Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 592 Battle Prologue

Chapter 592 Battle Prologue
The chaos that erupted in the Star Alliance Fleet also fell into Bai Zhongfei's eyes.

When the head of state was severely damaged, his consciousness seemed to be more sober and grand.Bai Zhongqi seemed to be able to see the whole battlefield spanning several astronomical units, like an omniscient god, he could see everything clearly, even a piece of a star fragment that was only a few centimeters within this range, he could clearly perceive it .

"Is it actually that kid Wang Dong?" Through the Tongtian Pyramid, Bai Zhongfei felt the new master of Yasha. He never thought that this man who always despised the powerful and even lacked real respect for himself would actually become his own knight.

His consciousness was transmitted to his new knights and warriors again, "Okay, there is no reason for the Yaksha Knight to focus on the front, it's our turn to go together."

At this time, Tashvi said excitedly: "It's just right, let me try my new partner!"

Even Jun Jiushao eagerly said, "Although I'm not an ace pilot like you, driving vehicles is also my strong point."

Chi Jia quietly looked at the magical weapon in his hand, and said, "I'll forget it. As a captain, my role is greater than that of a pilot."

Cui Zhihao also made the same choice as him. After becoming Bai Zhongfei's official Destiny Knight, Cui Zhihao may be the most excited among these people.He was arranged by Bai Zhongfei to join the newly formed fleet of Bai Zhongfei, and successfully became the captain of a battleship. He really wanted to lead the brothers who were originally rebels, and tell the Star Alliance Legion, which has no ideals and is working for tigers, the real What Earthlings should look like.

Bai Zhongfei didn't ask these new knights to take their mechas into battle one by one, even though these mechas were really powerful, it was not an exaggeration to say that a magic mecha could be compared to a fleet.

"Then let's start!"

--split line--

Sushuang looked serious. He looked at the large-scale wormhole group that appeared in the universe in front of him, and his heart was slightly shaken in his decision.

Sokshaw also smiled, and said narrowly to Sushuang: "Fifth general, are you sure you are not stealing chickens or losing money? The fleet of the star-swallowing head of state is probably more than the [-] ships we estimated."

Xiao Yu, who was coerced here by two generals, retorted angrily: "I am the head of state, that is treason!"

Suokeshaw didn't even have any interest in talking to him, he held his head in both hands, looking extremely relaxed, only those who were familiar with him could perceive a trace of calmness and precision in his eyes.Suokeshaw, a legendary general, is famous for his precise calculations and never wasting a single bit of deployment on the battlefield, but Suokeshaw is rebellious and likes to cause trouble, so Suokeshaw has always been attacked in the Polka civilization. Suppressed, even not allowed to leave the home planet casually.

Su Shuang couldn't tell that he was particularly nervous, but he was usually serious and meticulous. He observed for a while and said, "About [-] warships, basically swarm ships, the number is much smaller than ours."

Suo Kexiao smiled casually: "One side has 17, one side has [-] warships, adding up to a war of [-] warships. The last time there was a war of this scale was the parliamentary civil war, right?"

Su Shuang glared at Suokexiao, and said, "Shut up, you know this is not a topic that is allowed to be discussed."

Sokshaw said with a smile: "It's too difficult to cover up the history that happened."

"We now have our own enemies to deal with."

"Fifth General, your ranking is higher than mine, and you still have your two flagships that are like the treasures of the army, so I will not get involved in your affairs. The opponent has 30 fewer warships than us, Moreover, we still have at least [-] warships above the level of [-] from the top ten giants, and it is impossible to lose such a battle to anyone."

Sushuang was not as relaxed and calm as Suokshaw thought. He said: "This enemy is an insect swarm with human thinking that we have never confronted. It’s far away. What’s more, there are four fleets that are different in shape from the insect swarm, and their military quality and level are much better than most of the civilized fleets in the High Council.”

"Why so pessimistic?"

Su Shuang said: "I'm not pessimistic. The other party will come and leave whenever they want. This is a battle they won't lose. I just pulled Xiao Yu out and gave them a reason to fight."

Xiao Yu was standing beside him, his anger rising, but he didn't yell at him.If he could kill these two generals, he would have done it long ago.He never thought that these two generals are all master star warriors, and that Sushuang actually possesses a rather magical power, which restricts his star power.

Xiao Yu did have a supreme order, with more than 8 Star Alliance battleships on the battlefield, but he could not turn against Su Shuang.Although he was forced to bring him by Sushuang, as Sushuang said, if this battle is really won, then his troubles as the head of the Star Alliance will be solved.

Suokeshaw proposed again: "If you want to make Star Swallowing unable to go, you can do it. Now notify the parliament immediately and let them force the flying shear civilization to come up with a space boundary viscous generator. If you are optimistic, you can pass The star gate is then released at the nearest instant star gate and put into the battlefield, which can be done in about 30 hours."

Su Shuang nodded: "So your suggestion is to let us delay the war as much as possible, wait until the viscous generator at the space boundary is put into the battlefield, and block the way of swallowing stars, and then we will go all out to defeat it?"

Sokshaw smiled and said, "You said it yourself."

Su Shuang pondered for a few seconds, and then said: "I will declare this situation to the council, but I don't know what the battle will look like."

At this time, Xiao Yu watched the two of them discussing strategies in a leisurely manner, and was furious. He pointed to the Yasha mecha that was killing everyone on the screen, and shouted: "Did you see that this thing has already destroyed seven or eight of our ships?" The spaceship is gone, are you still planning to do something?"

Sushuang naturally discovered this magic weapon mech from the very beginning, so he was naturally familiar with these things.

"It doesn't matter, just like people, this thing also has its exhaustion, and it is not invincible."

Su Shuang ordered his two flagships to turn their guns, and the moment the guns moved, the Master Chief in the Yaksha Mecha seemed to sense it, and then desperately retreated, leaving the Star Alliance fleet immediately lock up.

Several powerful cannonballs slammed towards Yasha, and almost the battleships arrayed next to them could feel the terrifying aftermath of these cannonballs.The Master Chief is also a veteran of the battle. When he may be concentrated by a few shells, the Master Chief immediately launches a short-distance jump.

(End of this chapter)

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