Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 616 Whose interests

Chapter 616 Whose interests
The interests of the family precede the United Empire.

This is a very unpleasant remark, but it is actually something that many nobles do.The appearance of the head of state really surprised many people, but for the majority of Iridium people, the appearance of the head of state actually has little impact on their daily life.Everyone, let’s pay attention to what the head of state looks like, how graceful the head of state’s wife is, how cute the head of state’s daughter is, and how magnificent the head of state’s fleet is. Team game.

But that's not the case for some people.

In the United Empire, the administrative star Chunjiexing, who is not ranked well, and the influential nobleman Mijia, are like ants on a hot pot at this time, and people are panicking.

The head of the Mi family, Mi Daojian, approached Haichen, the governor of Chunjiexing, to discuss countermeasures. He went on a late-night visit, and even disguised himself in a club on the way. Then he changed vehicles and came to Haichen's outer house. .

"What should I do?" Mi Daojian asked directly when he saw Hai Chen's face.

Haichen is the governor of the planet Chunja, but to make this planet work normally, it depends on the members of the Mi family.It’s not because of anything else, but because the Mi family has been working on this planet for 3000 years. Except for a few atomic construction equipment, most of the atomic construction equipment of Chunjie is in the hands of the Mi family.

This situation is relatively common on other planets. Although nominally all atomic buildings are owned by the empire, privatization is impossible, but management rights and usage rights can be subcontracted.In this way, many nobles have seized the control of the atomic building.

Hai Chen shook his head, he didn't look good towards Mi Daojian anymore.One day ago, all the atomic construction equipment of Chunjiexing "strike", not a real strike, but no longer accepting the operation instructions of the factory management. All production orders are directly controlled by the supply department of the cabinet, but in fact the supply All the instructions received came from Qiming Villa.

In the past, all atomic material construction equipment was used in such an order: the production arranged by the supreme command, no matter what, was absolutely placed first; the products used to meet the daily needs of people on the planet, as the control of atomic material The management side of the construction will give priority to satisfying; while the surplus production capacity of the remaining atomic material construction is often more than half of the production capacity, and the management side can use it to produce scarce materials or high-end commodities to earn more benefits.

Under such circumstances, whoever occupies the production capacity occupies the wealth.On the one hand, the nobles developed their resource mining power and obtained a large amount of resources from various resource stars. On the other hand, they relied on the surplus production capacity built by atomic objects to manufacture developmental consumer goods.

Therefore, ordinary Iridium people have no worries about food and clothing, or they are low in terms of living and working in peace and contentment, but the nobles are still accumulating amazing wealth.They buy spaceships, buy luxury cars, live in palace-like mansions, and spend a lot of money.Ordinary people can only watch enviously. For them, basically no matter how hard they struggle, it is impossible to reach this point.

Mi Daojian said anxiously: "The current situation must have aroused strong dissatisfaction among the nobles. You must know that the nobles are the cornerstone of the United Empire. After the return of the head of state, the first knife will be cut on the nobles. This is really unwise. , It also chills the hearts of us loyal servants of the empire."

Haichen didn't expect Mi Daojian to be so greedy. He was a little contemptuous, but he didn't express it. He said, "What can we do? Even the Xiao family of the Knight of Destiny has been uprooted, and the other eleven families have also been uprooted." Like a dog with its tail between its legs, it can't even fart. The head of state is in charge of the supreme command, and whatever he wants is his business."

Mi Daojian said with a sad face: "The 5000-year-old tradition of the United Empire, how can you just change it? Several of my production plants have begun to produce some messy things, and they also require us to deliver them to designated places. There is no profit in doing so."

All he thinks about is the interests of his own family. Almost all noble families spend extravagantly.In fact, the aristocratic circle itself has created a luxury consumer economy, because many of the high-end consumer goods they produce are beyond the reach of ordinary people, so their consumers can only be nobles like themselves.Some aristocrats produce one luxury item, others produce another, and everyone exchanges with each other, eventually forming an economy that is completely divorced from the general public.

Haichen once again expressed that he was helpless, and he also felt sad for Mi Daojian who was so ignorant of the general situation.

Mi Daojian did not get help from Hai Chen, but he was not discouraged.

His son Mi Gengxi said with a sad face: "Father, the governor can't help, what should we do?"

Mi Daojian narrowed his eyes and said: "The current situation is not unique to our Chunjie star, it is a similar situation on hundreds of planets, not only our family, but thousands of nobles have been affected. Even though the Destiny Knight family has been persuaded, it does not mean that other families will. If you cannot express your attitude to the head of state, I am afraid that there will be no nobles in the Iridium United Empire in the future."

Mi Gengxi flinched, feeling scared, and asked: "Father, what do you want to do?"

Mi Daojian said coldly: "For the United Empire, stability trumps everything else. Since the head of state has acted rashly, he has to bear the consequences. Many nobles have contacted me and they are ready to protest. Of course, this kind of Protests cannot be made by us nobles, but by all together..."

The next day, Chunjiexing suddenly broke out into a virus-like panic.There are rumors that the head of state forced all atomic construction equipment to operate indiscriminately and abolished the original "very efficient" management, resulting in a short-term shortage of daily supplies for all residents on the planet, including food, daily necessities and other supplies .

Because many people working in production plants and logistics companies began to receive some orders that were very different from usual, which seemed to confirm the previous information, which made it seem that they really could not get supplies.

In fact, Mi Daojian secretly withheld the supplies distributed to all parts of the planet, artificially causing a shortage of supplies, and the workers in the production plant got some personal power armor or technological equipment, which was basically the same as Their daily life has nothing to do with it, and panic naturally forms.

Panic and commotion ensued as the same scene played out on dozens of different planets.Some people began to petition in front of the Governor's Mansion, hoping that the head of state could withdraw the request for reform, restore normal production status, and restore everyone's peace.

(End of this chapter)

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