Evil girl reborn

Chapter 15 Contest

Chapter 15 Contest
Not only is it weird, it's downright scary!
"Did you break your brain?" Ye Yi has always been outspoken. Isn't such a horrifying scene in front of him worth his sighs?

Su Nuo remained silent, looking at the person who taught him with tears in his eyes, like a chick longing for wings.

Fang Zhihang immediately ran out of blood supply, just wanted to protect this lost chick in his arms, and prevent anyone from prying into it. Anyone who commits it will die!
"Ye Yi, we haven't competed for a long time. If you don't wait, let's have a serious one." Fang Zhihang's face sank, and the killing rose, just like a scene where a tyrant smiles like a flower for a Bomei.

Ye Yi's first reaction was to shake a bit, and after a while, they would make fists and kicks. Isn't the friendship between men formed by chasing each other's strength, but the gap between the two cannot be caught up by hard work, so every time The first time and the second time were all click-and-go, and now Fang Zhihang actually said that he wanted to have a serious game, come to a girl!Fang Zhihang is a model of stabbing brothers twice for beauty!
Su Nuo looked at the shriveled Ye Yi, his joy was undisguised, and only Fang Zhihang could suppress Ye Yi, fighting her, she would make Ye Yi's death very rhythmic.

"Fang Zhihang, someone is looking for you." At this moment, a person at the door yelled into the classroom at the top of his voice.

Su Nuo was not surprised by Fang Zhihang's high popularity, good looks, and excellent in all aspects. Naturally, he was the object of scrambling to chase after each other, but, I'm sorry, there is still her now.

"It's not that the whole family doesn't come into the house, but they're all lingering and annoying ghosts." Su Nuo is not the only one who doesn't give face to Ye Yi. Su Nuo is wayward, and Ye Yi is weird. At present, there is only Fang Zhihang alone.

Speaking of this, Su Nuo probably guessed who it was, comparing such a person with her, it sounded like Ye Yi was scolding her with the most vicious words.

"Rotten Leafy Vegetable, you'd better not walk around at night, or be careful that the annoying ghosts will follow you home!" Su Nuo showed his sharp claws, stuck out his tongue, rolled his eyes, made a grimace, and then suddenly leaned in front of Ye Yi .

Ye Yi, who was caught off guard, was startled by Su Nuo's sudden slap, and then howled angrily.

"Su Nuo, you wicked girl!"

The whole classroom heard Ye Yi's howling, Su Nuo smiled very unkindly.

Fang Zhihang watched the interaction between the two and shook his head helplessly. He would rather believe in world peace than expect the two to live in harmony.

"Let's go, let's go see who is looking for you." After Su Nuo settled Ye Yi, he pulled Fang Zhihang up and headed out the door.

Fang Zhihang wanted to explain the situation immediately after Su Nuo's words, but he swallowed it when he reached the point of his mouth. He felt that An Ran seemed to know the answer.

This guess was right when the two of them arrived at the door and saw someone coming, Su Nuo's unshocked expression showed that it was correct.

"Ji Xiaoqian, what are you doing here?" Su Nuo looked at the person holding the book in his hand at the door, and she knew that she was the one who came here. She knew exactly what Ji Xiaoqian was thinking about Fang Zhihang.

Just like in the past, Ji Xiaoqian, who came to Fang Zhihang for advice after school, never expected to see Su Nuo. The question she wanted to ask was asked by Su Nuo first. Why did Su Nuo in No. [-] Middle School appear Jing China Airlines' class!
"I'm here to ask Brother Zhihang for advice." Saying that, Ji Xiaoqian moved forward the book she was holding in her hand.

Su Nuo was not at all interested in Ji Xiaoqian's act of proving his intention to come. He took one of the textbooks and picked them up. There were indeed a few blank spaces in the neat textbook.

"It seems that not everyone who is admitted to Beijing High School is suitable for the study progress of Beijing High School. Do you want me to tell my mother that I will hire a tutor for you. It is a very troublesome thing if you can't keep up with your studies." Su Nuo Holding the textbook, a few blank spaces on the page are being exposed.

When Ji Xiaoqian heard Su Nuo's words, she tightly clenched her hand holding the book. She didn't want to be looked down upon by Su Nuo. She left those topics on purpose to give an excuse to find Fang Zhihang, but now Su Nuo used it as a reason to make fun of her.

"I'm just not sure, brother Zhihang's grades are so good, I just want to hear brother Zhihang's thinking on solving the problem." Ji Xiaoqian defended herself as much as possible, but she seemed a little powerless in front of the aggressive Su Nuo.

Su Nuo looked at Ji Xiaoqian's clumsy defense, she never put such a person in the position of her opponent, so that she could take advantage of the opportunity.

"It is known that in the first second, F1=F1, the direction is opposite, and the object is stationary; in the second second, F2>F2, F1 is constant, F2 becomes smaller, the resultant force F becomes larger, the acceleration direction is the same as F1, it is positive, and a gradually increases , the object accelerates, and the direction of the speed is the same as that of F2." Su Nuo glanced at the questions in the blank space, found one at random, and then slowly explained the analysis of the questions.

When hearing the answer given by Su Nuo, Ji Xiaoqian stared at the person who gave the answer with dumbfounded eyes. How could she know that a Su Nuo who is ignorant and only knows how to have fun can solve the physics problem that he just learned today? topic.

Fang Zhihang was also surprised, and couldn't help but glance at the title of the book. The result he got later was that what Su Nuo said was correct. He always thought that he knew Su Nuo, but now he found out that there are actually many others. He didn't find out.

"Brother, am I right?" Su Nuo noticed Fang Zhihang's gaze, and immediately praised me, asking him for credit.

Fang Zhihang laughed at Su Nuo's childish behavior, but the feeling was not bad, "Nuo Nuo is very smart."

Su Nuo got the praise, and his already confident and flamboyant face was even more smug, "You'd better read the book carefully. If you go on like this, it will make people very anxious."

As soon as the book was thrown away, Su Nuo spoke with sincerity and sincerity, a bit like hating iron for being weak.

Ji Xiaoqian's face turned red and turned pale, in short, she was definitely not good. Su Nuo didn't like her before, but he was never as aggressive and merciless as he is now.

Ji Xiaoqian cast a look of distress signal at Fang Zhihang at the side, Fang Zhihang is like a god-like existence, as long as he has him, he can feel at ease, as long as he is there, there is nothing to worry about.

But it is obvious that Fang Zhihang's receiving signal is not in the service area. Before the signal jammer named Su Nuo, many meaningless signals will be eliminated.

Ji Xiaoqian, who was waiting for rescue, was in despair, like driftwood seen in the sea, only to find that it was just bark with no surface.

"I will study hard, and I won't trouble Brother Zhihang again." Ji Xiaoqian bowed her head in despair. At this moment, she wished she could disappear immediately.

If it were someone else, they might reprimand Su Nuo for what he did, but it happened to be Fang Zhihang, who loved Su Nuo like heaven.

(End of this chapter)

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