Crimson Fairy Book
Chapter 9 The Prince and the Dragon
Chapter 9 The Prince and the Dragon
Once upon a time there was a king who had three sons, all of whom were good boys, who liked to hunt, and almost every day one of the three brothers went hunting.
One morning the eldest prince set out on horseback to the nearby forest, where there were all kinds of animals.Not long after he had left the castle, a rabbit jumped out of the bushes, and dashed down the road before him, and the young prince gave chase at once, over hills and valleys.At last the rabbit seeks hiding place in a mill by the river.The prince followed the rabbit closely to the mill, but he stopped by the door, because it was not a rabbit that stood before him, but a dragon with a flame breathing out of its mouth.Seeing this dreadful sight, the prince turned and was about to run, but the dragon's flaming tongue wrapped around his waist, and dragged him into its mouth.After that, he disappeared.
A week passed, and the prince did not come back, and the townspeople began to feel uneasy.Finally, the second prince told the king that he was going hunting too, and might find some clues about his brother's disappearance.Just as the gate of the castle closed behind the prince, the rabbit jumped out of the bushes just like last time, and led the prince over the hills and mountains until he came to the mill.The rabbit ran into the mill, and the prince followed closely.At this time, look, it is not a rabbit standing at the door, but a dragon with flames in its mouth.The dragon stretched out its flame-breathing tongue and wrapped it around the waist of the second prince, dragging him into its mouth, and the figure of the second prince disappeared.
Days passed, and the king waited and waited for his sons who did not return.He couldn't sleep at night, wondering where they were and what happened.The little prince wanted to find his brothers, but for a long time the king refused his proposal, so as not to lose him again.But the prince insisted on finding it, and promised the king that he would always be careful.At last the king agreed, and ordered that the best horse in the stable be given to him.
The young little prince started his journey full of hope.As soon as he was out of town the rabbit jumped out of the bushes and ran ahead of him till they came to the mill.As before the rabbit burst into the open door, but this time the prince did not run through the door.The young man, who was wiser than his brothers, turned and walked away, saying to himself, "There are good rabbits in the woods as well as the one that ran from the mill, and I'll come back and look for them when I catch them." you."
He climbed the mountain for hours, seeing nothing, and at last grew impatient and returned to the mill.
Here he found an old woman sitting, and he greeted her with pleasure:
"Good morning, dear old woman," he said.
The old woman replied, "Good morning, child."
"My dear old woman, tell me," continued the Prince, "where can I find the rabbit?"
"Son," answered the old woman, "that is not a rabbit, but a dragon, which has brought many people here, and eaten them all." The Prince's heart was heavy at these words, and he cried out: " Then my brothers must have been here too, and they have been eaten by the dragon!"
"You guessed right," replied the old woman, "before the same fate befalls you, I advise you to go home at once."
"Won't you leave this dreadful place with me?" said the Prince.
"He takes me as a prisoner too," said the old woman, "and I can't break his chains."
"Listen," cried the Prince, "and when the Dragon comes back ask him where he usually goes, and what makes him so strong. Trick him into telling his secret, and tell me next time I come."
So the Prince went home, and the old woman remained at the mill, and she said to the Dragon as soon as he came back:
"Where have you been for so long? You must have traveled a long way, right?"
"Yes, dear mother, I have come a long way indeed," replied the dragon.The old woman then began to flatter him and praise him for being smart. When she felt that his mood had improved, she said: "I often think, where do you get so much strength? I really hope you can tell me. For pure friendship I'll lean over and kiss that place!" Hearing this, the dragon laughed and replied:
"Hidden in that millstone is my mysterious power."
The old woman jumped up and kissed the millstone, and the dragon laughed even more, and said:
"You stupid thing! I was only joking. My mysterious power is not in the millstone, but in that tall tree." The old woman jumped up again, embraced the tree with her arms and kissed it heartily.The dragon laughed loudly when he saw what she was doing.
"Stupid old man," he cried, "do you really believe my strength comes from trees?"
"Where did that come from?" asked the old woman angrily. She didn't like being teased.
