Chapter 110

Asking what love is in the world, it teaches people not to care about life and death, nor to think about the consequences!
Da Qiao took Xiao Qiao into his arms, and gently stroked Xiao Qiao's beautiful hair, what a silly girl...

Father has promised you to the Son of Heaven, if you appear by the side of officials again, what kind of crime would it be?

For the son of that day, Liu Xie, it was revenge for taking his wife.

For Qin Lang, it is taking someone's wife, unkind and unrighteous!

For the Qiao Mansion, it was even more catastrophic.

Unless...unless Qin Lang forcibly took you and me away together, and had the facts in advance, so that the emperor retreated in spite of the difficulties.

This also means that Qin Lang must be able to suppress the emperor, make the emperor shut up, and be able to withstand the crusade of the world's scholars, and endure the slander, so that it is possible to facilitate this matter!

But even so, why did Qin Lang do this?

You and my sister are famous for a long time, but there are so many women in the world, which man would make an enemy of the world for a woman?
Even this man really loves you!
Because he is a hero who is famous all over the world, he will definitely be burdened by his fame. Does he dare to do this?

"elder sister……"

Xiao Qiao raised her head, and an indescribable brilliance suddenly flashed in her eyes.

"I thought of a way, but you have to help me!"

"any solution?"

Da Qiao was very surprised. In such a deadlock situation, can you still find a way?

Little Qiao leaned to Big Qiao's ear, and the corners of her lips parted slightly.

Da Qiao's eyes widened and he almost died of fright, "You damn girl, are you serious?"

Little Qiao gritted her teeth tightly, her expression was tense, but even more she did not hesitate, "Even if you die, you will have no regrets!"

"But the officer..."

"Sister, didn't you see how the officials beat that pig's head? Would he be afraid of that pig's head? Sister, don't you find it strange?"

"Huh?" Da Qiao responded.


The officials had no intention of giving in to Liu Xie at all, they beat him whenever they wanted, and they beat him hard.

Could it be that……

Da Qiao suddenly remembered a possibility and was terrified.

Xiao Qiao nodded lightly, not knowing when she also had such an idea.

Qin officials are people from other places, and they returned to the world when the chaos of the great Han Dynasty opened.

The first time his fame spread to the world was the Governor of Chang'an City.

Then it was to help Liu Bei, and Sanying fought against Lu Bu.

That Liu Bei is said to be a member of the royal family.

Could this Qin official be some ancestor of the Han royal family?
Otherwise, how could a 20-year-old young man rival Lu Bu in martial arts, have an extraordinary melody, and shock the world with his poems?

What kind of talented person is it that can reach such a level at such an age?

If it weren't for the old ancestors of the Liu family, why didn't they pursue immortality and fall into the world of mortals?
Only this kind of explanation, only this kind of identity, can beat and scold the emperor at will, and it is so reasonable.

"Sister, will you help me?"

"Little Joe..."

Da Qiao was silent for a moment, and finally nodded, "My sister will bet with you once, but you have to think about the result!"

Xiao Qiao stood up excitedly, and firmly grasped the corner of Da Qiao's clothes with both hands: "Death... but no regrets!"

in the room.

Liu Xie couldn't sleep at night, just felt that time passed so slowly.

As the son of heaven, although the three thousand harem beauties are controlled by Dong Zhuo, Dong Zhuo is not a robot, so it is impossible to visit them all in one day.

Therefore, Liu Xie has enjoyed the blessings of Qi people in this respect.

It has been nearly two years since he escaped in Luoyang City, until he was rescued by Cao Cao, and then came to Jiangdong all the way.

For such a long time, a woman has not been touched.

If not, I, the man who is destined to be the right one, will peek at the woman when he hears her joking?

Thinking of Xiao Qiao's beautiful face, the day after tomorrow he could hold her in his arms and act recklessly, a hot flame glowed in his body.

Alas... three days... when will it be a head!

Qin Lang was right next door to Liu Xie, and couldn't sleep either.

Then Big Qiao and Little Qiao look very different, don't they really have deep roots in love?

No wonder so many people are eagerly looking forward to traveling through the ancient times, but this woman's deep affection can explain everything.

What excuse are you going to use to leave tomorrow?

Father Qiao had already been hypnotized, and if he hypnotized again for a short time, it might hurt his brain.

Using hypnosis to deal with Big Qiao and Little Qiao is really hard to do.

How about lending Zhuge Liang this pirated hypnotic pen when he crosses the river and fights with scholars?
not good too……

The instructions for use of the pirated hypnotic pen clearly stated that people with strong willpower may block the hypnotic function.

Then Dong Zhuo lost his bravery a long time ago, so he was easily hypnotized.

Qiao's father is over half a century old, and he has not experienced any great storms in his life, nor can he resist hypnosis.

Only Lu Bu... is Qin Lang's gamble.

The reason Lu Bu was hypnotized was entirely because he was attracted by Diao Chan, and he was even hypnotized willingly.

If Zhuge Liang failed to hypnotize Zhou Yu, it would only be self-defeating. I am afraid Zhuge Liang would not bother to use such a method.

Or, leave a letter and leave without saying goodbye!
Love debt is the hardest to pay off, even the unrequited love.

the next day.

Father Qiao took a few servants out to organize a banquet. With the transportation capacity of ancient times, it would not be possible to hold such a luxurious wedding in three days.

He didn't even invite a few people with status to attend, but Qiao's father didn't care, no matter how simple this wedding was, as long as he had a status first, he would make up for it later!

Entering the city from outside the city, it only took one day to prepare, but I was able to return in the daytime of the third day, in time for my daughter to worship, and also in time for my daughter to enter the bridal chamber.

Father Qiao is full of complacency, what's wrong with being in a hurry, can the Qiao family's reputation be preserved without haste?
Can you get two sons-in-law if you don't rush?

One is the emperor and the other is a hero!

Now, only Qin Lang, Liu Xie, Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao, and some servants were left in the bamboo building.

Father Qiao didn't care too much, the bridal chamber will be tomorrow, who cares if he is a widow or not?

Since Qin Lang made up his mind to leave, he felt much more relaxed.

Don't show any flaws for the time being, it will definitely not be a problem to take advantage of tonight's night to leave.

If you don't leave, you will really be forced into the bridal chamber.

The whole day today, there was no sign of Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao.

Liu Xie had no energy and always looked in the direction of the boudoir. Every day he didn't see the woman, he would be dejected every day.

Qin Lang didn't think there was anything wrong with it. It's normal for a lady to stay out of one door and stay out of another door.

I can't come out every day to find you, a big man.

Everything from peeking at other girls playing in the water the night before yesterday to now is abnormal!

It's no wonder that the girl is restless, this kind of thing is uncomfortable for anyone.

Everyone doesn't want to see anyone, so it's more enjoyable to leave at night!
The only troublesome thing about this matter is Liu Xie, and he has to talk to this kid in the afternoon, if it doesn't work, he will beat him up again.

Sure enough, until almost night, Da Qiao came to the gazebo shyly.

"Young master, my father won't be back until tomorrow. I have dinner tonight. The little girl would like to offer you a toast. I wonder if that's okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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