Chapter 214 As expected of Guo Jia

Cao Cao pressed his head firmly. Ever since the eighteen princes of Hulao Pass begged for Dong Zhuo, he was frightened by Qin Lang once, and he suffered from a headache.

As long as I get excited or have any bad news, I will have a splitting headache and be unstoppable.

Liu Bei has great ambitions, and when green plums are cooking wine to discuss heroes, he has already come to a conclusion.

Now he not only has powerful generals, but also has [-] elite soldiers, all of which he gave with his own hands. What a bad move!

It's just, how dare he not come back?

He really dare not come back?
That boy Liu Bei is so daring!
Cao Cao looked at Qin Lang with a look of sternness in his eyes, "Officer, I have a splitting headache!"

"Meng De, this matter has nothing to do with me."

Qin Lang shrugged his shoulders. He was not involved in this matter. Of course, there was some fuel to the flames, but who knows?

Cao Cao stared at Qin Lang for a while, then nodded, Qin Lang really had no room to intervene in this matter.

The headache finally eased, and I can barely support it.

"Come on, call Xu Chu and Xiahou Dun here immediately!"

Liu Bei led the army not far away, and now he can stop it.

After all, the [-]-strong army, as well as his own generals, as long as Xu Chu and Xiahou Dun show up, Liu Bei will not be able to control that army.

But if you go late, there will be an accident, and the [-] army will only recognize the soldier talisman!
As for the fact that Xiahou Dun's injury has not recovered, it's not a big deal, otherwise how can he be called a tough guy?

"Here!" Some soldiers immediately went to Xu Chu and Xiahou Dun.

Guo Jia breathed a sigh of relief and sat down slowly.

Liu Bei had no choice but to guard against him, but the lord wanted to subdue Qin Lang, and he couldn't be killed, so he had to be placed under house arrest in Xuchang City, which was the best policy.

But if Qin Lang can't subdue him, then he can only bear the pain and kill this person, so as to avoid future troubles forever.

In Guo Jia's heart, Liu Bei is more important than Qin Lang.

Because Liu Bei has the ambition to be in the world, but Qin Lang...has no idea of ​​aspiring to be in the world.

Whoever wins Qin Lang wins the world, but doesn't Qin Lang still want to be inferior to others!
"Report..." Another soldier ran in.

"Oh? The speed is so fast!" Cao Cao cheered up, "Let Xu Chu and Xiahou Dun come in!"

"Huh? General Xu and General Xiahou?" The soldier was a little confused, "Prime Minister, this subordinate came to report the foreign envoy, but I have never seen General Xu and General Xiahou!"

"Foreign envoys..." Cao Cao took a deep breath, no wonder he came back so quickly, it turned out that he was not the messenger.

However, this is considered good news, but the foreign envoy has prepared tens of thousands of horses and countless cattle and sheep?

My headache was splitting, and it became lighter.

"Prime Minister, those people from the foreign race... escaped, and I just found some bearded men in their room!"

"What?" Cao Cao stood up, the anger in his eyes had reached the extreme.

He was played!

In this world, someone dares to play Cao Mengde!

Cao Cao roared furiously, only to feel a loud explosion in his mind.


The next moment, Cao Cao fell to the ground and passed out.


"Hurry up and call the imperial doctor!"

"Go and call Xu Chu immediately, and then send someone there, let him lead the troops to guard himself!"

"Let General Xiahou lead troops to blockade Xuchang!"

"Order General Zhang Liao to lead troops to blockade the palace!"

"Order General Cao Ren to recover Liu Bei, and if necessary, kill him first and then fight!"

Guo Jia's face was livid, but he gave orders in an orderly manner.

Only Xu Chu is Cao Cao's most trusted person.

Only Xiahou Dun is comparable to Xu Chu.

Although Zhang Liao was a general, he was a loyal man!

Cao Ren's fighting power is unparalleled, let Cao Ren go after Liu Bei, and he is ready to fight at any time.

After arranging these orders, Guo Jia stood in front of Cao Cao and faced Qin Lang.

Guo Jia knew that all the orders he issued were for Cao Cao's safety, but Cao Cao's biggest crisis now came from the Qin official in front of him.

If Qin Guanren wanted to make a move, Guo Jia couldn't stop him, and he would even be killed together.

After all, he asked Cao Ren to pursue Liu Bei, and gave the order to kill first and then play.

"Guo Jia is not dead, Crouching Dragon is not coming out, this statement is not groundless!" Qin Lang said with emotion.

This sentence has been circulated for thousands of years, but Guo Jia died too early, and Zhuge Liang's existence was too dazzling, which caused the world to always feel that Guo Jia was not worthy of such an honor.

At the moment when Cao Cao fell to the ground, Guo Jia was able to make the most correct judgment in an orderly manner, and with thorough consideration. His quick wit did not dare to say that he surpassed Zhuge Liang, but he was definitely comparable to Zhuge Liang.

"What do you mean?" Guo Jia asked solemnly, "Wolong? Are you talking about that Zhuge Wolong? Do you know him?"

At this time, Zhuge Liang's reputation was only spread in his hometown, but Guo Jia knew about this man's great talent by chance.

He also advised Cao Cao to win over this person, but Cao Cao now has too many talents under his command, and Cao Cao would not go looking for someone with great fanfare just because of some rumors.

At this time, Qin Lang heard the name from Qin Lang's mouth.

What's more, what he said was "Guo Jia will not die, Crouching Dragon will come out!"

"Don't worry, although Cao Cao has murderous intentions towards me, I still won't hurt him!"

Qin Lang shook his head, but sat down again and started cooking wine.

"Why?" Guo Jia said in a deep voice.

"Are you asking me why I didn't kill Cao Cao, or why I said that just now?" Qin Lang said.

Guo Jia remained silent.

"If Cao Cao dies, the North will be in the hands of Yuan Shao. With the influence of the Yuan family on the world, there will be no one to rival him."

"Official Qin, do you think Yuan Shao is better than the lord? If Yuan Shao unifies the north, you and Liu Bei still have a chance, but if the lord unifies the north, you can unify the whole world!" Guo Jia resolutely said.

Cao Cao is indeed stronger than Yuan Shao, whether it is a great talent, or governing the world, Yuan Shao is not comparable.

But... Feng Xiao, have you thought about it?

The Yuan family has four generations and three princes, and their disciples and old officials are all over the world. The Yuan family wanted to seize the world, but they were much less constrained by the righteousness of the world than Cao Cao.

Cao Cao will always be a traitor, this is one of them.

Liu Bei already has a belt edict, which is Liu Bei's greatest advantage. No matter when in the future, as long as Liu Bei faces Cao Cao, he will be able to occupy the righteousness of the world. This is the second.

Qin Lang didn't tell Guo Jia about these two points, only these three...

"Feng Xiao, if you can live to sixty years old, I will kill Cao Cao, but Feng Xiao, how long can your body last?"


Guo Jia staggered and fell to the ground, a look of fear gradually appeared in Qin Lang's eyes.

"You... how did you know?"

Qin Lang shook his head, turned around and walked outside.

If I tell you Guo Jia that I am from the future, would you believe it?

Guo Jia looked at Qin Lang's back, laughed suddenly, and said: "Hahaha, you are a fairy, so you naturally have the power to reach the sky, but Qin Guanren, even if I, Guo Jia, have a long life, you can really go down hand?"

Qin Lang paused for a moment, then disappeared into the darkness. Not long after, a long sigh came, "Guo indeed Guo Jia!"

(End of this chapter)

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