"My power," replied the dragon, "is hidden far away; so far away that you cannot reach it. Far from here is a kingdom, and by the capital of the kingdom is a lake, and in the lake is a dragon, and in the dragon's body There is a wild boar, and there is a dove in the belly of the wild boar, and a sparrow in the belly of the dove, and my strength is in the belly of the sparrow." Hearing this, the old woman thought that there was no need to flatter him, because she couldn't get out of it. He takes his power there.
The next morning, after the dragon had left the mill, the prince came, and the old woman told him all that the fellow had said.He listened in silence, then returned to the castle.He put on the clothes of a shepherd, took a stick in his hand, and went looking for an errand to herd the sheep.
For some time he wandered from village to town, and at last he came to a great city in a distant kingdom.The city is surrounded on three sides by a large lake, and the dragon lives in this large lake.As usual, he called to anyone he saw in the street who might be looking for a shepherd, and begged them to employ him, but they either had their own shepherds, or they didn't need one.The prince began to feel sad.At this moment a man heard his question and turned to him and told him that he had better ask the king, for the king was looking for someone to take care of the sheep.
"Would you like to tend my flock?" the King asked as the young man knelt before him.
"I am very willing, Your Majesty," answered the young man.The king told him what to do, and he listened.
"Beyond the walls," continued the king, "is a great lake, and by the lake is the richest meadow in our country. When you lead your flock to graze, the flock will run straight to this meadow, where the sheep None of them come back. So, boy, take heed. Don't let the sheep go where they please, and drive them where you think is best."
The prince bowed deeply, thanked the king for his warning, and promised to do his best to protect the sheep.Then he left the palace and went to the fair, where he bought two dogs, an eagle, and a set of bagpipes.Then he drove the flock to pasture.As soon as the sheep saw the lake in front of them, they ran fast to reach the green lawn around the lake.The prince did not try to stop the flock.He simply put the eagle on a branch, and the bagpipes in the grass, and told the dogs to crouch still.Then he rolled up his sleeves and trousers, waded into the water, and cried out, "Dragon! Dragon! If you are not a coward, come out and fight me!" A voice answered from the bottom of the lake:
"Oh, Prince, I'm waiting for you." After a while, the dragon emerged from the water, big and terrifying.The prince threw himself on the dragon, and they wrestled until the sun was high at noon.Then the dragon said out of breath:
"Oh, Prince, let me dip my hot head in the lake, and I'll throw you into the sky."
But the prince replied, "Oh, no! Dragon, don't be too happy! If the king's daughter were here, she would kiss my forehead, and I would throw you higher!" Suddenly the dragon let go, He fell into the lake.
At night the Prince washed away the traces of the fight, and with the eagle on his shoulder and the bagpipes under his arms, and letting the dogs lead the way and the sheep behind, they set off back to the city.People looked at them in amazement as they walked through the street, for no sheep had ever returned from the lake before.
The next morning he got up early and took the flock to the lake.This time the king sent two men on horseback after him, in order to watch the shepherds do their work all day.The rider watches over the shepherd and the flock, but the shepherd and the sheep cannot see the rider.As soon as he saw the sheep running towards the lawn, the rider turned aside and climbed up the steep hill beside the lake, overlooking the whole lake.When the shepherd arrived at the place, he put the bagpipes on the grass as before, ordered the dogs to crouch beside the sheep, put the eagle on the branches, rolled up his trousers and sleeves, waded into the water and shouted:
"Dragon! Dragon! Come out and fight, if you're not a coward!" replied the dragon:
"Oh, Prince, I'm waiting for you." After a while the dragon emerged from the water, big and scary.They wrestled with each other again until noon, when the sun was at its hottest, and the dragon said out of breath:
"Oh, Prince, let me dip my hot head in the lake, and I'll throw you into the sky."
But the prince replied, "Oh, no! Dragon, don't be too happy! If the king's daughter were here, she would kiss my forehead and I would throw you higher!" The dragon let go and fell into the lake.
In the evening, the prince gathered the sheep again, and he went into the city ahead of the sheep, playing the bagpipes.When he passed the door, all the people came out of the house to watch, for no sheep had ever returned from the lake before.
