Chapter 237 Go to Jizhou

Within ten days, go to Jizhou as an envoy.

It is impossible to give these soldiers a good ideological education class within ten days.

The only way to lure them with profit is to stimulate the appetite of these soldiers first. The road to Jizhou is also a good opportunity to train soldiers.

In the small courtyard where Qin Lang lived.

Diao Chan sewed close-fitting flat cloth bags with needles and threads, which can be tied on thighs and arms.

"Officials, it's not easy for the soldiers to go forward with heavy loads every day, traveling thousands of miles!"

The weights that Diao Chan sewed by himself were of course worn by Qin Lang, and those soldiers could not enjoy this treatment.

Qin Lang smiled and said: "How can it be easy to become the elite among the elite?"

He entered the hunter school quite a few years ago, and the training was very intense from the very beginning, especially when he graduated, it was the most tragic.

The graduation rule of that hunter school is that only half of the graduates of each class can survive.

The content of the graduation exam is to be armed with a weight of [-] catties, and to cross-country for [-] kilometers.

Not only have to reach the finish line within five days, but also kill each other on the road. Those who kill one person can graduate smoothly, and those who are killed will be out.

As for those who did not kill, sorry, they can only take the next graduation exam.

As long as each person kills one person, exactly half of them can die.But there are murderous people in every class, which leads to the fact that the students who can really graduate in each class are always at the level of one-third.

Qin Lang fell into deep thought. It was in the year he graduated that a major change took place in that hunter school, because only two people survived in his class.

Even the instructor who supervised the exam was completely killed by the other survivor.

Qin Lang also created a record, a student who graduated without killing anyone.

"What's so hard about carrying heavy weights? It's just more sweat in normal times and less bloodshed in wartime!"

As long as it is not in wartime, as long as it is not in danger of life, it must be in a state of training all the time.

Compared with the despair of being killed, any hard training is profitable.

"Officer, my concubine will go with you on this mission!"

Diao Chan hung the weight on Qin Lang's body, stroked him lightly, her voice was soft but firm.

After a few days of hard work, you have settled down, and there are two courses of treatment for you. You can't give up halfway, right?

How long do you want me to wait?
"You want to go with me? Don't you stay to recuperate your wife's body?"

Qin Lang was a little panicked. The most important reason why he went to Jizhou this time was for Zhen Mi.

After all, if the task of Fairy Spectrum fails, the right of inheritance will be revoked, and then everything will be for naught.

If there is no inheritance system, it is unknown whether they will stay in the Three Kingdoms forever and cannot return to modern times, or whether they will not be able to travel back after returning to modern times.

Xiaoai didn't say anything, and we didn't dare to ask.

What if it is impossible to return to the Three Kingdoms after returning to modern times?

What is Yangmou, the fairy spectrum task inherited from the system is the real Yangmou!

"Officer, my concubine hasn't given birth to a son for you yet. Who cares about Mrs. Shangsao? If you don't take me with you this time, don't even think about going!"

Diao Chan is rarely so unreasonable, or in other words, has never been so.

Then what kind of elder brother is Liu Bei, knowing that you offended Yuan Xi for me, but still wanting you to go to Jizhou as an envoy, isn't that intentional?
You're going to be in danger, how can I turn a blind eye?
What the hell is he recuperating his wife's body? My body hasn't been recuperated yet, and I haven't given birth to you yet!
"Tell me, let me go with you!"

"That...Diao Chan, be careful, this is a big acupoint, if this needle goes in, it will at least result in paralysis!"

Qin Lang swallowed, there was a silver needle in Diao Chan's hand, and a wave of true energy surrounded the silver needle.

The originally soft silver needle became harder than the steel needle.

"You take the mission to Jizhou, the journey is far away, you always have to bring a doctor, the concubine will not be a burden, don't you think so?"

Diao Chan was holding the silver needle in her hand, but her body was leaning into Qin Lang's arms, she raised her head, her warm red lips whispered in front of her eyes.

"Gudong..." Qin Lang swallowed, Diaochan was playing both soft and hard ways, and she was playing tricks again.

Recently, the resistance to female sex seems to have weakened a lot, and the movement of swallowing saliva is very frequent.

Qin Lang thought for a moment, and said seriously: "You are right. The training on the road will only become more stringent, and injuries are commonplace. Taking you along is also a layer of protection!"

"Hehe, everything about the concubine is under the orders of the officials!"

Diao Chan narrowed her eyes and laughed, the silver needle in her hand disappeared at some point, but she didn't intend to leave.

The beauty is in your arms, this is your reward, why don't you come over?

Qin Lang could smell the fragrance of Diao Chan, and the white teeth were as white as pearls.

"Ahem... that... um..."

"You still want to run?"

"I didn'"



ten days later.

Liu Bei and Zhang Fei saw Qin Lang off outside the city gate.

Zhao Yun is wearing a silver-white armor, a big gold chain around his neck, sunglasses, and short yellow hair.

It's just that the cigar on his mouth was replaced by a model made of wood.

It's not that Zhao Yun doesn't want to smoke, nor is it that Qin Lang is too picky.

It's all because the inheritance system raised the price too hard. I wanted to buy a down jacket for Diaochan a long time ago, but I haven't bought it until now.

The price increase level of the inheritance system is the first in the world.

Since checking the price of the down jacket yesterday, Qin Lang didn't sleep well in the middle of the night.

If I had known this earlier, when the quotation was [-], I would have bought [-] pieces first.

Thinking about it now, [-] Ruanmei coins are too cheap.

Diao Chan also changed into men's clothing, standing beside Qin Lang, she felt a strange temptation.

If all men were like Diao Chan disguised as a man, how many men like men would appear in the world.

Yuan Xi's hands were still bound with chains, but he did not appear to be in prison, but instead had a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

This Liu Bei is not only bad at leading troops, he is also an idiot!
Arrest him, and take him back to Jizhou to verify his identity. After the identity verification, you people still want to be safe and sound?

This is not realistic!
As long as you arrive in Jizhou, I won’t deal with you, but snatch this girl, and then snatch the treasure on that young general’s face, what the hell will I call you Grandpa!
Yuan Xi secretly became ruthless, and made up his mind that he must not form an alliance with Liu Bei.

Because this person is short-sighted, if he allys with him, he will only suffer from it.

"Officer, you have to make your way to Jizhou as soon as possible, then Cao Cao may call at any time!"

Liu Bei looked sad. He said to the outside world that he was not afraid of Cao Cao, but when things came to an end, he was still a little guilty.

The key is that today is different from the past. If Cao Cao breaks Xuzhou City now, he will really become a dead soul under the sword.

(End of this chapter)

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