Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 789 The Upper World and the Greasy Father

Chapter 789 The Upper World and the Greasy Father
Yindi's figure gradually solidified, and every particle of him has begun to transform into a new particle in the new world, exposed to new laws and existing.Yindi's face was filled with excitement and excitement, and he couldn't restrain his curiosity and anticipation. He had imagined countless times what the world he was about to enter would be like, but no matter how he imagined it, this more advanced world , must be higher-end and more interesting than the infinite plane he was originally in.

Until he saw clearly the environment he was in.

A small and cramped room, with sundries everywhere, the sound of tinkling and knocking decorations from downstairs, and the electric heater coaxing the air that makes people feel very uncomfortable.A greasy young man sitting on a peeling swivel chair with one thick leg crossed, squeezing pimples while typing on the keyboard.

Lines of text appear quickly on the laptop screen. It can be seen that in the typing industry, the extremely high skills acquired due to long-term training, it seems that he has never thought about what he is typing, or that his brain grows directly in the belly of his fingers. in.

On one side of the table is a mobile phone that has been used for a while. The mobile phone is playing the video. In the video, it seems that a girl with a good appearance is lying on the bed and playing a game console. The two did not speak, but the video was on. Do their own, very accustomed and comfortable look.

Yindi couldn't understand whether he had appeared in the wrong place. This place was not at all like the higher-level world he had imagined. Instead, it looked like a place with underdeveloped technology, a place where ordinary people were not living as they wished. rental house.

At this moment, the girl in the video inadvertently looked up and saw the tall and powerful Yindi standing behind the greasy young man in a cool attire.

The girl was stunned for a while, then called out, "Husband, there is someone behind you."

"What?" The greasy young man picked out his ears, looked back, and almost fell off his seat in fright.

"Brother, burglary and homicide is a felony. I don't have any valuables here. If you don't want to think about it, go to the next door. The next door just bought a 70-inch LCD TV. It's worth my money." The greasy young man said nonsense. Ba Dao obviously regarded Yindi as an outlaw.

Yindi seemed to see the lines of text on the screen of the greasy youth's laptop, he was shocked, took a step back, pointed at him and said, " are 'father'?"

The greasy young man looked the rammed goods up and down, and quickly changed from a shocked expression to a calm calm.He leaned on the back of the chair with one hand, and scratched his hairy legs with the other hand. The greasy young man is afraid of the cold, and the heater must be turned on very high in winter. He always bunts at home, and looks worthless.

"Dad, don't misunderstand this thing, and I won't give you money."

The girl in the video was a little scared and asked, "Husband, who is this? Do you want me to call you and call the police?"

The greasy young man waved his hand very calmly, and said to Yindi: "Yindi, my name is Laobai, since you have met and seen it, you can go wherever you want to play. I'm sorry that you are such a big Buddha, let's worship."

Yindi's eyesight began to slacken, and he muttered: "How could this happen, how could it be like this? It shouldn't be, there should be a more powerful existence here, more sacred rules, and a more developed universe!"

Lao Bai looked at him very pitifully, and sighed, "You think too much."

Yindi's expression became ferocious. He couldn't imagine that he had planned for 100 billion years, used countless resources, and expended countless efforts to rise up, and it turned into such a joke in the end.The father who created everything is not a wise, extraordinary god with great wisdom and power, but a greasy young man who looks ridiculous and funny, and lives such a humble and low-level life.

"This world is so disappointing! You are not 'father' at all, you are just a cover used by some guy to deceive me, I will kill you, destroy this planet and this universe, and find the real God of Creation, go to witness the greatest and most miraculous upper world!"

I saw Yindi raised his hands, and a powerful force erupted from his body. Obviously, only one touch is needed, and Yindi can easily turn this planet into a particle state. He is an omnipotent god in the original infinite plane. , and the same is true here.

Lao Bai swears directly: "Fuck XX!"

Seeing that Yindi's ramming goods were about to destroy the world, Lao Bai hurriedly pulled over his laptop, and quickly typed a few words on it.

"The Silver Emperor has completely disappeared, and existence has disappeared."

With the appearance of these words, the coming power to destroy the world seemed to be suddenly strangled by the neck of a chicken.Yindi's eyes widened, and he felt that his body was gradually disappearing.

"You... what did you do?"