Meanwhile the two riders galloped back and told the king what they had seen and heard.The king eagerly listened to their story, and calling his daughter before him again, he told her the story again.
"To-morrow," said he, when the story was over, "you will go with the shepherd to the lake, and then you will kiss his brow as he wished."
The princess wept bitterly when she heard these words, and sobbed:
"Are you really sending me, your only child, to that horrible place? I may never come back."
"Don't be afraid, daughter, everything will be all right. Many shepherds have gone to the lake, but no one came back. But this shepherd fought the dragon twice in the last two days and came back unhurt. So I hope Tomorrow he will slay the dragon and free the land from the monster that has killed many of our warriors."
The next morning, when the sun had just risen from the hills, the princess was already standing by the shepherd's side, ready to go to the lake.The shepherd was full of joy, but the princess just sobbed bitterly.
"Wipe your tears, I beg you," said he; "if you will do what I ask, and come and kiss my forehead when the time comes, you will have nothing to fear."
The shepherd happily played the bagpipes in front of the flock, and stopped from time to time to talk to the sad girl next to him:
"Don't cry so much, noble man. Believe me, there is nothing to be afraid of." So they came to the lake.
Immediately the flock scattered over the lawn, and the Prince put the eagle on a branch, and the bagpipes on the grass, and bade the dogs to lie down beside them.He rolled up his trousers and sleeves, waded into the water, and cried:
"Dragon! Dragon! If you are not a coward, come out and let us fight again." replied the Dragon:
"I'm waiting for you, oh prince." After a while the dragon emerged from the water, looking big and scary.Soon the dragon swam near the shore, and the prince jumped over, and they fought each other till noon, when the sun was at its hottest, and the dragon cried out:
"Oh, prince, let me dip my hot head in the lake, and I'll throw you into the sky." But the prince replied, "Oh, no, dragon, don't be too happy! If the king's daughter Here she'll kiss my forehead and I'll throw you higher."
As soon as he had finished speaking, the princess who heard this came up and kissed his forehead.Then the prince waved the dragon and threw it directly into the clouds, and when it fell to the ground again, it was smashed to pieces.From one of the pieces jumped a boar and sprinted away.The prince sent his hounds to give chase, and they caught the boar, and tore him to pieces.A rabbit jumped out from another piece of debris, and the hounds immediately went after it, and they caught it and killed it.A dove flew out of the rabbit, and the prince soon released an eagle, which flew straight up into the sky, and the eagle swooped down on the dove, and brought it to its master.The prince cut open the dove's body and found a sparrow inside it, exactly as the old woman had said.
"Now," cried the Prince, with the sparrow in his hand, "tell me now where I can find my brother."
"Do not hurt me," replied the sparrow, "I tell you with all my heart. Behind your father's castle there is a mill, and in the mill are three slender shoots. Cut them off and let them take root, and the The iron gate will open. In the cellar you will find many people, men, women and children, as many as a country, including your brother."
Then evening came, and the prince washed himself in the lake, with the eagle on his shoulder, and the bagpipes under his arm, and the hounds leading the way, and the sheep following him.Joyfully he entered the city, and the princess followed them, still trembling with fear.They walked through the main street and entered the castle, which was full of onlookers.
Unbeknownst to anyone, the king rode out of the city secretly on horseback, and hid himself in the hills, where he saw all that happened.When it was all over, the might of the dragon was shattered forever.He rode quickly back to the city, ready to meet the shepherd with open arms, and promise him his daughter in marriage.The wedding was held with great pomp and ceremony, and the town was lit up all week, and the great hall of the castle was filled with tables for guests.When the banquet was over, the prince told the king and the people who he really was, and they were all the more delighted.As the prince was anxious to set his brother free, preparations were made for the prince and princess to return to their country.
The first thing the prince did when he returned to his country was to go to the mill, where he found the three twigs that the sparrow spoke of.No sooner had he let the twig take root than the iron gate swung open.Countless men and women crowded out of the cellar, and he told them to go wherever they went, one by one, while he waited by the door for his brothers to come out.They saw each other again, and the brothers were overjoyed to hear what the Prince had done to free them from the enchantment.They went home with him, and served him all their lives, for they said he was the man who proved to be brave and faithful, and fit to be king.
