Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 654 Assassination

Chapter 654 Assassination
Bai Zhongqi walked into the auditorium with a book between his hands like a university professor. He has given lectures in the auditorium of Qingzhou University for many consecutive days.The people who come to participate are not only the students here, but also many people from the society who have traveled thousands of miles from other places.

Now each lecture has at least [-] participants, and the text of his lectures will be published in newspapers, and the first series of his quotations has even been released, and the video content will also be circulated everywhere, broadcast on TV stations and on the Internet.

Originally, when he entered the arena, everyone stood up and saluted, but later Bai Zhongfei told everyone to be more casual, so now everyone pays attention to Mr. Bai instead.

At this time, Bai Zhongfei's reputation can be said to be second only to Zhang Shixiong, who became the leader of the Anti-Japanese War, and his various theories have begun to form a huge influence in Dongtu. Even the prime minister Dongfang Xun denounced Bai Zhongfei's theories in a semi-public speech. It is dangerous and worth guarding against.

Unsurprisingly, Bai Zhongqi saw Zhang Yingxi in the first row again, which made him quite dizzy.

But today, he seemed to feel something unusual in the air.But Bai Zhongzheng didn't know what was unusual. He had an eye for it, and he didn't rush to start giving a speech, but walked around the auditorium.

The audience also found it a little strange that Mr. Bai didn't start his speech vigorously today, but wandered around the auditorium aimlessly, as if he was looking for someone.

At this moment, Bai Zhongfei's eyes flashed brightly, and he suddenly reached out to grab a woman sitting in the auditorium.

The woman's complexion changed, and she opened her mouth. The long red tongue popped out like a ghost, and shot at him like a long sword.

Bai Zhongfei faced the "tongue sword" and bumped into it. The bright red tongue sword, like a frog's tongue, broke piece by piece when it was ten centimeters away from his body, as if hitting an indestructible iron plate.Bai Zhongqi's outstretched hand continued unabated, and directly pressed on the woman's seal, as if hit hard with a sledgehammer, her head buzzed for a while, and then fell down softly.

Moments later, her eyes, ears, nose, and mouth leaked bright red and miserably semi-liquid and solid substances.

The scene was suddenly chaotic, some people began to scream, and more people began to push frantically, preparing to run out of the auditorium.At this moment, a bald man suddenly took out a Qikun knife, and a black light erupted from his body, attacking Bai Zhongfei like a demon breaking through the sound barrier.

Where the black light swept across, the hands and feet of the surrounding people were broken, and they were seriously injured and flew upside down.

Bai Zhongqi curled his lips, pulled out a pistol, and fired at the assassin with a snap.The gunshot was as quiet as a toy gun, but the bullet shot straight through the black light and pierced the assassin's head.

More assassins rushed out, lest Bai Zhongfei would drag them out one by one.These people were disguised as students before, and when they showed their figures, Bai Zhongfei saw that they were actually of different ethnicities, including white people and yellow people, and their methods were also different.

It's just that they are all just low-level star warriors, known as aliens in this world.For Bai Zhongfei, whose star energy level is advanced, but the actual ability to control star energy may even surpass that of ordinary star warrior masters, these people are simply not enough.

He stretched out the Insect Emperor's hand, only to see dozens of dragon-shaped tentacles sprouted from the ordinary hand, and suddenly attacked the rushing assassins, none of them were his all-in-one enemy at the moment.

The chaos lasted only about 2 minutes, and all fifteen assassins were killed in the auditorium.

The scene is still very chaotic, and the terrified audience is still pushing, trying to escape from this ghost place.And the guards sent by Zhang Shixiong outside also wanted to rush in to protect Bai Zhongqi, but they couldn't advance or retreat.

Bai Zhongqi said in a gentle voice, "It's all right."

This sound seemed to reach everyone's hearts directly, and made the people who were anxious and fearful just now seem to calm down a little.

However, everyone looked at Bai Zhongqi in awe, and no one dared to approach him within ten meters of him.Not only because of the bloody and miserable corpse, but also because of the way he was fighting just now.

Mr. Bai is a stranger, this is also shocking news.

"Everyone, keep calm and orderly. Please return to your seats. Some comrades are injured. They must be taken away by medical staff for rescue immediately. After the rescue is completed, everyone can leave in order."

In times of chaos, it really helps to have someone tell you what to do.

No one dared to approach him, but no one dared not to listen to him.

Only Zhang Yingxi ran over quickly, endured the horror of those corpses on the ground, and asked Bai Zhongfei with concern, "Are you all right?"

Bai Zhongqi nodded slightly.

Although he regarded Zhang Yingxi more as a small trouble, it was gratifying that someone cared about him at this time.

Master Pei Yan also came over at this time, pointed at the Qikun knife on the ground, and shouted: "These assassins were sent by the Qikun people. They must be worried that Mr. Bai's theoretical thinking will awaken more of our compatriots. , Defeat them, this is the way to use such a dirty trick!"

After hearing this, everyone suddenly realized, and someone said: "Yes, the Qikun people have always been so shameless. They assassinated the warlords outside the pass before, and the state shepherd was almost killed by them. Now they come to kill Mr. Bai again. What a beast!"

All of a sudden, the crowd became excited, and all the audience who originally harbored hatred for the invaders could not wait to rush directly to the street to launch protests, and even more could not wait to fight the Qikun people desperately.

Bai Zhongqi glanced at Pei Yanshi, and Pei Yanshi also sent him a meaningful look.Bai Zhongfei understood what Pei Yanshi meant, no matter who assassinated him this time, the blame must be borne by the people of Qikui.

But Bai Zhongfei fell into deep thought. There are indeed Qiqi people among these people, but their composition is very mixed.More importantly, the way their star energy is used is somewhat like the pilgrim Yongxi.

"It seems that the pilgrims in this big fish tank are not prepared at all? I deliberately pushed Dongtu to create a storm on the blue star to attract Yongxi's attention. It seems to have some effect. It's just that Yongxi is now Where is it hidden, I don’t know if we can find some clues from these star warriors who died.”

Bai Zhongzheng made up his mind, it seemed that he still had to stir up a bigger storm and make the blue star more chaotic, so that Yongxi could really come out and solve his current dilemma of being trapped in the fish tank.

Touching the Homeland Stone in his pocket, Bai Zhongqi secretly said: "It seems that we still need to speed up the research on this stone, Yongxi has a hole card left by a pilgrim, so my hole card is this Homeland Stone. "

 I know that the recent chapters are a bit boring. I am sorry to everyone, but the front of this copy is not well written. It is true that old technology is not attractive to book lovers.Please be patient for a few chapters, because this dungeon is about to detonate soon, and it even develops towards novelty hunting. The plot of hundreds of thousands of words in this follow-up is also planned. It is a really big scene, and I am a little excited when I think about it. .

(End of this chapter)

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