Chapter 239 Too bullying

The soldiers in Liyang City were in distress, and most of the people in the city fled. When the rest of the people wanted to flee, they were ordered by the city guards to close the city gates.

Wanting to defend a city is not something that only soldiers can accomplish.

If all the people in the city run away, everything will come to a standstill. How long can Liyang City be defended?

Moreover, as the war progresses, the number of soldiers defending the city will always decrease, and the people in the city are the most direct source of soldiers.

However, most of the people still fled the city before the defenders could react.

Fleeing a family is not so easy, especially a large-scale family fleeing. In addition to the backward transportation in this era, ordinary people can only move on their legs. What do they eat along the way?What to drink?
Fleeing all the way, leaving behind all the corpses.

The first batch of corpses belonged to the elderly, or the disabled and sick.

The second group is children, who are not very old and can only live by relying on adults.

The third group is women, this is natural selection, survival of the fittest, only the strongest can survive this catastrophic escape.

If they encounter a city that is willing to take in the people, more of these people will survive, but now there is a lot of turmoil among the cities, and the grass and trees are full of soldiers. What if there is Yuan Shao's internal response hidden among the refugees?

Along the way, no city was willing to open its gates to accept these refugees, which caused the refugees to flee all the way towards Xuzhou.

Qin Lang led the team to Jizhou, passing through Cao Cao's territory. In order to train soldiers on the road and avoid more troubles, Qin Lang specially searched for barren mountains and wild places.

Survival in the wild is an extremely important training course, not only to learn various survivable skills, to identify medicines for recovering from injuries, to find food for hunger, to arrange traps, to track traces, to hide methods, and so on. skills.

How to distinguish poisonous insects and poisonous substances, how to avoid beasts and birds, how to persist in the miasma for a long time, how to save yourself when you fall into a swamp...

This is a natural obstacle course, but also a natural wild training ground!

Here, not only can you train various combat skills, but you can also train the toughest physique.

After finding a safe rest camp every night, Qin Lang will also teach the soldiers makeup skills, sneaking skills behind enemy lines, and even the difficulties they need to face when performing tasks alone.

Qin Lang's methods made many soldiers amazed. In the past... the wilderness was the grave of soldiers.

Especially after the defeat, a large number of soldiers fled into the barren mountains and fields, and almost most of them were buried there.

But until now, these soldiers feel more and more that this is their home field, and in such a place, they will be invincible!

Qin Lang has also been recognized by the soldiers, ordinary people can't do all this, at least, Zhang Fei can't do it.


Zhao Yun caught a hare, which is the best food in the barren mountains, deep mountains and old forests.

Among all the soldiers, Zhao Yun studied the most seriously. As the fourth brother's most loyal brother, he must help out!

"Fourth brother, don't give me a fire tip, I'll try drilling wood to make fire again!"

Zhao Yun took out the tools, pressed the wooden stick and the rope bow, and pulled it up "shuashua...".

The key to making fire by drilling wood lies in friction. Zhao Yun rubbed vigorously, and soon sparks appeared, which were extremely conspicuous in the dark night.

The smell of barbecue wafts far away. Even if there are thousands of people in areas rich in resources, it is impossible for everyone to eat wild rabbits.

"Bastard, you lunatic, you don't want to take the big road, you have to go through mountains and mountains, you are crazy!"

A miserable howl sounded in the distance.

Yuan Xi has always been led on the edge of the team, unable to participate in the training of the soldiers, but suffered a lot.

Whoever kills the prey will not distribute it to a prisoner.Everyone has sandbags tied to their bodies, and their physical strength has reached their limit after a day, let alone take care of a prisoner.

Yuan Xi could only eat leftovers every day, and sometimes he was sleepy and tired and didn't want to leave, so the soldiers in charge of guarding him dragged him with ropes and rubbed him fiercely on the ground.

Yuan Xi also became ruthless, I don't move, you just pull me and rub, I don't believe you dare to kill me!

Until one time, when the team came to a thorny field, Yuan Xi's stubborn temper came up, and he was dragged away with a rope again.

As a result, a thorn pierced in, and it penetrated so deep that even the soldiers guarding Yuan Xi felt guilty, beat himself to a field mouse, roasted it and gave it to Yuan Xi.

Yuan Xi broke down, eating while crying, bullying, what a bully!
I am Yuan Shao's son, I came to Xuzhou as an envoy, what have I done?I just want to clean up Liu Bei, you bastard, didn't I say it?

Even if I fell in love with Diao Chan, she is also a fair lady, a gentleman is good, but I didn't act too slutty, right?

It is said that the two armies are fighting without beheading. If you let me suffer this insult, you might as well kill me!

"Officer, Yuan Xi is yelling again, do you want me to pair it with a pair of Mabosan and pour it down for him?"

In the center of the camp, a simple tent was set up.

Diao Chan fiddled with the hare on the flames, her beautiful face was illuminated by the flames, as if she was in a fantasy.

At this time, Diao Chan was still dressed like a man, but Qin Lang knew that Diao Chan was a woman, and she was extremely beautiful.

"Cough cough..."

Qin Lang hastily turned his gaze aside, luckily he knew you were a woman, otherwise, I would have doubted my orientation.

"That's not necessary, let him howl, just to attract some wild beasts at night, when I was training, I didn't get a good night's sleep!"

"Officials, they all say that the land beyond Fang is easy and happy, but you have suffered so much, and my concubine is really distressed!"

Diao Chan gave up on the hare, stretched out her finger, and stroked across Qin Lang's cheek.

When the fingertips touch it, the face feels numb, the whole body becomes numb, and even the heart becomes numb!

"'s a woman, Diao Chan is a woman!"

"Hehehe, it turns out that officials not only like women, but also like women dressed as men!"

There was a look of surprise in Diao Chan's eyes, and she finally caught the official's heart.

However, in this barren mountain, there are thousands of soldiers on the side, and Zhao Yun is guarding not far away, it is really not a good time.

"Officer, shall we continue with today's treatment?"

"Heh...hehe..." Qin Lang grinned, fortunately this was in ancient times, he brought Diao Chan with him, and the soldiers didn't dare to say anything.

What's more, Diao Chan has medical skills and has saved dozens of people in the past few days. These soldiers have not received formal training before. In such an environment, they will inevitably be injured, and they have also won the respect of the soldiers.

If it was in modern times, an instructor brought a woman to train soldiers, and she always showed affection, and she would have withdrawn her position long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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