(End of this chapter)
Once upon a time there was a king who had three sons, all of whom were good boys, who liked to hunt, and almost every day one of the three brothers went hunting.
One morning the eldest prince set out on horseback to the nearby forest, where there were all kinds of animals.Not long after he had left the castle, a rabbit jumped out of the bushes, and dashed down the road before him, and the young prince gave chase at once, over hills and valleys.At last the rabbit seeks hiding place in a mill by the river.The prince followed the rabbit closely to the mill, but he stopped by the door, because it was not a rabbit that stood before him, but a dragon with a flame breathing out of its mouth.Seeing this dreadful sight, the prince turned and was about to run, but the dragon's flaming tongue wrapped around his waist, and dragged him into its mouth.After that, he disappeared.
A week passed, and the prince did not come back, and the townspeople began to feel uneasy.Finally, the second prince told the king that he was going hunting too, and might find some clues about his brother's disappearance.Just as the gate of the castle closed behind the prince, the rabbit jumped out of the bushes just like last time, and led the prince over the hills and mountains until he came to the mill.The rabbit ran into the mill, and the prince followed closely.At this time, look, it is not a rabbit standing at the door, but a dragon with flames in its mouth.The dragon stretched out its flame-breathing tongue and wrapped it around the waist of the second prince, dragging him into its mouth, and the figure of the second prince disappeared.
Days passed, and the king waited and waited for his sons who did not return.He couldn't sleep at night, wondering where they were and what happened.The little prince wanted to find his brothers, but for a long time the king refused his proposal, so as not to lose him again.But the prince insisted on finding it, and promised the king that he would always be careful.At last the king agreed, and ordered that the best horse in the stable be given to him.
The young little prince started his journey full of hope.As soon as he was out of town the rabbit jumped out of the bushes and ran ahead of him till they came to the mill.As before the rabbit burst into the open door, but this time the prince did not run through the door.The young man, who was wiser than his brothers, turned and walked away, saying to himself, "There are good rabbits in the woods as well as the one that ran from the mill, and I'll come back and look for them when I catch them." you."
He climbed the mountain for hours, seeing nothing, and at last grew impatient and returned to the mill.
Here he found an old woman sitting, and he greeted her with pleasure:
"Good morning, dear old woman," he said.
The old woman replied, "Good morning, child."
"My dear old woman, tell me," continued the Prince, "where can I find the rabbit?"
"Son," answered the old woman, "that is not a rabbit, but a dragon, which has brought many people here, and eaten them all." The Prince's heart was heavy at these words, and he cried out: " Then my brothers must have been here too, and they have been eaten by the dragon!"
"You guessed right," replied the old woman, "before the same fate befalls you, I advise you to go home at once."
"Won't you leave this dreadful place with me?" said the Prince.
"He takes me as a prisoner too," said the old woman, "and I can't break his chains."
"Listen," cried the Prince, "and when the Dragon comes back ask him where he usually goes, and what makes him so strong. Trick him into telling his secret, and tell me next time I come."
So the Prince went home, and the old woman remained at the mill, and she said to the Dragon as soon as he came back:
"Where have you been for so long? You must have traveled a long way, right?"
"Yes, dear mother, I have come a long way indeed," replied the dragon.The old woman then began to flatter him and praise him for being smart. When she felt that his mood had improved, she said: "I often think, where do you get so much strength? I really hope you can tell me. For pure friendship I'll lean over and kiss that place!" Hearing this, the dragon laughed and replied:
"Hidden in that millstone is my mysterious power."
The old woman jumped up and kissed the millstone, and the dragon laughed even more, and said:
"You stupid thing! I was only joking. My mysterious power is not in the millstone, but in that tall tree." The old woman jumped up again, embraced the tree with her arms and kissed it heartily.The dragon laughed loudly when he saw what she was doing.
"Stupid old man," he cried, "do you really believe my strength comes from trees?"
"Where did that come from?" asked the old woman angrily. She didn't like being teased.
