Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 576 2 Heads of State

Chapter 576 Two Heads of State ([-])

"Instant star gate, I don't have this thing now." Bai Zhongfei laughed at himself slightly, but actually he didn't even have a branch of the technology tree called star gate.

The so-called instant stargate is to form a temporary stargate by building a stargate array. Compared with the permanent stargate, the technical threshold is slightly lower, but the disadvantage is that it is expensive. After each use, the stargate carrier will be destroyed and the stability is poor. , Occasionally, the spaceship passing through the star gate does not know where to go.

In comparison, the almost unreasonable time-space jump of the elder race is already a completely different level.

In just a split second, Bai Zhongfei understood Xiao Yu's plan.

"...In all fairness, the warships of the Star Alliance are not inferior to my swarm warships, and are slightly stronger than the warships of the four warlords. But with such a large difference in numbers, the three legions of the Star Alliance cannot fight. So Xiao Yu resolutely chose to use this dark move that he had ambushed a long time ago to activate the instant star gate to let his fleet leave, which is considered to preserve his strength."

Bai Zhongzheng calculated his own actions and Xiao Yu's response. If he fights to the end, he will obviously have the upper hand. Although the earth has not been brought back and has to be frozen in a glass ball, the most important thing is to take away the Star Alliance. He also defeated the three Star Alliance legions, and Bai Zhongfei also played his own prestige in this battle of revenge.No matter what backhand Xiao Yu is hiding behind, such a strong start is no problem.

But if Xiao Yu is really allowed to withdraw the legion fleet on the chessboard, even if only part of it is withdrawn, for Bai Zhongfei, it will be considered a slightly better situation at best.After all, the Star Alliance has more foundations, allowing Xiao Yu to pull together the fleet together. Even if Bai Zhongqi has a good hand, this battle will be ugly.

He quickly figured out the gains and losses, and no matter what he said, he would not let Xiao Yu succeed.

The Earth Instant Stargate can be said to be a very high-level space project, with a defensive platform as a cover, and an energy shield shared by multiple shields.Because once the carrier of the instant star gate is destroyed, the star gate will naturally cease to exist, so every carrier must be well protected.In addition, his own warships also needed enhanced protection, so this set of combinations made the attacks of the tens of thousands of warships deployed by Bai Zhongfei less effective.

Xiao Yu also threw out the abandoned 37th Corps fleet to hold back Bai Zhongfei's large fleet, better protecting the withdrawal.

From this point of view, Xiao Yu is indeed a very capable military commander.Good at layout, but also very cruel, able to turn an unfavorable situation into a relatively favorable side.

"Bai Zhongfei, these ten thousand ships are not all the battleships in your hands, I am afraid they are the absolute main force, but this scale is nothing in my eyes. How many Star Alliance legions can you eat? But only thirty Even if you have a few good-looking battleships, how much impact will it have on the battle situation? I am already looking forward to defeating you on the battlefield and completely trampling you down. That moment has come." Xiao Yu's voice was cold, but seemed satisfied.

At this time, Bai Zhongzheng asked: "You treat the 37th Legion, which is all made up of Star Alliance people, as an outcast, and instead withdraw the Jinwu Army Legion composed of bionic people. You want my hands to be stained with the blood of Star Alliance people, right?" ?"

Xiao Yu couldn't help it, and finally laughed out loud.

"Although you are not a natural leader, you are not stupid after all. This is only part of the reason. Taking a step back, you really succeeded in defeating me, but at that time, you had already destroyed most of the Star Alliance you built , the people of this civilization must hate you more than they look at me. You killed their brothers, sisters and compatriots, you destroyed their homes, you brought the deaths and injuries of hundreds of millions of people in this civilization, you will be the real But I am the hero who fights for the people of the Star Alliance, no matter how much they disliked me before, but I lead them to fight to protect their current life.

Another part of the reason is, hehe, you always care about the role of people, but you can't give full play to the power that Iridium relies on most, such as bionics and AI. Originally, something like the 37th Legion can't be compared with the powerful Jinwu Army. It's just a simple comparison, leaving the good fighters and throwing away the unreliable ones. The law of the battlefield has never changed through the ages. "

Bai Zhongqi couldn't help but get chills down his spine, and he was filled with hatred towards Xiao Yu.Before, he had always had a vague understanding of this duplicitous villain.He hated this guy with ulterior motives for taking everything from him, but he never realized that this guy was actually so vicious.

Before returning to the second universe, Bai Zhongfei made all preparations for revenge. Aiming at his weakness of indecision, he was determined to carry out revenge to the end no matter how much the price and casualties were.However, Xiao Yu naturally took advantage of this in reverse.

That's right, you, Bai Zhongfei, can kill all the members of the Star Alliance, but the remaining [-]% ​​of the population will never regard you as a worthy head of state again. It was you, Bai Zhongfei, who killed their family and compatriots , It was you who trampled on their civilization and homeland, and Xiao Yu was their protector and their head of state.

It can be said that this civilization has parted ways with Bai Zhongfei since Xiao Yu truly became the head of the Star Alliance.He may be the forerunner who established this civilization, the founder of the foundation of civilization, but he is not the patron saint of civilization, nor the leader of civilization—he can only be the gravedigger of this civilization.

Bai Zhongqi was slightly in a trance, and his heart was inevitably sad: "It seems that the price of revenge is to destroy the star alliance I established."

But when he raised his head and looked at the instant star gate glowing with purple light again, his eyes were shining with an extremely dangerous and firm light.

"So what? Destroy a Star Alliance and build another one! I have an earth in my pocket, even if you go to incite the people of the Star Alliance with eloquence and eloquence, let's compare and see, who is it?" It can win people's hearts even more." Bai Zhongzheng smiled generously, and the soul-killing mech he was manipulating suddenly launched a flash, and jumped directly into the instant star gate shield.

It is difficult for a large battleship like the Queen of Blades to make a short jump, but the small-sized soul-destroyer is not a problem.

Bai Zhongxuan unleashed the soul-killing ship-slaying knife, and slashed at a giant carrier of the Instant Stargate with a relentless momentum.

Inexhaustible firepower was directed at Xinghun, even if Xiao Yu didn't speak, Bai Zhongfei could feel the urgent words in the artillery fire.

It can be broken with one blow, and the carrier will be destroyed.

The instant star gate immediately failed.

The star gate was formed just now, and it is still in a buffering and stable state. The spaceship cannot pass through yet, and the two Jinwu army corps are also gathering and adjusting, preparing to approach the star gate.But no one thought about it, and the star gate was destroyed before they had time to enter.

"It's a pity that you can't take a single boat with you today." Bai Zhongfei said looking at the endless starry sky.

(End of this chapter)

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