Chapter 244 is not a good bird

Qin Lang was also a little confused, Xiao Ai suddenly reminded him that the mission was started, how could Diao Chan hear it?
Qin Lang forcibly suppressed the urge to call Xiaoai out and ask clearly.

What if Diao Chan could hear the voice of the inheritance system, wouldn't all his secrets be exposed?

"Ding...Xiao Ai's reminder: The Fairy Book quest is open, inherit Zhen Mi, collect the Five Elements Couple Cards, and get mysterious rewards!"

The system sound rang again.

Qin Lang immediately asked nervously: "Diao Chan, did you hear another sound?"

"Huh? What's the sound?" Diao Chan's beautiful eyes were also full of doubts.

"Master, the couple card can be connected to the inheritance system. This is a benefit given to the master by the system. Please remember to pay back the money as soon as possible, and don't disappoint the system's good intentions!"

Xiao Ai condensed from the side, her body was more solid than last time, but only Qin Lang could see it.

Qin Lang looked at Diao Chan again, but Diao Chan still didn't move at all, so he was finally relieved.

"Xiao Ai, disappear immediately!"

"Here!" Xiaoai also imitated the appearance of the soldiers, and disappeared before Qin Lang's eyes with a smile.

This is not a welfare, it is clearly a threat, as long as you don't pay back the money quickly, I will reveal your details.

The inheritance system, as expected, is still so bad, it hasn't changed at all.


At the same time, the gate of the city was opened wide, and Yuan Xu led some officials from Jizhou out of the city to welcome him.

"Hahaha, Xuchang Yifae seemed like it was last night, but seeing each other today, I can't help but be overjoyed!" Yuan Xu laughed loudly.

Facing Yuan Xu, Qin Lang can't trust him. Although Yuan Xu is not Zhen Mi's biological father, he can be regarded as an adoptive father.

Even if Yuan Xu said that he can talk about friendship with his peers, it doesn't mean that he can really talk about education with his peers. Qin Lang doesn't know how to chase girls, but it doesn't mean he's a straight man!

In case I am alone with Zhen Mi later, or at night, what should Zhen Mi say?Uncle?
That's not all messed up!
"Your Majesty Yuan is polite. On behalf of my lord, Liu Bei, I'm here to meet Yuan Gong and discuss the matter of attacking Cao Cao together!"

"Officer, my lord has been waiting for you to come to Jizhou, hurry up and follow me into the city!"

Yuan Xu grabbed Qin Lang's wrist, showing an extremely close relationship.

"By the way, Second Young Master Yuan Xi is on behalf of my lord as an envoy to Xuzhou, has he met you?"

Yuan Xu was still a little worried. When Yuan Xi was asked to go to Xuzhou, he had 1 people who disagreed. How could Yuan Xi be Qin Lang's opponent?

In case something irreversible happened between the two of them, it would be a big joke in the world.

However, this Jizhou city is in charge of Yuan Shao, and no one can disobey an order.

Then why did Yuan Shao do this? It was not to use Yuan Xi to test Liu Bei's attitude. This is the most fundamental reason why Yuan Xi was able to go to Xuzhou.

"Young Master Yuan Xi is both civil and military, romantic and handsome, and has great ambitions. I can't match him!"

Qin Lang smiled slightly, deeply moved, and continued: "Mr. Yuan has this heir, so why worry about things going wrong? Where is it that whoever wins me wins the world, it is clear that whoever wins Yuan Xi wins the world!"

Zhao Yun quickly turned his head to the side, the fourth brother is really bad, I don't know that it is easy not to cry, but it is too difficult not to laugh.

Diao Chan's face is weird, official, you can say enough with your mouth, those girls I haven't met yet, are you also tricked by you?
Yuan Xu was stunned for a moment, then smiled wryly: "Officer, you should be polite, but you can't be too polite. If you say that about the second son, it will only make others think it's too much... yes, it's too much."

"Mr. Yuan Xi and I returned to Jizhou together. When we passed Liyang City, we learned that Yuan Gong's army had already started to move. General Yan Liang was going to take down Baima City. He decided to stay and defend the city himself. For this reason, he fought with General Yan Liang. Conflicts are not hesitated, this person is not a great talent, who else is?"

"You... Seriously?"

Yuan Xu couldn't believe it. If Yuan Xi and Yan Liang had a conflict, he believed it. After all, he was the son of the lord, and Yan Liang didn't dare to do anything to him.

But if Yuan Xi decides to stay and guard Li Yang personally, he feels something is wrong.

"Hahaha, of course this statement is true. If you don't believe it, you can send someone to Liyang City to find out!" Qin Lang said with a smile.

You really sent someone there, how can Yuan Xi deny it?Even if you bite the bullet, you have to admit this high hat.

If not, wouldn't it just prove that I have no talent or ability?

"Forget it, let's not mention this matter today, I have already prepared a dinner for you at the mansion, take a good rest today, and see my lord tomorrow!"

After Yuan Xu finished speaking, he turned around and looked at Zhao Yun and the others, admiring inwardly, "This man is extraordinary in martial arts, could it be that he is Zhao Zilong under Liu Bei's tent? I don’t know if it can be used by my master!”

"This person is wearing a soldier's armor, but his brows are full of confidence. Could it be that he is a descendant of some nobleman, or a disciple of an official?"

"This so handsome and handsome, I...I'm a man whose heart beats faster, don't I, officials still like this? How can there be such a handsome and handsome man in the world?"

"I, an old man who is over forty years old, would actually be moved. This matter is understandable, but what about my daughter? Can she accept this matter? No, Zhen Mi has no choice. Whether she accepts it or not, she has to accept it." See what Qin Lang means!"

Yuan Xu observed secretly, and the activity in his heart was extremely intense, because he only had Zhen Mi as the bargaining chip in his hand, so he had to make a correct judgment.

Didn't they know that while Yuan Xu was observing, Zhao Yun and others were also observing him.

"What are you looking at? I'm the most beautiful boy in Xuzhou City, don't try to trick me!" Zhao Yun laughed mockingly, do you have sunglasses in Jizhou City?

What about suits?What about leather shoes?
Not to mention big gold chains and cigars, even after my yellow hair fades, do you have hair dye?

Only by following the fourth brother can I be the most beautiful boy!
Tuoba Yu also curled his lips, "You know Maoyan, my grandson and great-grandson were all named by my generals, and soldiers die for their confidants, why don't you be high-spirited?"

Diao Chan frowned secretly, this Yuan Xu had already sized her up several times, how could the official be so familiar with such an old and unashamed person?

This person is definitely not a good bird, maybe he will use women or something to seduce my officials.

Therefore, during this time in Jizhou, I must keep my eyes wide open and not let others take advantage of it.

Everyone was thinking, but there was a lot of silence along the way.

When he reached the gate of Yuan Xu's mansion, Yuan Xu called his servants and said, "Take the officials' subordinates to the guest room to rest!"


"Hahaha, officer, let these heroes rest for a while, and you and I will go to the backyard to talk!"

"Wait!" Diao Chan's face changed suddenly, she took Qin Lang's arm, and said, "You are a big man, what are you doing in someone's backyard?"

After finishing speaking, Diao Chan gave Yuan Xu another warning look, and in such a hurry, the form of a woman appeared.

"Hmph, go to the backyard as soon as you come, I'm right to blame you!"

(End of this chapter)

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