Chapter 255 My Son Is Sick

Qin Lang was lying on the roof, listening to the conversation inside the room through the cracks in the tiles.

This Tian Feng is really shady enough, but he can't be too harsh. How many counselors who were able to become famous in the Three Kingdoms period were not shady?
It's just that Tian Feng's method of delaying the dispatch of troops has touched Qin Lang's Ni Lin.

Qin Lang touched the pirated memory pen, watched Yuan Shao ponder for a moment, but finally did not act rashly.

After all, Yuan Shao is a hero, and his willpower is not low. Moreover, Yuan Shao is in the prime of life at this time, and he is still very different from Dong Zhuo.

The reason why Dong Zhuo was recruited was entirely because he was pampered and pampered in Luoyang in those years, and he had already been neglected.

It's just that Tian Feng has to solve it!
Qin Lang secretly returned to Yuan Xu's mansion.

In Yuan Xu's backyard, Zhen Mi was wearing clothes, standing outside the window looking at the dawn sun, a flash of confusion flashed in her eyes.

Diao Chan came again tonight, still dressed as a woman disguised as a man.

She no longer knew who she was obsessed with?
at the guest room.

"Da da da……"

There was a quick knock on the door.

"Officer, something is wrong!" Yuan Xu's voice came in.

Qin Lang opened the door, deliberately pretending to have just woken up, and said, "Master Yuan, what kind of event has caused you to be so flustered, could it be that Mr. Yuan had an accident?"

"Nonsense, why did my master have an accident in Jizhou City?"

Yuan Xu was quite dissatisfied, you boy can't expect me to order well, if my lord really has an accident, the world will be completely messed up that day.

At that time, among the three sons of the lord, if the second son, Yuan Xi, inherits the throne, how can you still be good?
"There is an accident in Xuzhou. The report came from the front. Cao Cao led troops to attack Xuzhou City. It has been attacking Xuzhou City for three consecutive days, and it didn't stop even at night!"

"Siege the city at night?" Qin Lang was a little surprised. Xuzhou City is so high that the loss of the night siege must be increased by at least [-]%.

Cao Cao is at all costs!
"Xuzhou City is one of the important towns in the world, and it is not so easy to take down. It is the best time for Yuan Gong to send troops!" Qin Lang said.

Liu Bei will definitely not be able to hold on now, and it will be delayed until Yuan Shao's army suppresses Xuchang, and the crisis in Xuzhou will be resolved by then.

If Yuan Shao can really send troops to attack in time, Liu Bei will never take the risk of attacking Cao Cao's tent at night.

I just don't know that Yuan Shao will use various excuses to delay the dispatch of troops.

No, his son, is he really sick?
It must not be such a coincidence!
"I... ugh..."

Yuan Xu let out a long sigh. To be honest, he was on Xu You's side and agreed to send troops to Xu Chang.

However, early this morning, the youngest son of the lord suddenly became seriously ill. After calling so many doctors, they couldn't find out what the disease was. It seemed that he was going to die soon.

The lord was so sad that he was in a trance for a while, and he just hugged his head and cried, but there was no sign of sending troops.

"Officer, you are an immortal Fangwai, can you find a way to relieve the lord's worries?"

"What the hell!" Qin Lang scolded disdainfully, that little guy was either pretending to be sick, or was made sick by Yuan Shao.

Really sick!

It's normal if those doctors can't cure it, who dares to cure it?

Even if it is cured, people say that the head still hurts, it is a disease, who can help?

Yuan Shao is also a hero, the leader of the [-] princes in the past, now the most powerful prince in the world, how could he delay the best opportunity to compete for the world because of a child?
It's all Yuan Shao wanted to do!

"Let's go, let me go and see that little guy with a fairy method!"

Chinese army tent.

Yuan Shao directly put his son in the big tent, Tian Feng stood outside the big tent with a sneer on his face.

There were bursts of cursing in the big tent, and Tian Feng's smile became colder.

"Yuan Shao, for the sake of a child, you are delaying the important military affairs, you mediocre!"

"Presumptuous!" Yuan Shao roared angrily.

"You are the master, I am the subordinate, and I will meet with death, what is presumptuous? mediocre lord, you have the ability to cut off my head!"

Xu You was trembling with anger. The key point was that he sensed something was wrong.

He has been trying to facilitate the army to take the opportunity to attack Xuchang, and when the success comes back, he will be the number one hero among the counselors.

When Yuan Shao conquers the world, he will be the most civil servant, coupled with the good relationship with the generals, he will really stand at the pinnacle of power in this world.

Could it be that Yuan Shao is going to suppress me?Is it because you are afraid that my achievements will overwhelm the Lord?
But even if you are afraid of me, you can't sacrifice military affairs, right?If you don't seize the opportunity to destroy Cao Cao at this time, the future troubles will be merciless!
"My lord, you have four sons, but there is only one in the world. You can have a hundred sons, but the world can only accommodate one Holy Master!"

"Get out, my son is seriously ill, and I'm going to die too. I don't care about the world, get out!"

"Yongzhu, you have misunderstood someone!" Xu You trembled angrily.

"Xu You!" Yuan Shao stood up suddenly, and said bitterly: "I am your lord, and I have always treated him leniently, but you have repeatedly humiliated me. Is it true that I dare not punish you! Come, drag Xu You Go out and beat up the twenty army sticks!"


Two soldiers broke in, dragged Xu You out of the big tent.

Tian Feng bowed his head and saluted Xu You.

No matter what, I still admire your courage to risk your life to meet him!
"Clap clap clap..."

Xu You was locked out of the big tent and beaten to death with military sticks.


Less than half of the fight, Yuan Xu and Qin Lang came.

Let alone what kind of person Xu You is, just for the sake of seeing him, he dared to call the lord a mediocre lord, and he dared to stick his neck out for you to cut, so he deserves respect.

The soldier looked up at Qin Lang, not knowing who this person was, but those who dared to yell to stop here must not be ordinary people.

But they didn't dare to stop without Yuan Shao's order!
Those who serve as soldiers, those who disobey orders will be beheaded!

"You have to suspend the execution of the sentence. When the officials see the lord, they will naturally make a decision!"

Seeing this, Tian Feng hurried over to the steps, and after he finished speaking, he cupped his hands to Qin Lang, "Qin Guanren, it is because Ziyuan collided with the lord that this catastrophe will happen, I can't stop it, you Just come!"

"Tian Feng, you kid, don't bark here. Whoever uses you to stop me will cut off my head if you have the ability, mediocre lord, mediocre lord!" Xu You was still yelling here, "For a child, but If you lose your ambition to conquer the world, you are not worthy to be the master!"

Qin Lang sighed, the ancients are really awesome, this Xu You and Xu Ziyuan are particularly awesome!
"Officer Qin, my lord not only has no intention of caring about military affairs because of the serious illness of the youngest son, but even wants to accompany the youngest son to die, what do you think?" Tian Feng pretended to be anxious.

"The military plane was delayed, and Xuzhou City is in trouble. I am so anxious!"

As long as you Qin officials are helpless, this plan will be considered successful.

Anyway, the root cause is that the lord's son is sick. You are a fairy, so go in and treat the sickness and save the sick!

But you can't cure it, because the lord's son is not sick!

This strategy... has no solution!
(End of this chapter)

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