Lao Bai rubbed his nose, hummed and said: "Correct mistakes, you know, in our handwriting business, if the writing is not satisfactory, you have to correct it, rewrite it, or just throw it away. You obviously I created a lousy character in a lousy production, now you get fucked."

Yindi's body and soul completely dissipated, this time not divided into basic particles, but completely disappeared.The annihilation of this kind of existence is not as simple as turning from matter to emptiness, but the disappearance of rules.

Originally, the six forces in his body did not disappear with him, and one of them still emitted a faint light.

Lao Bai snorted, and said with a smile: "You can see me, okay, no matter what, you go back and continue to be your head of state. I'm a little envious of you. You are beautiful and can rule the galaxy. Hmm , I am honored to meet the head of the Iridium Star, and I wish you a better life, because I will not make any arrangements for how your life will develop in the future, it is up to you to decide, after all, this book is about to be finished."

He smiled very kindly and waved his hands. The six beams of light converged into one ball, and then rushed into the sky and disappeared.

The old white girlfriend who watched all this in the video has been dumbfounded. Although she has always liked superpowers and supernatural phenomena, it is really amazing to see the interactive dialogue between her boyfriend and the person who ran out of the book.

Lao Bai turned back, looked at Mrs. Bai embarrassedly, and said, "My wife is scared, it's all right, I'm used to it."

Mrs. Bai asked in surprise, "Does this kind of thing happen often?"

"It's not very often. Once before, a bald guy came to my house when he was playing a game of cat and mouse with a pretty handsome guy. The bald guy jumped up very quickly. I chatted with the guy for a while. The guy was quite polite, but Rejected my proposal to help him catch the bald head. This time, Yindi was a bit too crazy and cool, so he was simply erased. Anyway, he is not a very successful character, and he appeared very abruptly in the later stage. It suddenly became a big boss, maybe there should be more foreshadowing before."

In fact, Mrs. Bai doesn't care about the things Lao Bai wrote. In her opinion, the novels written by Lao Bai are just like that. Sometimes some ideas are very good, but Lao Bai's own writing is easy to be deceived by other things. Hold on, if the rhythm is not well grasped, the plot will collapse.

But how to say, this is also Lao Bai's means of making money and earning a living. What he is good at and not good at are all Lao Bai's skills.

Lao Bai rubbed the back of his head and said: "In order to avoid such things from happening in the future, it seems that we still need to control the world view and the strength of the characters. I accidentally wrote such a powerful character and came to our real world. As far as the flowers and plants are small, if the end of the world really happens, I will have to blame myself. It has been decided that the next book should not be so exaggerated. It should be more routine, more relaxed, and more rigorous. Save me making so many moths for myself."

Mrs. Bai nodded and continued to pick up the handheld. The two thick-lined people seemed to have immediately forgotten the super unrealistic thing just now. She said casually: "You can write whatever you like."

Lao Bai smiled wryly. As a girlfriend, I don’t care about what I write, which hurts morale somewhat.

He turned his stiff neck, long-term coding made his cervical spine a little bad, but this is what he wants to do, and it's okay to suffer some side effects.

The ray of light that was just dispersed by him drifted for an unknown distance, and finally returned to the fallen cemetery.

Coincidentally, Mustache and other elder races were still searching for clues from various remnants of Yindi.While several elder races were busy, Bai Zhongfei appeared in the center of the spacious space.

Seeing him, Mustache was very surprised: "Why are you back? No, why didn't Yindi come back with you."

Bai Zhongqi's own expression was still a little foolish, and it took him a long time to recover a little sanity.When he saw the elder races such as the mustache, Bai Zhongfei knew that the confinement of this world had been opened, and the mustache and the others came in to find himself and the Silver Emperor.

"The Silver Emperor has fulfilled his wish."

Mustache was shocked: "Is there really a higher world? Yindi met our father?"

Thinking of that greasy young man, Bai Zhongqi couldn't help but laugh himself. He shook his head and said, "I see it, but my father doesn't like him, so I killed him."

Mustache became interested and asked, "What does father look like, and what does the world above look like?"

Bai Zhongqi shuddered and said, "I didn't even feel it. In short, it's not a beautiful world as imagined, and it's not suitable for us to live in."

The mustache smashed his mouth, and said: "Well, I think so, the infinite plane we live in is not bad, why do you have to go to some upper world? You were created in this world, The world above is not necessarily suitable for your survival."

"That's the truth." Bai Zhongfei said firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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