Chapter 253 Something's Wrong

"Xu You, the character is Ziyuan, he is indeed a quick-witted person, I admire him!" Qin Lang exclaimed.

Xu You has real materials, and he has a good control of the battlefield situation. At the same time, he also firmly believes that when Cao Cao attacked Xuzhou, it was the time when the army was overwhelming Xuchang.

This person... must be drawn as an ally, not an enemy.

"Hehe..." Xu You smiled back, he was quite surprised, this Qin Lang Qin official not only did not show arrogance, but was so polite on the contrary, it is really strange and strange.

However, Xu You was very useful for this praise.

After all, Qin Lang is not an ordinary person, but a big man who has long been famous in the world.

"Hahaha, how can I be quick-witted, everything is just ordered by the lord!"

Xu You hurriedly bowed to Yuan Shao, and put the credit on the lord, so let's drink some soup and water, and one day we will be able to eat meat.

Do you understand?

Do you understand Tian Feng?
Heh... I, Xu You, have walked at the time of life and death since the last time, but I am enlightened once again!
Yuan Shao nodded vigorously, I am the hero of the world, naturally I am omnipotent, "Come on, hurry up and seat the officials!"

After Yuan Shao finished speaking, he looked at Zhao Yun again, "Huh? Who is this person?"

Zhao Yun's short yellow hair is extremely conspicuous.

After Yuan Shao greeted Qin Lang, he couldn't bear the surprise in his heart anymore.

This yellow hair is so temperamental, I feel itchy in my heart, wishing I could also have such yellow hair.

I am the hero of the world, so I should be different from others!
Is this person from Qin Lang's hometown, and also a fairy?
"Master..." Yuan Xu stepped forward and whispered beside Yuan Shao.

Before outside the door, Zhao Yun repelled Wen Chou with one finger, but only Yuan Xu and a few soldiers in charge of guards saw this.

Yuan Shao stood up in shock, Wen Chou was the strongest general under his command, when Guan Yu warmed wine and killed Hua Xiong in Hulao, although he was amazed, he did not disbelieve it.

Because he always believed that Wen Chou also had such abilities.

But this person repelled Wen Chou with one move... handsome, so fucking handsome!
"Ahem... there is such a hero in the world, but I, Yuan Benchu, have never heard of him. I am really ashamed. Hurry up and take another seat!"

Another soldier brought a chair and placed it beside Qin Lang.

Zhao Yun looked at Qin Lang and asked with his eyes.

Qin Lang nodded slightly, with the strength of Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong, you deserve a seat wherever you go.

"Qin Lang, Qin official!" Yuan Shao breathed a sigh of relief, deliberately accentuated his tone, and said, "I have heard of your reputation since I was in Jizhou. It can be said that I have been looking forward to it for a long time. Have you ever been to Yuan Xu's mansion to see you?" Is my Zhen Mi niece?"

Seeing Zhao Yun's attitude towards Qin Lang, Yuan Shao became more cautious.

Ever since Yuan Xi went to Xuzhou as an envoy, Yuan Shao regretted it a bit. At that time, Yuan Xi should have married Zhen Mi and turned her into a wife!

After Qin Lang came, let Zhen Mi out, wouldn't it be more sincerity?

However, Yuan Xi left in a hurry and was on the way fast. The people he sent had not caught up and hadn't come back to report. It is estimated that there was an accident on the way.

Now that Qin Lang has come, there is no way to make up for this matter. It can only be placed on Zhen Mi's beautiful talent, which can surpass Qin officials' preference for women.

"Oh, I'm still too reserved. At the beginning, I still couldn't let go of my social status. I went to compete with those people to marry my son more wives. Now... I regret it, I regret it!"

"Yuan Gong, I am envoy to Jizhou under the order of my lord to discuss the matter of attacking the Cao bandits together. I don't know if Yuan Gong is willing to send troops to Xuchang?" Qin Lang asked.

The situation is tense now, and according to the time, Cao Cao's army is likely to have conquered Xuzhou, and Yuan Shao can't mobilize his troops in a day or two, so it is an excellent time to act now.

"Hahaha, officials, don't worry, my lord has already... um... what's going on?"

Xu You was halfway through speaking, when he suddenly noticed Yuan Shao's old face, very gloomy.

Yuan Shao looked at Qin Lang and Zhao Yun, but fell silent, and his face became a little ugly.

I asked you if you've seen my niece Zhen Mi, and you just talked about sending troops to me, which is too rude.

Besides, have you had private contact with Xu You?Will something happen here?

Xu You's heart skipped a beat. Didn't you agree to send troops as long as Xu Chang is empty?
Yesterday's swearing-in meeting was also held, why did Qin officials hesitate when they came?

can this work?No matter what the reason is, the important event of the decisive battle cannot be delayed. This battle will be a major battle that will establish the trend of the world.

Do I need to say more about the key?
"My lord, what the officials of Qin said is true. In the decisive battle between Cao Cao and us, the nails in the backyard must be pulled out first, but Xuzhou is an important city in the world, and a large number of troops must be dispatched. As long as the timing is right, the army will be dispatched. The battle will determine the universe!" Xu You hung his neck, saying that others would not dare to meet in public, but I dare!

I even dared to attack Cao Cao's army, and I would risk my life, let alone for the sake of remonstrance?

I am so awesome, my lord, if you don't listen, you can find someone to kill me!
Who dares to cut across the sword immediately, but I, Xu You and Xu Ziyuan, are the only ones!

Tian Feng raised his eyelids, smiled mockingly, and lowered his eyes again.

Tonight, I can go to the lord alone and get some eye drops.

A group of generals, but their eyes lit up when they heard this.

As expected, he is someone who even General Yan Liang would like to praise. This kind of desperate energy just suits the appetite of our gang of big bosses.

Seeing the reactions of the people around, Xu You nodded his chin proudly, "Officer Qin, maybe my reputation is not as good as yours, and I can't use force, but we have integrity and a huge head!"

"Ha...haha, what Ziyuan said is right, I will immediately issue an order to move out the army, and take advantage of Cao's bandit being restrained by Uncle Liu, to decide everything in one fell swoop!" Yuan Shao laughed loudly.

"My lord is wise!" Xu You immediately bowed and praised.

"My lord is wise, Xu Ziyuan is wise!" A group of generals and advisers all bowed and praised.

Praise the lord, whether he is right or not, as long as someone starts, we will follow along, there is no mistake!
Only Tian Feng remained motionless, still bowing his head, but the sneer on his face grew stronger.

Yuan Shao's laughter was very embarrassing, the corners of his mouth twitched, what the all hugged together!
Xu You and others kept bowing, and no one dared to raise their heads.After all, Yuan Shao remained silent after praising Yuan Shao.

After a while, Yuan Shao got down from his seat, patted Tian Feng on the shoulder three times, and said, "Tian Feng, you need to learn more from Ziyuan, since you defeated Gongsun Zan, why haven't you said a word?" ?”

"Here!" Tian Feng bowed down, his head almost touched the ground.

"Okay, let's all get up!" Yuan Shao waved his hands and said, "That's all for today, you all go to prepare separately, Yuan Xu, you have to treat the officials of Qin and this yellow-haired hero well! "

"Here!" Yuan Xu nodded quickly.

Qin Lang felt like he was watching a play, something was wrong, how could Yuan Shao still know what Bodhi Patriarch did?

If you tap someone on the shoulder three times, doesn't that mean it's midnight?Don't talk about sending troops now, and call Tian Feng in the middle of the night. Is there any secret?
Something is wrong, very wrong!

(End of this chapter)

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