Chapter 205
Qin Lang had just fought a battle, and was feeling a little thirsty, so he took a sip of wine while watching Cao Chong flirt with Zhen Mi.

But before he swallowed the wine, he spit it all out, "Little guy, thank you so much!"

Zhen Mi's beautiful eyes looked at Qin Lang, Qin Lang seemed to understand Zhen Mi's meaning, "It's really shameless for you to let a child moles a little girl!"


Seeing Qin Lang's reaction so fiercely, Cao Cao immediately became interested, "Don't officials like women as much as I do? Have they changed their taste?"

After pondering for a moment, Cao Cao said: "Yuan Xu, our officials are not only famous assassin heroes, but also practitioners outside the country. You have seen the bravery today, what do you think?"

Yuan Xu also pondered for a while, and said: "The talents of officials are rare in the world!"

"Hahaha, that's good, your daughter, how about marrying an official?"

"Very good!"

"Hahaha, Brother Yuan Xu is so kind!"

"No, it's Prime Minister Cao's great kindness!"

What Cao Cao thought was, it doesn't matter who you are, as long as you stay in Xuchang from now on, that's mine!

This woman stayed in Xuchang, you Yuan clan still want to influence her?When the time comes to tie Qin Lang's heart here, it will be a great achievement.

What Yuan Xu thought was that Zhengchou didn't know what excuse he could find to prevent Zhen Mi from marrying the emperor, but to marry the official Qin in front of him to win him over!
Cao Cao's proposal is to give pillows when he is sleepy, and braised pork when he is hungry. If he doesn't agree at this time, when will he agree?
Of course, Cao Cao had to bear the charge of stopping the crime of offering concubines to the emperor.

Zhen Mi was a little confused, what's going on?

Why don't you marry the emperor, but marry this man instead?
Can this kind of thing change so much?
Qin Lang's head is also spinning, and this is it?

Liu Bei was secretly anxious, what if Qin Lang was really drawn away?
No, officials are unparalleled in their loyalty and righteousness, and they may not necessarily betray us!

But... if the officials don't betray me, it doesn't mean I can do nothing!

Is it true that sister Gan must also be sacrificed?
At that time, none of my sons will be mine!

what to do?What should I do?

Liu Bei frowned and looked at Yuan Xu...'s there!

This Yuan Xu is Yuan Shao's cousin, so I have brothers too!

If you are a brother, you have to share your worries for the elder brother, so hurry up and get Yun Chang and Yi De to marry, this matter must be put on the agenda!

Dong Cheng also frowned, Cao Cao and Yuan Xu are too shameless, if His Majesty finds out, I don't know how angry he will be!
Physician!When I go back today, I must see the imperial doctor!
"Master Yuan, I heard that Wang Yun's daughter could lure Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu to kill each other with a dance. What's so unusual about your daughter?" Dong Cheng asked.

Dong Cheng asked this on purpose to belittle Zhen Mi's image in Qin Lang's mind.

Although her daughter Concubine Dong Gui didn't have this ability, but his daughter status is enough!

Who in the world would not want to sleep with the emperor's woman?
Moreover, Dong Zhuo was able to sleep with the emperor's woman, but he also used force to force him. Even if he got his hand, it was a fly in the ointment.

However, Qin officials can get His Majesty's consent. Who in the world can refuse such a temptation?

Liu Bei rolled his eyes, and quickly tugged on his beard, "That's right, I don't think this girl's figure is so graceful either!"

"Hahaha, I have never seen that Wang Qi, but I am confident that Zhen Mi's beauty is definitely not inferior to hers!"

Yuan Xu laughed loudly, "Daughter, dance for your lords!"

"Here!" Zhen Mi stood up, saluted lightly, and then danced lightly.

This dance is like a fairy coming to the world. Even though her face is covered with a veil, the ethereal and comfortable temperament and the softness of her body are already shocking.

This woman's eyes are like the moon, her eyes are like stars, and her black pupils seem to contain the entire night sky.

Can the appearance be any worse?

"Good! Good!"

Cao Cao was overjoyed, the more excellent this woman is, the more Qin Lang will be attracted to her, "I have seen Wang Yun's daughter, she is even worse than the girl!"

"Officer, what do you think?" Yuan Xu looked at Qin Lang. Is this girl more beautiful than Wang Yun's daughter? Is she worthy of a fairy like you?

Qin Lang looked at Yuan Xu, then at Zhen Mi, Zhen Mi stood there without saying anything, still looking so calm.

But Qin Lang always felt that Zhen Mi's eyes expressed unwillingness.

"Brother Meng De, Master Yuan, it's better to be consensual in this matter. If Miss Zhen Mi is unwilling, why bother to make things difficult for others?"

Zhen Mi was a little surprised when he heard the words, this person refused, could it be that he was playing hard to get?

Is this person really such a deep-minded person?

"Since ancient times, when it comes to marriage, you have to obey your parents' orders and the words of the matchmaker. Today, Mr. Yuan agrees. Why is it difficult for me to be the matchmaker?"

Cao Cao made up his mind, and he will take care of this matter today.

"Choose an auspicious day, make a marriage contract in Xuchang, and then choose a day for the wedding!"

"Father, no, the child does not agree!" Cao Zhi held Cao Cao's shoes, and he came upstairs when Zhen Mi was dancing, but he was obsessed again.

Inspiration burst forth in his head, and finally broke through that layer of confinement.

It turns out that this handed down article really appeared in the world for this woman.

But in an instant, I heard that these people wanted to marry Zhen Mi to someone else, how could this work?

"Huh?" Cao Cao's face darkened, you are a son, Chong'er is also a son, how can Chong'er be so sensible.

"Nonsense, do you have something to say here?"

Don't say that this woman is used to win over officials, even if she doesn't need it, she is also the concubine Yuan Shao presented to Liu Xiejin!
If I stopped my son halfway, wouldn't that be an excuse for Yuan Shao to launch a crusade?

Didn't you see that I proposed marriage to Qin Lang, so you should ask Yuan Xu's opinion first?
You are such a cheating son, if you don't see that you are still a bit of a literary talent among my sons, I will beat you to death!

"Father!" Cao Zhi fell to his knees with a "plop", tears streaming down his face.

"The child thinks he is romantic and suave, looks at all the mountains, and thinks that all women in the world are just like this, and has never been sincere, but now... now... I beg my father to help me!"

Cao Zhi cried hoarsely, with deep affection, at this moment, Liu Bei had the idea of ​​accepting apprentices.

Didn't Qin Lang also accept Cao Chong as his apprentice?
This Cao Zhi is also very talented!

If he takes Cao Cao's son as his apprentice, his personal safety will be guaranteed!

"Ahem, as the saying goes, gentlemen are gentlemen. Since my nephew is so affectionate, the prime minister can't refuse her so decisively!"

Liu Bei helped Cao Zhi up, just because he didn't want Qin Lang to marry Zhen Mi, so Cao Zhi gave him a divine assist.

Take a look at this crying face with snot and tears, he is really talented.

Zhen Mi's expression changed slightly. These people treated her like a commodity and distributed her at will.

Only this Qin official said a word of mutual consent.

Is he really a scheming person?

(End of this chapter)

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