"My power," replied the dragon, "is hidden far away; so far away that you cannot reach it. Far from here is a kingdom, and by the capital of the kingdom is a lake, and in the lake is a dragon, and in the dragon's body There is a wild boar, and there is a dove in the belly of the wild boar, and a sparrow in the belly of the dove, and my strength is in the belly of the sparrow." Hearing this, the old woman thought that there was no need to flatter him, because she couldn't get out of it. He takes his power there.
The next morning, after the dragon had left the mill, the prince came, and the old woman told him all that the fellow had said.He listened in silence, then returned to the castle.He put on the clothes of a shepherd, took a stick in his hand, and went looking for an errand to herd the sheep.
For some time he wandered from village to town, and at last he came to a great city in a distant kingdom.The city is surrounded on three sides by a large lake, and the dragon lives in this large lake.As usual, he called to anyone he saw in the street who might be looking for a shepherd, and begged them to employ him, but they either had their own shepherds, or they didn't need one.The prince began to feel sad.At this moment a man heard his question and turned to him and told him that he had better ask the king, for the king was looking for someone to take care of the sheep.
"Would you like to tend my flock?" the King asked as the young man knelt before him.
"I am very willing, Your Majesty," answered the young man.The king told him what to do, and he listened.
"Beyond the walls," continued the king, "is a great lake, and by the lake is the richest meadow in our country. When you lead your flock to graze, the flock will run straight to this meadow, where the sheep None of them come back. So, boy, take heed. Don't let the sheep go where they please, and drive them where you think is best."
The prince bowed deeply, thanked the king for his warning, and promised to do his best to protect the sheep.Then he left the palace and went to the fair, where he bought two dogs, an eagle, and a set of bagpipes.Then he drove the flock to pasture.As soon as the sheep saw the lake in front of them, they ran fast to reach the green lawn around the lake.The prince did not try to stop the flock.He simply put the eagle on a branch, and the bagpipes in the grass, and told the dogs to crouch still.Then he rolled up his sleeves and trousers, waded into the water, and cried out, "Dragon! Dragon! If you are not a coward, come out and fight me!" A voice answered from the bottom of the lake:
"Oh, Prince, I'm waiting for you." After a while, the dragon emerged from the water, big and terrifying.The prince threw himself on the dragon, and they wrestled until the sun was high at noon.Then the dragon said out of breath:
"Oh, Prince, let me dip my hot head in the lake, and I'll throw you into the sky."
But the prince replied, "Oh, no! Dragon, don't be too happy! If the king's daughter were here, she would kiss my forehead, and I would throw you higher!" Suddenly the dragon let go, He fell into the lake.
At night the Prince washed away the traces of the fight, and with the eagle on his shoulder and the bagpipes under his arms, and letting the dogs lead the way and the sheep behind, they set off back to the city.People looked at them in amazement as they walked through the street, for no sheep had ever returned from the lake before.
The next morning he got up early and took the flock to the lake.This time the king sent two men on horseback after him, in order to watch the shepherds do their work all day.The rider watches over the shepherd and the flock, but the shepherd and the sheep cannot see the rider.As soon as he saw the sheep running towards the lawn, the rider turned aside and climbed up the steep hill beside the lake, overlooking the whole lake.When the shepherd arrived at the place, he put the bagpipes on the grass as before, ordered the dogs to crouch beside the sheep, put the eagle on the branches, rolled up his trousers and sleeves, waded into the water and shouted:
"Dragon! Dragon! Come out and fight, if you're not a coward!" replied the dragon:
"Oh, Prince, I'm waiting for you." After a while the dragon emerged from the water, big and scary.They wrestled with each other again until noon, when the sun was at its hottest, and the dragon said out of breath:
"Oh, Prince, let me dip my hot head in the lake, and I'll throw you into the sky."
But the prince replied, "Oh, no! Dragon, don't be too happy! If the king's daughter were here, she would kiss my forehead and I would throw you higher!" The dragon let go and fell into the lake.
In the evening, the prince gathered the sheep again, and he went into the city ahead of the sheep, playing the bagpipes.When he passed the door, all the people came out of the house to watch, for no sheep had ever returned from the lake before.
Meanwhile the two riders galloped back and told the king what they had seen and heard.The king eagerly listened to their story, and calling his daughter before him again, he told her the story again.
