Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 621 The Familiar Intruder

Chapter 621 The Familiar Intruder

At the combat meeting of the expeditionary fleet, Bai Zhongfei sat at the top of the conference table, crossed his hands, and listened to Qi Xiao's report.

"According to the confessions of the survivors of the Zhaland civilization we interrogated, we learned that the Zhaland civilization was suddenly invaded by an unknown civilization this time, and the military power of this civilization is extremely strong, and the fleet of the Zhaland civilization has almost nothing. The power of resistance was completely destroyed. From the beginning to the end, this civilization did not communicate positively with the Zhalan civilization. It just attacked without thinking, and finally blew Zhalan into ruins, and did not occupy the planet. Just left."

Bai Zhongqi asked: "What about the other planets of the Zalan civilization? Didn't there be any response?"

"It's not that there is no response, it is that there is no way to respond. This invader came too suddenly, and it was a full-scale invasion. After the destruction of Zhalan Star, other planets of Zhalan civilization were also destroyed one after another. Now there may be some Zaran people scattered Landed in different places, but they have lost their civilization and become survivors of the doomsday wasteland."

Bai Zhongzheng glanced at Qi Xiao's report. Basically, other planets are in the same situation as Zhalan Star. The atmosphere is covered by dust clouds and the air is full of poisonous gas. He sighed: "These invaders are really bad. Let alone the bombing, making these planets uninhabitable and not occupying them."

In fact, Iridium is also a master who likes to do planetary bombing, but the planetary bombing of Iridium is controllable in terms of accuracy and effect.Basically, it is a kind of tailor-made hydrogen bomb. After the explosion, it will not have negative effects on the local ecology, no radiation pollution, and no poisonous gas.

For planets with deep-rooted hostile civilizations, the Iridium people will completely eliminate traces of their civilizations with planetary bombing, and the process is absolutely extremely bloody.Then the Iridium people will start to build Iridium's own civilization buildings on the surface of the flattened planet.Some conquered civilizations often choose to surrender completely before being bombed. The Iridium people will choose to evacuate the surrendered population first, and then bomb their buildings.The surrendered population will be transformed by civilization and become completely Iridium people.

This behavior is far from modest and civilized, it is bloody and violent, but it is the normal state of civilized conquests in the universe.The data and information of the conquered civilization will be preserved and sealed in the archives, and useful technology will also be absorbed, but its civilization form will be completely razed.

What happened on Zaran Star is a bit unconventional, because no one has landed on Zaran Star or occupied it from the beginning to the end.

Xu Lanzhou carefully reviewed the information, looked up at Bai Zhongqi and said, "I think it's not that the invaders don't want to occupy, but that these places are not suitable for them to live in now. A rare inhalable poison has appeared on all planets. Granulated organic toxins, which are poisonous to primates and many races, but may be necessary for some races to survive."

Bai Zhongqi agreed with this statement, "You think that planetary bombing itself is to reverse these planets into an environment suitable for those unknown invaders to live in."

"It should be like this, because we Iridium people have never seen this kind of substance."

Li Cheng said at this time: "This is polycyclic hydroxyisophenol, which is highly toxic to primates and an organic compound that is extremely unstable in the natural environment. The necessary substances. Our war with the Spiralians started because the Spiralians used organic bombs on one of our colonized planets to artificially produce polycyclic hydroxyisophenols, which caused the death of our compatriots.”

As soon as this remark came out, the expressions of almost all Iridium people changed.

Bai Zhongzheng was also very surprised. He looked at Li Cheng and asked, "Do you think it was the Snail Star who defeated the Zalan people?"

Li Cheng shook his head and replied, "It's not very likely, unless the snails, like us, have mastered the ability to travel through the universe and come to the third universe. Maybe they are other groups with similar physiological structures."

Qi Xiaodao: "It's not easy to master it completely, but it's not impossible to enter by mistake."

Xu Lanzhou frowned slightly, and said seriously: "If it's really a snail mosquito, then it's really a narrow road to enemies."

Bai Zhongqi can also be regarded as someone who has personally experienced the war on the Spiromosquito Star, but at that time he was manipulating a computer game to fight, so he was not as immersive as the Iridium Star.

At this time, Li Cheng said an irrelevant sentence, "My grandfather and sixteen elders in my family all died in the war on the Spiral Mosquito Star."

Although the young general's expression was calm when he said this, Bai Zhongfei could see a suppressed eagerness and desire for revenge from his face.

The world war between the United Empire and the snail civilization was larger than the 17 battleships he participated in. The empire invested 15 warships, and the snail civilization invested 8 warships.At that time, the Iridium Star had not yet broken through the construction of atomic matter and entered the advanced civilization. This war brought endless memories to the Iridium Star people.

Several planets were destroyed, hundreds of millions of people died because of the war, the United Empire lost thousands of warships, and 4000 million soldiers were killed. The bloody part of this war is not only in the star wars, but also in the land wars of the stars , In order to maintain the empire's territory, when the fleet withdrew under unfavorable conditions, a large number of imperial soldiers were still fighting alone and helpless.

It can be said that the First Battle of the Spiromosquito Star is a more epic history than the beginning of the establishment of the Iridium United Empire and Dragon Slaying.

The victors of the war are full of pain, while the losers have not been heard from for more than 200 years.

From a rational analysis, Bai Zhongqi would not think that it would be the snail civilization that wiped out the Zalan civilization, but according to the nature of things happening around his elder race, the most coincidental thing is often the most likely thing.

"The Imperial Fleet has entered the highest combat alert state, and the Silver Plume Army has begun to conduct intelligence exploration of the surrounding star field. We need to understand what happened. We also need to contact other nearby civilizations. Most importantly, we need to confirm this invader Is it a snail planet?"

Xu Lanzhou asked again: "Then what about Zhalan Xing?"

"Naturally, it is impossible for these planets to really evolve into an environment suitable for the survival of the snails. We are going to start the planetary ecological transformation project. We want to restore these planets to the homes of the primates."

If it was normal, it would take Bai Zhongfei several years to strip the harmful substances in the air and reshape the ecological circle, but now he has a virtual universe, he can put these planets into glass beads, speed up time and let them recover quickly .

(End of this chapter)

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