Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 598 7 Battleships Melee

Chapter 598 17 Battleships Melee ([-])
With the powerful firepower of the warships above level 30 of the Seven Phoenix Civilization and the Polka civilization, it seemed very difficult for the swarm warships to complete the goal set by Bai Zhongfei, break into the center of the enemy formation, and penetrate the enemy formation.

Bai Zhongqi didn't care much about how many swarm warships he lost. No matter how much damage was done, he could make up for it later, and there was no question of human life to fill it up.In fact, in such a battlefield, in order to obtain a major victory, Bai Zhongfei would also do it if he really used his life to fill a victory.

"It looks like the third card will be played sooner." Bai Zhongfei thought.

Among the first two cards, the combination of the shield worm and the magic mecha caused a lot of trouble to the Star Alliance fleet. In the end, it also caused the eager Xiao Yu to press on the Star Alliance battleship and destroyed Su Shuang. The designed tactical layout of large depth and mutual cover; the wormhole jumps to the middle of the two enemy fleets, and uses the battlefield interception ability of the star-determining department to divide the enemy into divisions, aiming at the enemy's part that is the real key to victory or defeat. Parliamentary coalition fleet.

It's just that the strength of the parliamentary coalition forces has slightly exceeded Bai Zhongfei's previous plan. He didn't complete the combat goal like seeing 2 swarm warships damaged to [-]% to [-]%. Only more than [-] swarm battleships and magic mechs were lost on the battlefield. If there is a real change in the front battlefield, then he will also be greatly affected in the rear battlefield.

Sushuang was very calm when facing Bai Zhongfei's surprise attack, and he was very serious when commanding the fleet to deal with the swarm warships.With the reputation of a god general in his body, Su Shuang is by no means a person who is in vain.Despise the opponent strategically, and pay attention to the opponent tactically, the universe applies.

"I found a large-scale wormhole reaction, and the direction is at the six o'clock direction of our main formation!"

Hearing the yell of the bridge warfare officer, Su Shuang hadn't spoken yet, but Solshaw patted his forehead, and said helplessly: "Why again? Which fleet does he want to get behind us this time? Could it be that he is planning to send Let’s pull those battleships from the previous battlefield together, hey, if there are no restraints from those battleships, the Star Alliance battleships will definitely break through the battlefield barrier of Tunxing Lane.”

Su Shuang frowned. This battle was obviously one of the most difficult battles he had fought in his military career for so many years.Not only because the main forces on the battlefield were not directly under his command, so there were many small disconnection problems. In terms of advance and retreat scheduling, Su Shuang admitted that he had lost the star.But there is a swarm of insects on the side of swallowing stars, which is originally controlled by a will.

Tun Xing has mastered many unexpected tricks, such as wormhole shuttle, no civilization among the ten giants has been fully realized, and the difficulty can be imagined.But on Tunxing's side, wormholes can be generated very frequently, and then appear anywhere he wants on the battlefield, and in the end, Tunxing can escape immediately after failing, and no one can stop him.

Obviously Tun Xing is worthy of being the founder of the previous Star Alliance. He also has some skills in command and military affairs, and his grasp of the battle situation and moves is impeccable, which makes Su Shuang feel a little bit of sympathy.

Suokeshaw said: "Sending a fleet to attack behind us is undoubtedly to divide our firepower, but the gap in registration is huge. Even if our firepower is partially restrained, the swarm fleet still has no ability to shake us."

Finally, a warship came out of the wormhole.

The number is not large, only about a hundred ships.These battleships are different from the swarm battleships, the main battleships of the four armies, and the Star Alliance battleships, and it is even less likely to be similar to the battleships of the Parliamentary Alliance.These seem to be relatively moderate in size, and the silver-colored battleships are shining with metallic luster, and there is nothing special about them.So much so that the two god generals judged only from the appearance that the battleship designed in this way may not even be a battleship of a high civilization, but a cruiser built by an ordinary middle civilization.

Until these more than a hundred silver warships opened fire.

The dazzling white light shot out tens of thousands of kilometers away, and the thick white light was like terrifying beams of light, shooting directly from the bows of these silver battleships and other artillery positions.

Blazing Cannon, one of the most powerful shipborne weapons in Bai Zhongfei's hands.

Only a few incandescent cannons were arranged on battleship command ships like the Queen of Blades, and no other swarm battleships had such technically difficult and costly weapons at all.

It is this kind of weapon, on each of the more than 100 silver warships.The bow position is the largest caliber, and the other gun positions are lighter, but the power is still terrifying.

Su Shuang felt tremendous pressure at the moment when this all-incandescent gun fleet bombarded the parliamentary coalition fleet.Almost at the same time that the parliament coalition battleship at the rear was hit, the shields on the battleship began to shake violently, even affecting the hull itself, and some power components were severely damaged.

"This...why is there such a powerful naval gun? Is this a laser cannon?" Even Suokeshaw, who had always been carefree and carefree, saw that the rear guard fleet was almost swept away by this small fleet group. After that, I couldn't believe my eyes.

Although no warship has been directly bombed and sunk, the shields of as many as 53 warships have been broken.

Chi Jia sat high on the captain's seat, and it had been more than ten years since he commanded a battleship in this position last time.He missed this feeling very much, not to mention that he is still commanding the most powerful fleet on the battlefield that can turn the tide of the battle.

At this time, Cui Zhihao was so excited that his face was flushed red, and he shouted with a thick neck: "Fire, fire, kill them all!"

This fleet is exactly the elder race battleship fleet stored in the bilge of the golden galleon.Bai Zhongyu wasn't sure if this fleet was made by the miraculous senior celestial body collector, but he knew very well that this fleet, equipped with all incandescent cannons, could rampage and be invincible as long as it was put on the battlefield.

It's a pity that he hasn't trained enough crews now, and can only support a fleet of more than 100 ships.However, even on such a scale, the enemy has already been terrified.

Su Shuang immediately adjusted the guard fleet and several reserve fleets to join in at the same time, concentrating firepower against the silver fleet.In this way, the fleet facing the swarm warships commanded by Xu Lanzhou will naturally decrease, and the firepower will also be weakened a lot, and the force of the swarm assaulting the center line will also become stronger.

A large number of shells hit those silver warships, but this time, even the ripples on the shields could not be seen, and every shell seemed to be absorbed by the shields.

This only shows one problem, the shield value weakened by this little attack is not as high as the recovery value of the shield itself, so the loss of the shield cannot be seen at all.

(End of this chapter)

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