Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 716 Breakout Battle

Chapter 716 Breakout Battle ([-])
The synthesized electronic sound represents the actual highest-ranked general in the Shenjiang Pavilion, San Lin Luzhi.

"Everyone, I believe you can understand the importance of this battle without me repeating it. This has changed from carrying out His Majesty's will to a struggle for our survival. There is no difference between the Galactic Empire and the natural disasters." The space for negotiation, the natural disasters are very clear, only by completely destroying us can they bring them a greater advantage. Therefore, this is a life-and-death contest, and the psychological construction in it does not need me to continue to do it for you. "

The sixth general Kokokomandin with a smiling face looked at him, two red organs on his face jumped up and down, "However, you still did our psychological construction, the second general."

Su Shuang obviously didn't have much patience, "Second General, I don't need you to talk nonsense here. As a commander, please assign tasks, and each of us will decide whether it is reasonable and execute them."

Nine meters in length, with a giant tail of an aquatic creature, and two thick arms resembling human upper limbs, the seventh general of Tsunami Beast, Kuoshu, taunted: "The fifth general, you are the god who has fought the most natural disasters!" General, with repeated defeats and repeated battles, your qualifications alone should not have any right to speak."

Baigong, the third god general of Lianxi civilization, gave Sushuang a face: "On the contrary, the battle experience of the fifth god general can just become an important experience and lesson for us to avoid repeating the same mistakes."

Suokexiao said with a smile: "The third general, I don't know if your words are flattering or stepping on the fifth general."

There was a sharp whistling from the electronic sound, which was Sanlin Luzhi's method to stop the quarrel.The second god will be a little dissatisfied: "Is it impossible to reach an agreement at this time? You have worked together before, even in the period of the High Council. There was no such contradiction. Today we are under greater pressure, but you are still Are you going to fight this way?"

A Puxian said: "I support you, the second general. We discuss a set of tactics and implement them. Everyone here is a momentary choice. Regardless of leadership or wisdom, they are all outstanding in the galaxy. I believe that we It is possible to win.”

No.11 God General Muwatuo is the most irritable and irritable. He said: "Second God General, I admire your ability and I will respect your authority. However, natural disasters are not worth fearing. We were too scared before. Be too cautious, now we have 46 strategic fleet groups on the Orion arm, and 38 strategic fleet groups are about to arrive at the nodes outside the Orion arm. Collect the heads of all the natural disaster people, put them into a city of bones, and boast of our achievements to the Silver Emperor."

Dagu civilization is the most primitive civilization among the ten giants. Although this typical warrior civilization has advanced technology, it has many characteristics similar to headhunters. For example, building the city of bones is their biggest hobby.Kill the enemies, remove their skulls, and then use extremely exquisite and complex art and technology to build them into a gorgeous palace complex, called the City of Bones.

The other generals obviously scoffed at Muwatuo's idea.Everyone knows that natural disasters are just a far-fetched title given to Bai Zhongfei by Emperor Yin. He is completely different from the natural disasters that people usually recognize in history. He is able to communicate and is even considered a relatively mild and constructive civilization.However, he does have the swarm and could be the one to overthrow galactic power in the future, then he cannot be tolerated.

As for those ordinary Iridium people, the gods have come into contact with several Iridium people who occupy the planets, and they all think that they are no different from ordinary intelligent life, and they are not natural disasters at all.Although the ten giants have no burden on killing, it is impossible for Dagu civilization to simply enjoy killing for joy and glory.

Sanlin Luzhi didn't take Muwatuo's words at all, and started to talk about his own strategic deployment: "In terms of breakout warfare, the most basic method is to break out of the encirclement separately. Occupying several planets is meaningless to us. Let the Iridium people destroy it before leaving. I divided the fleet into 256 breakout fleets. Among them, ten of our generals will lead large-scale fleets, and some fleets will range from dozens of warships to several fleets. Scale. Once the breakthrough is successful, we will try to gather at the inner nodes and cooperate with the incoming reinforcement fleet to stabilize our control of the inner and outer nodes and master the space-time passageway into the Orion Arm."

Aqinu, who looks like a unicorn, said: "Before we tried to use the method of changing the spatial terrain at the inner node to prevent natural disasters from approaching the inner node and turn it into a complete troop transport channel for us. But the last time We failed, and now that the Scourge's head has returned with a massive fleet, the chances of success may be even lower."

Sanlin Luzhi said: "With internal and external cooperation, we will have more troops, and this time we have made more preparations. You all know that last time it was because of the loosening of the chain of command between us. The natural disaster found a gap and broke us to launch the battlefield terrain change. This time I urge all of you, don't make the mistake of last time. The ten gods will work together, and I believe we can succeed."

In the previous invasion of the Orion Arm, the menacing Galactic Army entered the Orion Arm, catching the Iridium people by surprise and occupying three planets.As the commander, Zang Xingyan made a decisive decision and immediately assembled a large number of fleets. Taking advantage of the large part of the Galactic Army fleet fighting with the Iridium fleet near the three planets, he immediately attacked the inner nodes with the main force.At that time, Sanlin Luzhi planned to launch a terrain change to enclose the inner nodes, but because the front and rear were out of touch, if the space was really closed at that time, the Iridium people with a larger fleet would instead destroy the besieged galaxy. The battleship was destroyed.As a last resort, Sanlin Luzhi had to withdraw his troops from the inner node and came to Zaifu Star to establish a stronghold.

This breakout operation is essentially a battle between the Galaxy Army and the Iridium Empire Army for the transportation hub.If the Galactic Army wins the inner node, then the endless Galactic Army fleet will be sent to the Orion Arm, and then the Iridium star will bleed to death.But if the breakout fails, the ten gods will be buried in the Orion Arm Star Region, and the Galactic Empire will also suffer heavy losses.

It can be said that this breakout battle is already a key battle to determine the future life and death of the two civilizations fighting for the hegemony of the Milky Way.

Bai Zhongqi also understands this situation, so he can't just go to the territory of the ten giants to engage in harassment wars, and he can't accompany Lin Yin to study the original quality. He must sit on the Iridium Star and become Zang Xingyan's strong backing to win this battle with certainty. victory.

(End of this chapter)

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