"Let's go and see."

Like the altar of the Temple of Heaven magnified a hundred times, there are no buildings, only a huge raised stone platform.And right in the middle of the stone platform, there is actually a thatched cottage on it.There were two people standing in front of the thatched hut, they looked young, with a childish face, similar to Gang Naji's age.Both teenagers were wearing sackcloth, with their arms exposed. Almost all of their bodies were covered with mysterious tattoos, and their expressions looked calm, with a kind of desireless and hopeless.

"Who are you two?" Bai Zhongfei's question was not too condescending, easy-going but also dignified.

When the two teenagers saw Bai Zhongfei, their faces were slightly astonished, and then they became a little surprised.They took a step and came to Bai Zhongfei's side.

This step, at least a hundred meters away.

"Star Warrior!" Zero's eyes sparkled, ready to attack and take the two down at any time.

It's just that the two teenagers didn't make any threatening moves, instead they knelt down on one knee in front of Bai Zhongfei.

Bai Zhongfei was stunned.

Although the two teenagers look different, their words are completely synchronized: "We are the guardians of the ruins. The guardians have guarded here for generations, waiting for the owner of the ruins to return."

Bai Zhongqi was surprised and asked, "You mean, the altar is a relic?"

The two teenagers looked straight at him: "Yes, this is the ruins of the elder race. The elder race created the humans on this planet, and selected our ancestors to guard the ruins here, waiting for the return of the elder race."

Bai Zhongqi was so shocked that he couldn't add any more. He asked, "Is this ruin the remains of the elder race? Does the elder race still exist?"

The expressions of the two teenagers became a little puzzled at the same time, and they said: "You are the elder race, you are the master of the ruins, of course the elder race exists."

Bai Zhongqi felt that his brain was not enough, and it was not enough to describe him as shocked at this moment, his whole world seemed to be shaken.

"I'm an elder race?" Bai Zhongfei himself was obviously an earthling who was born on the earth. Although he played a game and became the head of state, he never thought that he might be an old monster who lived for billions of years.

The two teenagers stood up and made a gesture of invitation, neatly as one person, "You will come into the ruins with us and we will know."

Bai Zhongqi was full of doubts, but he had no other choice but to investigate further.His curiosity has been completely ignited, and his heart is beating in his chest. He has a hunch that entering this mysterious relic of the elder race will help him discover the truth of the matter.

Zang Murenqing and other students also came over, and he said, "Teacher, we will go down with you."

Lang Risong didn't understand what was going on, so he planned to go down, but Bai Zhongqi left him to command the army and make deployments.This made him curl his lips a little, but also a little excited.Suddenly becoming the commander of a million-strong army, such an experience is also very novel.

The entrance of the ruins is just under the thatched cottage, and there is a long staircase with white jade steps leading to the ground.

Bai Zhongqi and Ling walked behind the two young men, followed by Zang Mu Renqing and other seven students, Dragon Blood Man and two generals Huo Huocha and Lie Wu.

Ling glanced at it, and then said to Bai Zhongfei: "Führer, besides you and me, there are exactly twelve people here."

(End of this chapter)

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