Chapter 203
"Officer, be careful!" Liu Bei stretched his neck and shouted. If anyone knew Qin Lang's details best, Liu Bei would definitely be the first one present.

Ever since meeting Qin Lang at Hulao Pass, this kid was the one who got beaten every time.

He was beaten when he competed with Guan Yu, and he was beaten when he competed with Zhao Yun.

With Zhang Fei... yes, officials never compete with Zhang Fei.

As for my big brother, ahem, how can my big brother compete with others at will?

"Hahaha, roam the world, follow my heart, if I win the world, who can compete with it!" Qin Lang laughed heartily, and patted Chituma's neck.

The red rabbit horse immediately raised its front hooves and rushed towards Xiahou Dun.

Chitu's speed was too fast, and he instantly distanced himself from Zhang Liao. Zhang Liao could only watch Qin Lang and Xiahou Dun fight together.

Although the distance between the two sides is still very close, it is enough for Qin Lang to make a move.

Chituma jumped up, avoiding the phoenix knife that Xiahou Dun had slashed at.

Just when he jumped to the highest point, this time, it was Qin Lang who jumped up on the horseback.

In the same posture as Xiahoudun before, Fang Tian slashed down with his halberd force, with an indomitable momentum.


There was a loud noise that shocked everyone to quickly cover their ears.

Xiahou Dun held the phoenix knife in both hands, and his legs suddenly fell to his knees, only to hear several crisp "click" sounds, and his arms twisted into an arc strangely.

At this moment, without turning his head, Qin Lang pulled Fang Tian's painting halberd back violently, sparking another burst of sparks.

Zhang Liao didn't expect Qin Lang's reaction to be so fast, as if he had eyes on his back.

He wanted to slash, but Fang Tian's painted halberd reached before his chest, and the momentum of slashing became a burden instead, so he could only forcefully change the momentum of the knife, lying across his side.

The next moment, there was nothing left.

Zhang Liao blocked the halberd, but he couldn't stop the power of the halberd, and was immediately sent flying.

Fly over the wall, do not know where it fell.

"Who came just now? He announced his family name, but I didn't hear clearly!" Qin Lang looked at Xiahou Dun and pointed behind him, where there was only one horse left.

"Hiss..." Cao Cao gasped.

Xiahoudun and Zhang Liao teamed up, and Zhang Liao was suspected of sneak attacking, but the two lost so quickly and so neatly!
"Qin Guanren, you surprise me every moment!"

"Huh? Damn, why are the officials so powerful? Could it be that they were pretending before? Fortunately, my elder brother didn't have an itchy hand to compete with him for a while!" Liu Bei swallowed wildly.

"Okay, what a brave and extraordinary assassin hero, he deserves to be the one who can escape from Lu Bu's hands!"

Dong Cheng looked very bright, His Majesty and this Qin official were inseparable, if he was assisted by this person, it would be equivalent to having Lv Bu lead the army again.

In this way, there is hope for the Kuangfu Han Dynasty!

How should I win over this person?It is said that this man, like Cao Mengde, likes married women.

However, how could such a character fall in love with an ordinary woman?

As an official, I am afraid that only wives and daughters who have been married have this qualification.

But the official's wife is also old, so it must not work. Those concubines are too poor to show sincerity.

The official's daughter is now the noble concubine Dong Gui. If I can help His Majesty to help the Han family, I will go to see her even if I die. What's wrong with my daughter, isn't she also a woman?
But the difficulty is that the daughter is pregnant and may be a prince!
Why don't you go back and ask the imperial doctor, let the imperial doctor think of a way?
At the same time, Yuan Xu secretly gritted his teeth, Cao Cao has such a general, which is a mountain range before Yuan's great cause.

This person...maybe more important than the Son of Heaven, no, he is definitely more important than the Son of Heaven!

The Son of Heaven is now a banner, which can give righteousness to those who control the Son of Heaven, but didn't Dong Zhuo get beaten to death when he took the Son of Heaven under his control?

There is also Lu Bu alone, who is trying to turn the tide!

This person has the courage of Lu Bu, and he has the ability to change the situation of the war!

What's more, Yuan Shao had already received Yuan Shu's letter and was sending troops to take Yuan Shu back to Jizhou. This mission also had the purpose of paralyzing Cao Cao.

"Zhen Mi..." Yuan Xu looked at the daughter beside him, if you are sent to this person, can this person secretly join the Yuan family?

Wang Yun kicked off the prelude to the melee with a beauty trick. With your appearance, it is impossible to be worse than Diao Chan.

Zhen Mi frowned, she didn't notice the hidden thoughts in Yuan Xu's eyes, she looked at Qin Lang with a complicated expression.

What the hell is going on with this person?

How could such a heroic person do such peeping things?
If you peep, just peep, and you can even crush the roof...

When it collapses, it collapses, and it just falls into the bathtub...

Are you still out of breath after falling into the tub?
Now, is he so arrogant?

"However, what does all this have to do with me? I want to marry the emperor of the current dynasty, spread righteousness for my father, and help the Han Dynasty!"

Zhen Mi's eyes gradually became firmer, as long as she helped the big man, the war would be quelled and the people would be able to live and work in peace and contentment.

Her biological father had already died of illness due to the disaster, and she couldn't avenge her, so she had to do something in her own way.

If not, Zhen Mi already has a marriage contract and is Yuan Shao's second son, so what if she doesn't come this time?

Although he only met Yuan Xi once, Yuan Xi has long been obsessed with him, and this time he came to Xuchang, he still kept it a secret.

Marrying Yuan Shao's second son is better than marrying a puppet emperor, not to mention the danger of being raped and messed up in the harem at any time!

Everyone's eyes flickered, each with their own thoughts.

"Hahaha, officials are invincible in the world. In the past, it was Lu Bu, but now it is Qin Lang!" Cao Cao hurriedly ran down the stairs, and as soon as he walked out the door, he deliberately threw his shoes away.

The big feet stepped on the ground with a "slap", lest no one would see it.

"Huh..." Qin Lang let out the breath in his chest, and Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand suddenly disappeared, "Meng De's words are serious, how could I be Feng Xian's opponent?"

Observing at such a close distance, Cao Cao still didn't understand how Fang Tian's painted halberd disappeared.

"Could it be the legendary mustard seed? This is a very advanced fairy art!"

"Officer, the banquet has been set, today you and I will not return if we are not drunk!"

Cao Cao took Qin Lang's arm and walked into the building, "Oops... I'm stuck on my feet, where are my shoes? Officer, help me!"


Everyone was waiting, Liu Bei quickly gave Qin Lang a look, it wasn't that my elder brother didn't want to go down to pick you up, but that he wanted to hide his clumsiness.

If I am more excited than Cao Cao, I will definitely not end well.

"Officer, this is a seat reserved for you, hurry up and take your seat!"

Cao Cao dragged Qin Lang to the seat on the left, then looked at Cao Zhi, "Wake up, stop drooling, hurry up and get back my father's shoes!"

"Huh? Huh?"

Cao Zhi looked blank, I was looking at Zhen Mi's profile, even with a veil, I still had that peerless face in my mind.

"What are you doing? Wait, who called me?"

(End of this chapter)

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