Chapter 220 Thirty Thousand Pigs
"Donkey donkey donkey..."

Zhang Liao tightened the reins abruptly, his mouth widened in shock.

This official Qin Lang, he... flew away!

How the hell are you besieged?

We didn't bring bows and arrows either!
No wonder this person always falls from the sky, he really can fly!
No wonder this person walks on the ground wherever he goes, he can enter the palace to assassinate Dong, he can enter Yanzhou like a backyard, he can enter and leave Xuchang City at any time, no one can stop him.

If I could fly, I could do it too!

At the same time, the mansion where Cao Cao lived.

After Zhang Liao went out to lead the troops, Cao Cao's heart was extremely complicated.

He took out the magazine that Qin Lang gave him, and looked at the charming Bo Duo sister.There are even more mixed feelings in my heart.

If Qin Lang dies, who else in the world can unlock the letter and release the woman in this treasure?

Could it be that in my life, Cao Cao, I can only watch from afar and not play around?


A soldier ran in.

Seeing that Cao Cao was still asleep, he dared to come forward.

Cao Cao put away the magazine and nodded in satisfaction. Now that he is asleep, no one dares to approach him.

The murder in the dream still played its due role.

"Come to report late at night, so why?"

"My lord, a servant from Mrs. Huan's mansion came to report that he saw officials from Qin visiting the mansion at night and even entered Mrs. Huan's room!"

"Huh?" Cao Cao stood up abruptly. The officials went to Mrs. Huan's residence in the middle of the night, and even entered her room?

No wonder, he wanted to accept Chong'er as his disciple as soon as he came, so the root cause is here!

No wonder, I gave him Wu Niang, but he didn't touch it at all. It turns out that he already has someone he values!

Cao Cao's expression changed drastically, and he was weighing the pros and cons in his heart.

At this time, anger is certain. I can give you Cao Mengde's concubine, but you can't steal it. This is a great shame!
But on the other hand, what is a woman compared to the world, compared to talents?
If I push the boat along the way, I will give you Mrs. Huan, why don't you be grateful?

No matter how much I love Chong'er, his mother is just a concubine!
Cao Cao thought again that in Xuzhou City, those rich people were crazy about taking concubines. Everyone knew the reason.

But which one succeeded?Officials are not all contemptuous!
There are millions of people in Xuchang City, and Qin officials entered Mrs. Huan's room!
I... endure it!
"Come here, send an order to Zhang Liao immediately, not to besiege and kill Qin Lang!"


Soldiers lead the way.

"Ha...hahaha, officer, Chong'er must be my son anyway, so I'll give you Mrs. Huan, why don't you stay?"

As long as you stay, I will immediately send an envoy to welcome Zhen Mi back to you.

If not, I will tell Mrs. Huan that you must keep your blood and let you have a family in Xuchang.

In this way, even if you want to go, you can't go!
"Hurry up and inform Zhang Liao, don't besiege and kill officials!"

After Cao Cao figured it out, he was so excited that he didn't sleep all night.

That night, Cao Cao thought a lot, and even thought about enshrining his son.

Do you really want to make Cao Chong your son?
But can Cao Chong hold Qin Lang down?

Then again, if Cao Chong's ingenuity can't be suppressed, the other sons can't be suppressed even more!

Otherwise, when I am about to die, I will kill Qin Lang too? !

It doesn't matter, there is always a solution to this matter, so let's take care of the present first!
When the sky was bright, Zhang Liao came back with a slumped face.

When he came back, he received an order not to besiege and kill Qin Lang.

But it was too late!

Qin Lang already knew that he led troops to pursue, and he also flew away.

There was also a reason why he came back so late.There was also news from Xuzhou.

"Prime Minister, the general will not do well in the end, please punish him!"

Zhang Liao knelt in front of Cao Cao and described Qin Langfei's departure.

Cao Cao walked back and forth twice and sighed, "It's God's will, what can I do?"

However, knowing that officials can fly, and knowing the secret that he can enter the city at will and carry out assassinations, it is not completely fruitless.

In the future, the defense outside the mansion must wear bows and arrows, and pay attention to the sky, Qin Lang may fall from the sky at any time.

"Don't worry about officials' affairs, Mrs. Huan is here, he will always think about Xu Chang!"

"Huh? What does this matter have to do with Mrs. Huan?" Zhang Liao was a little confused, "Could it be...cough cough..."

Just thinking of a possibility, Zhang Liao quickly coughed twice.

Fortunately, I didn't say it, otherwise, Cao Cao would have to clean it up.

"By the way, you said there was news from Xuzhou, what happened?"

"Prime Minister, Xuzhou came to report that Liu Bei tricked the city gate into opening and captured Xuzhou. At this time, the flag of the Liu family has been replaced!"

"Wait, what did you say? Liu Bei took Xuzhou down?"

Cao Cao was in a trance, only feeling that his head began to ache again.

Liu Bei only brought [-] soldiers, and it is understandable to say that Xu Chu and Xiahou Dun could not chase them back.

After all, they only brought a thousand soldiers and horses.

But there were [-] soldiers and horses in Xuzhou City, why did it fall?

It's only been a few days?
Even [-] pigs can't be killed in such a short period of time, right?
What's more, Xuzhou's city walls are tall and thick. He had worked hard to take Xuzhou back then, and he went several times just to lead troops to attack.

In the end, if it wasn't because Lu Bu was too stupid, he still couldn't win.

Xuzhou, guarded by an army of [-], cannot be taken down even by an army of [-]!
"Prime Minister, Liu Bei has [-] soldiers and horses, but he has a soldier talisman. Could he use the soldier talisman to deceive the city gate, so Xuzhou was easily captured?"

"Plop..." Cao Cao fell to the ground, "Wen Yuan, I... have a splitting headache!"

They took [-] soldiers in Xuchang, and got [-] soldiers from Xuzhou. This is [-] soldiers!

"Report... Prime Minister, General Xu Chu and General Xiahou are back!"

"Report...General Xu Chu has returned from victory and brought back the Jade Seal of Chuanguo!"

"Report... Yuan Shu is dead, the rebellious ministers and thieves must be punished, and General Xiahou brought back Yuan Shu's head!"

Xu Chu and Xiahou stood outside Cao Cao's mansion, they looked at each other, and they both saw the uneasiness in each other's eyes.

The two of them are really brothers and sisters. This time, the mission was not completed.

They chased all the way to Shouchun, and finally caught up with Liu Bei.

But at that time, Liu Bei had already robbed Yuan Shu, and Yuan Shu vomited blood and died, leaving behind the Jade Seal of Chuanguo.

That big-eared thief actually said that the generals will not accept military orders abroad. We only have 500 soldiers and horses. Even with Cao Ren, there are only [-] people. It is really impossible to beat!

Cao Ren was strong enough, but he was beaten up by Guan Yu's red face and bearded man. If Liu Bei hadn't told him to stop, he would have brought back two heads now.

I, Xu Chu, are reckless, but we are not stupid!
Xiahoudun nodded, Xu Chu was right, I, Xiahoudun, would not recognize anyone when I went crazy, but we are not stupid!

How nice it is to come back with Chuanguo Yuxi and Yuan Shu's head, and have to fight Liu Bei hard?
We are not stupid!

(End of this chapter)

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