Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 624 Intervention

Chapter 624 Intervention
When Barbaro faced Bai Zhongfei, he was very nervous.He didn't expect that he would be able to directly meet a civilization leader, and he was an absolute authoritative leader in charge of all things in a civilization.From the strength of the Iridium Star Fleet he saw just now, Barbaro knew that the opponent was an ancient steel civilization, and even most other civilizations in the Snow Dragon galaxy could not afford to mess with it.Even on this Nuoye star, the soldiers of the Iridium star seem to be on vacation more, which does not mean that they are not serious about fighting, but proves that the strength of the opponent makes them full of confidence.

"Your Majesty, on behalf of the Ancient Steel Civilization, I would like to express my highest respect and respect to you and your Iridium United Empire. Welcome to the Snow Dragon Galaxy. It is an honor for me and the Ancient Steel Civilization to meet you." This ancient man of steel kept his posture extremely low, but his diplomatic skills were good, so he was not obsequious.

Bai Zhongfei didn't have the intention to be more polite to Barbaro, but just showed a gentle attitude, and asked the actual question directly, "Your Excellency, Diplomat, I would like to ask, what actions has the Snow Dragon galaxy made in response to the invasion of the snail civilization?" .”

When Barbaro heard Bai Zhongfei's question, he was overjoyed at first, which showed that the other party was interested in repelling the snail mosquitoes together.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, 38 civilizations have reached a preliminary consensus on cooperation and established a temporary military alliance—the Snow Dragon Alliance. The purpose is to resist the brutal conquest and destruction of other civilizations by the screwworm civilization. The alliance is contacting other civilizations to join our team, and we hope to unite all forces of justice to restore the peace of the Xuelong galaxy."

This sentence is high-sounding, but in reality it does not stand up to scrutiny.Things like the original Zhalan civilization can also be regarded as militaristic, often launching wars, but no one came out to oppose them.It's just that the snail mosquito civilization that has emerged now is too strong, and they have basically destroyed all civilizations in the Geng region of the Xuelong galaxy.Now they have passed through the space-time corridor and came to another large star area C in the Xuelong galaxy where civilizations are relatively dense. As soon as they came up, they wiped out the Zhalan civilization, which naturally attracted the attention of other area C civilizations.

It is impossible for Bai Zhongqi to be so easily incited, even if he does have the idea to fight the snail again.He asked: "What is the military system of the Snow Dragon Alliance? Have you ever fought against the snails? Have you kept track of the situation of the snails in real time?"

These three questions are too important, and let Barbaro know that it may not be so easy to win Iridium people to join the Xuelong League.

"At this stage, the Snow Dragon Alliance is preparing to form a joint headquarters, which will command the fleets of all civilizations in a unified manner. However, the fleets of each civilization also retain a certain degree of autonomy. The Snow Dragon Alliance has indeed fought against the snails. Let me To be completely honest with His Majesty, the two fleets have tried to intercept the small snail civilization fleet, but both fleets have failed one after another when their forces are superior. In addition, the Snow Dragon Alliance has a very powerful With the intelligence detection and control system, unless the snails leave Area C, we will be able to know any of their movements within at least three days."

Although three days does not seem to be so immediate, it is actually a relatively fast reaction speed.Because of the huge geographical scale of the universe, when the enemy's movements are discovered, it is generally possible to respond without delaying the fighter plane by giving a few days of reaction time in advance.Once the enemy moves, it will take a long time to arrive unless it uses a stargate or a leap, or travels at a warp speed.

Bai Zhongzheng nodded, the intelligence and surveillance capabilities of the Snow Dragon Alliance were stronger than he had imagined.Now dealing with the snails, the biggest difficulty Bai Zhongqi faced was that he didn't know how big the opponent was, where he was, or what he was going to do.

Although he had already decided to attack the snails, Bai Zhongqi still asked Barbaro casually: "You know, our base is not in the Xuelong galaxy, so the snails do not pose a threat to us. We are in the Xuelong galaxy." Cooperating with you to carry out military operations may be more helpful. But it is absolutely not worthwhile for us to let the empire's fleet take huge risks just to do some good deeds. So what I want to ask is, if Iridium sends troops to assist What kind of benefits will Iridium get from the Snow Dragon Alliance?"

Barbaro secretly said: "Sure enough."

It's not too early to be profitable, even the interstellar civilizations are the same.For example, Bai Zhongfei sent a huge fleet of more than [-] warships in four fleets to participate in the battle, but the daily food and drink of the soldiers was a huge investment.Not to mention that once the warp speed engine or other power devices are turned on, the energy consumed will be an astronomical figure.If there are warship losses and casualties, then it has paid a heavy price.Bai Zhongqi invested so much, so what the Snow Dragon Alliance can get in return is a big question.

"Your Majesty, the Xuelong Alliance has a covenant. After defeating the snail civilization, all the spoils will be distributed according to the credit. It can include the scientific and technological achievements of the snail civilization, the planets they occupy, and everything else. It can be said The more you contribute, the more you get."

Barbaro's statement is very skillful, but how to define the credit and how to judge the distribution are all problems, and there is a lot of room for manipulation.And he fooled the Iridium United Empire to join the war, so he would naturally talk about it.

Bai Zhongqi remembers that the snail mosquito star has a cosmic artifact in his hands, but he doesn't care much about other things.In fact, what Bai Zhongzheng just said was just a casual mention, because if he really wanted something, he would go get it himself, even if the Snow Dragon Alliance joined together, they couldn't stop him.

"The snails who pose a huge threat to the Xuelong galaxy, the Iridium United Empire will defeat them. However, the Iridium army does not accept the command of anyone else, so I will not participate in the Xuelong Alliance, but my The fleet will fight side by side with the Xuelong Alliance, and we will go to the front line after a short rest. Your Excellency, Diplomat, you can inform the Xuelong Alliance of our participation in the war now."

Bai Zhongqi finally said: "But I want to declare that compared with strong enemies, we hate pig teammates more. If there are some stupid guys in the Xuelong League who want to trouble us, I won't care about the overall situation, and directly Get rid of the idiots who offended us."

Originally, Barbaro was delighted to hear that Bai Zhongqi agreed to send troops, but the following content made him hesitate again.The Iridium United Empire intends to act on its own, and obviously these people are still thorns, and may cause conflicts with other civilizations. It is hard to say whether it will be a blessing or a curse.

(End of this chapter)

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