Chapter 271 Die Without Regrets

Mrs. Bian was very angry, she was so angry, so this slap was merciless, and she used all her strength.

Even his own delicate little hand felt a burst of tingling pain.

Although Cao Zhi was a man, his face couldn't beat a woman's slap, and half of his face was swollen.

Mrs. Bian was also stunned after beating her. How could she slap her son?
It's all the fault of Zhen Mi, it's all the fault of him for fascinating Cao Zhi's eyes!
Let my such an excellent son become like this.

It's even more to blame for that Qin Lang... No, you can't blame Qin Guanren for this matter, he even saved my son's life.

Cao Zhi took the initiative to provoke at the beginning, and Qin Lang was forced to fight back. In the end, he repaid his grievances with virtue, which is worthy of the name of an immortal...

But if Cao Zhi goes on like this, sooner or later he will be killed. Who will save his life at that time?

Are you still going to ask Qin Lang?


Why does Qin Lang save you again and again?
Do you think that you are Cao Chong, the apprentice of that Qin official?
I heard that on the night before Qin Guanren left, he went to Cao Chong's mansion late at night. He...

After thinking about it, Mrs. Bian opened her mouth in astonishment. Isn't it just because Cao Chong is so simple?
"Mother..." For some reason, Cao Zhi's voice became extremely hoarse, "Mrs. Huan's choice is not wrong, do you think that official Qin is a gentleman? Why is he willing to come to save me when you go to him? How could there be someone who repays grievances with kindness, it is clear that they are asking for something!"

As for what they are looking for, everyone knows it well.

You think you are innocent, but you know what other people think?

"Could it be that Qin Guanren... has his eye on me?" Mrs. Bian staggered back a few steps. Since he was eyeing me, why didn't he strike?
Based on his position in Cao Cao's mind, not only will he not be punished, but Cao Cao will reward him for his so-called generosity.

Mrs. Ring is a good example.

Could it be that...he has been waiting for me to take the initiative?

"Mother, no matter what choice you make, I won't blame you. In troubled times, no one can do anything!"

Mrs. Bian took a deep look at Cao Zhi. At this moment, she felt that her son was so strange.

The world is also so strange.

Where should I go?

Mrs. Bian left the yard without even knowing it, she just walked aimlessly, and when she looked up, she came to Mrs. Huan's residence.

"Is it God's will? Since even my husband thinks that I have an affair with Qin Lang, wouldn't it be too much of a disadvantage if I persisted so hard?!"

On the other hand, Guan Yu's residence.

Guan Yu was sitting outside the room of Mrs. Gan and Mrs. Mi, fully clothed, with the Qinglong Yanyue Knife at the side, within reach, and a long sword slung around his waist.

The reason for this is because he can't trust Cao Cao, what if he secretly sends someone in and captures the two wives?
At least until the two sides build trust, I'll be here guarding the door!
Of course, whether it is to guard against Cao Cao or not, this matter will not be discussed for the time being.

You can't show it too clearly, it will hurt your brother's self-esteem.

Because the sitting time was too long and too boring, Guan Yu took out Chunqiu and recited it shaking his head.

We are educated people, we have to read wherever we go, and it must be a work as tall as Spring and Autumn.

We don't even take a glance at those small factions and novels that hit the street, which is detrimental to our identity!


Sun Qian came over from a distance.

This person is Liu Bei's adviser and is good at diplomacy. At that time, he assisted Guan Yu in Xiapi, and later came to Xuchang with Guan Yu.

"What's the matter? But did Cao Cao make any movement?" Guan Yu opened Danfeng's eyes, and there was a gleam of coldness in them.

If Cao Cao thought that I would be easy to bully when I arrived in Xuchang, he would be very wrong!

"Huh? General, weren't you reading just now?"

"Ahem... When I read a book, my eyes narrow into a slit, so I can concentrate!"

"I see, my subordinates admire..." Sun Qian was shocked, no wonder Guan Yu often dozed off with the Spring and Autumn, no, with his eyes closed.

It turned out that it was to study more attentively, and it really deserves to be a scholar!
"General, I got the news that the officials went to a hidden place as soon as they came to Xuchang. I think it is a place of ecstasy that Cao Cao specially reserved for Qin Lang!"

"This is impossible. How did Cao Cao know that the officials will come back? This is unrealistic!"

Guan Yu has the confidence to think so.

Based on the relationship between Qin Lang and Mrs. Mi, even if you are looking for the Ecstasy Cave, you have to come here first, right?

Besides, he is in Xuchang City, what kind of ecstasy cave can he have?

It was nothing more than Cao Cao's temptation, but would the officials not be able to bear the temptation?

Then Cao Cao, if he valued Qin Lang again, could he use his wife to seduce him?
You know, my elder brother, also my master, gave Mrs. Mi to the officials!
If it wasn't for Sister Gan and Sister Mi living together, I would definitely not be guarding here!
"You don't need to say too much, I definitely trust the officials!"

"General, I also believe in officials, but men, as you know, may get carried away..."

"Well, you're right if you want to say that. I'll go to him after tomorrow's dawn and ask him to restrain himself!"

"It's up to the general to worry about everything!"

Sun Qian was relieved now, in Xuchang City, Qin Lang's influence is absolutely incomparable!
"Officer, you really don't make people worry, but after thinking about it, humans will have shortcomings, so what about immortals? If you are really perfect, I will feel something is wrong!"

Guan Yu put Chunqiu into his arms, since the officials are sure not to come today, then there is no need for me to stay up late in front of the two wives.

In other words, I will give advice to the two wives tomorrow, let's live separately, otherwise my sister-in-law will blame me!

I don't have to stay up all night!

"Sun Gan, pay attention. As soon as the officials come back, you will notify me. I must ask where he went tonight!"

Sun Gan hesitated, and said: "General, is this appropriate? After all, the officer is an adult, and if he does this, he will lose face!"

"You don't need to worry about this, I'm his sworn brother, so what if he loses face?!"

Guan Yu's face was as cold as frost, and Qin Lang proposed the strategy of delaying the army to surrender to Cao Cao.

Guan Yu was worried that Qin Lang couldn't stand Cao Cao's sugar-coated shells, and really surrendered to Cao Cao deep in his heart.

When the time comes, when he knows where his eldest brother is, will he go to join him with him?
It should be beaten, it must be beaten!

"Okay, as soon as the Qin officials come back, I will report to the general!"

Sun Gan said goodbye and left, sighing with emotion as he walked, "Qin Lang is really incomprehensible, and it also makes people feel envious. He will use his wife as the price of soliciting at the lord's place, and he will also use his wife as the price of soliciting at Cao Cao's place. If a person can do this, he will die without regret!"

(End of this chapter)

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