"To-morrow," said he, when the story was over, "you will go with the shepherd to the lake, and then you will kiss his brow as he wished."
The princess wept bitterly when she heard these words, and sobbed:
"Are you really sending me, your only child, to that horrible place? I may never come back."
"Don't be afraid, daughter, everything will be all right. Many shepherds have gone to the lake, but no one came back. But this shepherd fought the dragon twice in the last two days and came back unhurt. So I hope Tomorrow he will slay the dragon and free the land from the monster that has killed many of our warriors."
The next morning, when the sun had just risen from the hills, the princess was already standing by the shepherd's side, ready to go to the lake.The shepherd was full of joy, but the princess just sobbed bitterly.
"Wipe your tears, I beg you," said he; "if you will do what I ask, and come and kiss my forehead when the time comes, you will have nothing to fear."
The shepherd happily played the bagpipes in front of the flock, and stopped from time to time to talk to the sad girl next to him:
"Don't cry so much, noble man. Believe me, there is nothing to be afraid of." So they came to the lake.
Immediately the flock scattered over the lawn, and the Prince put the eagle on a branch, and the bagpipes on the grass, and bade the dogs to lie down beside them.He rolled up his trousers and sleeves, waded into the water, and cried:
"Dragon! Dragon! If you are not a coward, come out and let us fight again." replied the Dragon:
"I'm waiting for you, oh prince." After a while the dragon emerged from the water, looking big and scary.Soon the dragon swam near the shore, and the prince jumped over, and they fought each other till noon, when the sun was at its hottest, and the dragon cried out:
"Oh, prince, let me dip my hot head in the lake, and I'll throw you into the sky." But the prince replied, "Oh, no, dragon, don't be too happy! If the king's daughter Here she'll kiss my forehead and I'll throw you higher."
As soon as he had finished speaking, the princess who heard this came up and kissed his forehead.Then the prince waved the dragon and threw it directly into the clouds, and when it fell to the ground again, it was smashed to pieces.From one of the pieces jumped a boar and sprinted away.The prince sent his hounds to give chase, and they caught the boar, and tore him to pieces.A rabbit jumped out from another piece of debris, and the hounds immediately went after it, and they caught it and killed it.A dove flew out of the rabbit, and the prince soon released an eagle, which flew straight up into the sky, and the eagle swooped down on the dove, and brought it to its master.The prince cut open the dove's body and found a sparrow inside it, exactly as the old woman had said.
"Now," cried the Prince, with the sparrow in his hand, "tell me now where I can find my brother."
"Do not hurt me," replied the sparrow, "I tell you with all my heart. Behind your father's castle there is a mill, and in the mill are three slender shoots. Cut them off and let them take root, and the The iron gate will open. In the cellar you will find many people, men, women and children, as many as a country, including your brother."
Then evening came, and the prince washed himself in the lake, with the eagle on his shoulder, and the bagpipes under his arm, and the hounds leading the way, and the sheep following him.Joyfully he entered the city, and the princess followed them, still trembling with fear.They walked through the main street and entered the castle, which was full of onlookers.
Unbeknownst to anyone, the king rode out of the city secretly on horseback, and hid himself in the hills, where he saw all that happened.When it was all over, the might of the dragon was shattered forever.He rode quickly back to the city, ready to meet the shepherd with open arms, and promise him his daughter in marriage.The wedding was held with great pomp and ceremony, and the town was lit up all week, and the great hall of the castle was filled with tables for guests.When the banquet was over, the prince told the king and the people who he really was, and they were all the more delighted.As the prince was anxious to set his brother free, preparations were made for the prince and princess to return to their country.
The first thing the prince did when he returned to his country was to go to the mill, where he found the three twigs that the sparrow spoke of.No sooner had he let the twig take root than the iron gate swung open.Countless men and women crowded out of the cellar, and he told them to go wherever they went, one by one, while he waited by the door for his brothers to come out.They saw each other again, and the brothers were overjoyed to hear what the Prince had done to free them from the enchantment.They went home with him, and served him all their lives, for they said he was the man who proved to be brave and faithful, and fit to be king.
(End of this chapter)
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