Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 663 Escape

Chapter 663 Escape
Bai Zhongqi raised his brows and thought to himself: "Why didn't you think of this earlier? This world was created by pilgrims. Although they were hidden by pilgrims and they were also imprisoned to travel through, after all, matter is limited. have a greater impact.”

However, Bai Zhongqi was not completely sure whether it was because the black hole sucked too much matter away and created too strong a gravitational force that caused the space to distort and even eventually break, or whether it was because Yongxi was finally killed with the Roshan starship that caused the world to collapse and reveal the way out.

No matter why, Bai Zhongfei knew that he could go out.

Bai Zhongfei, who has been trapped in this world for a long time, did not dare to take it lightly. Who knows if there are other pilgrims ambushing outside, he quickly sent a message to Mustache and the elderly activity room, looking for the group of guys who have no business to come over Response, at least he believed that in the presence of a group of elder races, the pilgrims would not dare to act rashly.

Home Titan started to the highest speed and jumped directly into the void.

At least in the void, no one has been able to trap the elder race.

Bai Zhongzheng looked at the world that was quickly drying up like a punctured balloon. The void was swallowing all the existence together, and soon even the black hole inside would be swallowed by the void, and the whole world would completely disappear as if it had never existed.

Mustache came very quickly, and the friendship between the two was not very deep, but when the pilgrims deliberately threatened the elder race, a group of people with excess energy in the elderly activity room would not let them go.

There were three other guys with Moustache, a "Bai Zhongfei" who was at least two meters tall and covered in scary muscles, a "Bai Zhongfei" who was wearing a very elegant striped suit, and a third guy who was wearing a black missionary costume "Bai Zhongqi".

The four of them directly entered his homeland, Titan, without any obstacles, and came before Bai Zhongfei.

Mustache smiled and said, "I'm glad to see you're still alive."

Bai Zhongqi smiled wryly: "It's also very dangerous, almost dying."

The muscular man nodded and said, "The pilgrim's actions are very insidious, but you are very good. Although you have not lifted the restrictions of fate and you don't have much experience, it is still very foresight to carry a hole card like Homeland Stone with you."

Bai Zhongqi was in a cold sweat. It was a complete accident that he brought the Homeland Stone, but he saved himself by beating him wrongly.

The man in the suit took out a silk scarf from his suit pocket, wiped his hands, and said, "Don't be lucky, the pilgrims have listed you as the No. Keep trying."

Bai Zhongqi was so angry that he wanted to curse, and said, "Sooner or later, these bastards will all be strangled to death."

The priest shook his head and said: "The four of us are now responsible for tracking down the pilgrims, but although we have obtained some effective information and killed a few pilgrims, we still can't find their lair, and most of the pilgrims They all stayed there."

Mustache also said: "Pilgrims, like us, have the ability to travel through the world. Although this is not their innate ability, they can do so. They will never leave their lair unless necessary. We We don’t have any means of locating them, which makes us very passive.”

Bai Zhongqi felt that he was the only passive one, so he spread his hands and said, "What should I do? Am I going to hide from them for the rest of my life? Who knows what kind of trap these bums will set for me later? Will the elderly activity room send me some bodyguards? "

The muscular man smiled and said, "Are you referring to us? Stop dreaming, brother, everyone has their own business, and it is a great honor for us to accept this task. To be your bodyguard, I can only ask, Why?"

Bai Zhongfei is helpless, what the muscular man said is not wrong, each of these four guys is a role that dominates in his own universe, and Bai Zhongfei feels that the other party cannot devote a lot of time to himself.

"At least you have to give me something to protect myself."

Mustache said with a smile: "I said, in fact, you don't need to worry too much. The celestial body collector used a little finger and almost wiped out the pilgrims. The pilgrims are actually very afraid of us. This time you are not limited by your cards. Did you defeat a pilgrim under the circumstances? You have two mother ships, one of which is a golden galleon left by a celestial collector, as long as you are careful, it is impossible for a pilgrim to kill you."

Bai Zhongqi was not reconciled, and asked: "You all said that the celestial body collector almost wiped out the pilgrims before. He is so powerful, where is he now?"

The man in the suit shook his head and said: "Our elder race is a very strange group of guys. The celestial body collectors conducted a lot of experiments back then. What do you think he used glass beads to pack so many planets for? It is said that he is very close to the creation of the world. But then he left without knowing why. Now we can only confirm that the eldest brother is still alive, but we don’t know where.”

The muscular man took out something like a code scanner from somewhere, threw it to Bai Zhongfei, and said, "Brother, in fact, what you have in your hand is already very powerful, even stronger than many elder races, but You have not fully discovered the treasure in your hands. At this time, if you ask for favors from us, it will only delay your own development of your own things. I remember that you have a planet that has the output of the scarlet god stone, [-]% The Crimson God Stones are all made by an elder race named 'Mason' who is comparable to a collector of celestial objects. Obviously your planet is the testing ground for his work, so there are many scarlet God Stones left behind The thing I gave you is to identify the use of the Scarlet God Stone, and only when you know what to do can you know how to use it."

When Bai Zhongqi heard this, he remembered those suspected scarlet stones that he got from Tao Ranxing back then.Holding this detector, he ignited a new hope. Obviously, the power of the scarlet god stone is far beyond his imagination. A home stone is already so powerful. If more useful stones can be unearthed, then it is obvious to deal with pilgrims. more sure.

Mustache patted him on the shoulder and said, "Okay, it's about time we went back. If there is any information about the pilgrims, we will share it with you. Be careful yourself."

After finishing speaking, the four of them disappeared into Bai Zhongfei's homeland, Titan.

Bai Zhongqi put away the detector, and was about to return to the First Universe to meet Han Jiaxue and Zero immediately. He opened the interplanetary wormhole and prepared to enter.And at this time, he met an unexpected person.

(End of this chapter)

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