Chapter 231 Began to be Arrogant
Liu Bei waved his hand, and a group of dancers surrounded Yuan Xi, standing beside Yuan Xi with concern, either shy or fiery.

These women are also carefully selected, if placed in modern times, each of them would be at the school beauty level.

Liu Bei stared at Yuan Xi intently, observing which woman Yuan Xi's eyes stayed on the longest.

Yuan Xi was silent for a long time. After seeing Zhen Mi, he saw Diao Chan again. How could he still be moved by these women?
"Uncle Liu Huang, you don't want to form an alliance with my father?" Yuan Xi asked word by word.

The teeth, which were still stained with blood, looked extremely terrifying.

"Nephew, why do you think so?" Liu Bei was rather annoyed, feeling that when facing Yuan Xi, his acting skills would be useless.

You can't face a junior and cry heart-piercingly, right?

That's not a joke!

Crying... is not a panacea, everything depends on one's own strength.

I really think that Liu Bei loves to cry, isn't it all forced by the situation?
"Hehe..." Yuan Xi sneered, finally regaining some confidence.

"Now Xuzhou is asking me, not me asking Xuzhou, Qin Lang, I want to know, is Liu Bei more willing to ally with my father, or is he more willing to protect you, an immortal!"

"Nephew, why are you smiling so provocatively?"

"I laugh that the emperor's uncle's life is not long, and I will go back to Jizhou to report to my father. The envoy was humiliated in Xuzhou. Liu Bei, Liu Xuande, the man of benevolence and righteousness, despises Yuan Benchu, the leader of the [-]th princes! "

"Nephew, don't do it, you're turning black and white!" Liu Bei was shocked, isn't this nonsense?

I don't like that Yuan Benchu, you kid told the truth, but I definitely didn't show it.

Do you think I look like a fool?

Now is the time to take advantage of Yuan Benchu's influence, so I must have been extremely enthusiastic, licking my face and leaning forward.

"What the emperor said doesn't count, I have the final say!" After Yuan Xi finished speaking, he looked outside the door.

Liu Bei wanted to explain, but Mrs. Gan took Liu Bei's hand and shook her head.

"Nephew Yuan Xi, I'm afraid you are tired from the long journey, why don't you rest for a night and talk about this matter tomorrow?"

Mrs. Gan's voice is very soft, and it makes people feel warm.

Yuan Xi suddenly remembered that Mrs. Gan was measuring clothes for him, and his heart softened.

"Forget it, I'll stay here for a day, let's see Uncle Liu's sincerity!"

"Come here, quickly take Yuan Xi's nephew to the guest room to rest!"

Mrs. Gan called her servants, but still arranged a guest room in her mansion.

This time Yuan Xi did not refuse, and quickly disappeared from the sight of the two of them.

"Ma'am, what should I do?" Liu Bei panicked as soon as Yuan Xi left.

This kid is too difficult to serve, who can't do it, but Diao Chan.

Can anyone fall in love with Diao Chan?
If you offend the officials, you may not even be able to return to Jizhou, and at that time, you will really turn against Yuan Shao.

The general trend of the world is like this, and Yuan Shao is a natural ally now, even if Yuan Xi said that he was humiliated in Xuzhou, Yuan Shao might not believe it.

At that time, there is still a great possibility that the two sides will form an alliance. As long as Cao Cao leads troops to attack Xuzhou, Xuchang will be empty, and you, Yuan Benchu, will not attack Xuchang because your son was humiliated in Xuzhou?
This is not realistic!
But if Yuan Xi was killed by officials, it would be really troublesome.

Yuan Shao broke through the empty Xuchang and defeated Cao Cao, and he would definitely send troops to Xuzhou City directly!
"The best way to resolve this matter is to let the officials give up Diao Chan," Mrs. Gan said.

Since ancient times, those who achieve great things do not care about small things. At the price of a woman, they can get a powerful ally. I am afraid that few people in this world who are ambitious in the world will refuse.

What's more, if there is no such ally, it will face the danger of destruction.

Liu Bei was silent for a moment, then shook his head.

It's not because he thinks about Qin Lang, but because he is afraid of Qin Lang's particularity.

"Since Xuchang spread that Qin Lang won the world, I don't know how many people's eyes are red, I... can't do this!"

You don't know how crazy those people have become in order to get Qin Lang!
Not to mention far away, just talk about Chen Deng and his son in the city. Chen Deng married his daughter-in-law like crazy, and his son was almost exhausted to death.

The young man is now skinny and looks like a man in his seventies and eighties.

Liu Bei is very clear that he has no restraint on Qin Lang at all, the only thing that can maintain the bond between the two is the friendship between brothers.

This is just one of Liu Bei's considerations for Qin Lang.

Just say that Diao Chan, how many times has he saved you and Mi Zhen?

If I split up Diao Chan and the officials in order to form an alliance with Yuan Shao, what will the people of the world say?This is on the premise that we can dismantle it, so Madam, don't bring this matter up again!

The corners of Mrs. Gan's mouth raised, her hands hooked Liu Bei's arm, and squeezed hard.

"I already know that my husband is the Lord of Benevolence and Righteousness!"

"Huh? Ma'am, did you say that on purpose?" Liu Bei reacted.

For such a long time, Diao Chan has been by Mrs. Gan's side, and Mrs. Gan has always regarded Diao Chan as a relative.

What's more, it is said that Diao Chan can regulate Mrs. Gan's body so that she can have a son...

cough cough...

Thinking of this, Liu Bei's eyes gradually became hot.

Even if Mi Zhenna is pregnant with a child, she doesn't know whose it is, so she is not sure.

But sister Gan, it has to be her own!

"Husband, as the saying goes, you have to tie the bell to untie the bell. You can let the official handle this matter yourself, and he will definitely handle it properly!"

"Ma'am, what you said is not bad. The officials have never disappointed me. Anyway, I plan to use the officials to persuade Yuan Shao to send troops!"

At the beginning, the emperor Liu Xie also fell in love with Diao Chan, but he was punished in the end.

Yuan Xi is a naive child, how can he be an opponent of officials.

We still have the same attitude, we don't care about anything, you Yuan Xi will trouble Qin Lang if you have the ability, and you will be punished if you don't.

Anyway, my lord will not show up, as long as I don't show up, as long as no one dies, there is room for relaxation no matter what happens.

"Husband, if you use an official as your envoy, aren't you afraid that he will be won over by Yuan Shao?"

"Hehe, hahaha..." Liu Bei laughed out loud.

Mrs. Gan was a little surprised, Liu Bei rarely smiled so presumptuously.

Generally speaking, Liu Bei only has such courage when he is crying happily.

"Officials value love and righteousness. For a woman, he can make the emperor, Cao Cao, and the world his enemy. How can he betray brotherhood?"

In this era, brothers are like siblings and women are like clothes, a concept that no one can change.

Officials even regard clothes as treasures, so how can they abandon brothers like shoes?
Sister Gan, you are really a little woman, you are too small.

(End of this chapter)

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