Three Kingdoms: The opening system forced me to marry Diaochan

Chapter 273 The person who can testify for me

Chapter 273 The person who can testify for me

"Second brother's words are wrong, where can I go if I don't come back?"

Qin Lang was a little puzzled and didn't quite understand why Guan Yu was so angry today, even more angry than him.

"Huh? What's your attitude?!" Guan Yu was impatient. As a brother, this kind of matter should not be brought up to the public. Doing so would hurt his brother's face.


Qin Lang, you have done too much recently. As a brother, I really can't bear it!

"When you and I entered the Cao camp, our hearts should be in the Han Dynasty, but you are so promiscuous, what do people in the world think? Don't they all say that you and I started to enjoy the glory and wealth as soon as we surrendered Cao Cao?"

"Second brother, it's not that serious, do you know where I went last night?"

Qin Lang shook his head helplessly, you and your eldest brother are all loyal to the Han Dynasty, and we are also loyal to the Han Dynasty.

In order to keep the child of Liu Xie, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, I did not hesitate to smear my reputation. It doesn't matter if you don't understand, but you can't blame me, right?
"Where else could you go? Did you go to Mrs. Nahuan's mansion, or Mrs. Bian's mansion? I'm afraid I went to find your good apprentice!"

Guan Yu stood up, stuffed Chunqiu into his arms, and looked like he was about to hit someone.

I'm not Zhang Fei's idiot, nor is my eldest brother Liu Bei soft-hearted, and I'm sure you'll be fooled by you!

I am a well-read person, so there is nothing wrong with such a reasonable reasoning.

You are Cao Chong's master, you have been to Cao Chong's residence in the middle of the night, and if you go now, even if others find out, it's no big deal.

Because everyone knew that Cao Cao had already acquiesced in this matter.

As for Mrs. Bian, you will definitely do it more secretly!

"Second brother, I didn't go to see Cao Chong yesterday, I told you..."

Qin Lang looked around, and hurriedly approached Guan Yu's ear, and whispered: "The Dong family was killed by Cao Cao, but Concubine Dong Gui is still alive and pregnant with the emperor's child. I went to Concubine Dong's residence last night. ,I……"

"I beat you to death, you bastard!"

Guan Yu was completely angry, you actually...

The entire Dong clan was wiped out, only Concubine Dong Gui was left, and she was still pregnant and the child of the emperor, how dare you go to her and not return overnight!
It's fine if you don't return overnight, but you still dare to tell me confidently, you are really mad at the second brother!

Today, I'm going to clean up the door and beat you to death!

"Fuck, second brother, can't you just listen to what I have to say!"

Qin Lang roared and ran outside quickly.

Guan Yu has extraordinary martial arts, so I can't use the inherited power to fight against him, right?
But if you don't fight, you can't be beaten in vain!
I did not return overnight to save Concubine Dong Gui, not because I had any unspeakable relationship with Concubine Dong Gui.

Guan Yu's attack was like a violent storm, without stopping at all.

Qin Lang didn't have time to explain, just dodging the attack exhausted all his strength.

Guan Yu is serious, what should I do, what should I do?

What should I do to make my second brother trust me?

By the way, go to the palace to find Liu Xie, as long as the emperor comes forward, you should believe me, second brother!

The reason why Concubine Dong Gui survived was Dong Cheng's expedient measure, and Liu Xie must have known about it.

"Second brother, if you don't believe me, I'll find someone who can testify for me, just wait!"

"Boy, I'll be waiting for you. If there is no reasonable explanation, I won't continue to beat you!"

Qin Lang turned around and ran, extremely fast.

Guan Yu didn't chase after him, but patted his sleeves until he couldn't see Qin Lang's figure, he took a deep breath, "Brother, it's not that a brother has to beat you up, but that you are not honest. I beat you up today, and when Big Brother finds out about it, he can't be too harsh on you!"

At the same time, Cao Chong took the young deer to Cao Cao's residence.

Naturally, the soldiers guarding the gate did not dare to stop Cao Chong.

In the mansion, Cao Cao has already started to handle official duties.

Yuan Shao's army gathered more and more in Liyang City, and General Yan Liang began to deploy troops towards Baima City.

If Yan Liang captured Baima City, then Yuan Shao would have a place where the army could gather across the river, which would be extremely bad for the situation of the war.

At this time, Cao Cao was discussing with a group of counselors how to fight, whether to abandon Baima City and put the main battlefield in Yanjin, or fight Yuan Shao to the death on the other side of the river.

There were also many differences in the opinions of the counselors, and they said everything. Cao Cao's head was too big, and he didn't make up his mind.

Yuan Shao has an army of one million, but only one thousand generals, how can he win this battle?
The first confrontation, that is, the first battle, must be won.

This is about follow-up morale issues.

"I've decided. The first battle will be held in Baima City. I want to give Yuan Benchu ​​a blow. Can you guys have a good plan to win this battle?"

"This..." Many counselors looked at each other. After Yuan Shao captured Liyang City, the army could be transported in a steady stream. The battle of Baima City would definitely be a tough battle.

Yan Liang, the general leading the army, is also the second most powerful general under Yuan Shao, so he must not be underestimated.

Suddenly, a soldier came in, bowed his head respectfully, and said, "Prime Minister, Mr. Cao Chong has come and brought a young deer, saying that he wants to honor the Prime Minister!"

Cao Cao squeezed out a smile on his serious face, "It's rare for me to think about it, so let's continue, I'll go out and have a look first!"

As soon as Cao Cao left, the atmosphere immediately became more relaxed.

"Everyone, my lord is right. The first battle is about morale, and we must not back down easily. If you have any good ideas, please let us know!"

Xun Yu cupped his hands, he was the one who most hoped that Cao Cao could defeat Yuan Shao.

Because Cao Cao was the tool he chose to help the big man.

He also believes that only Cao Cao's talent can defeat the princes of the world.

Yuan Shao is only able to have such power today because of the background of the Yuan family, but even so, Yuan Shao is still not as good as Cao Cao.

Everyone is still silent, everyone knows the importance of the first battle, so they are all very cautious.

In case Cao Cao chooses him after he makes a plan, but loses in the end, he will be the best candidate to take the blame.

"Oh, it's dangerous!" Xun Yu shook his head and let out a long sigh.

Outside, Cao Chong stepped on his feet and looked in through the window.

As soon as Cao Cao came out, he saw Cao Chong dragging a young deer on the ground with one hand.

Although the young deer was not big, Cao Chong was also young, so it was touching to look at it.

Cao Cao sighed, he is really my good son, none of your elder brothers can compare to you!

"Son, why do you need to do it yourself, why don't you let the servants deliver it?"

"The child pays homage to the father!"

When Cao Chong heard Cao Cao's voice, he quickly saluted respectfully, "The young deer tastes extremely delicious, so it should be given to my father to taste. This is the child's wish, how can it be faked by others?!"

He said it seriously, like it was real.

"By the way, father, I heard from my mother that the master has returned. Can you send half of this young deer to the master?"

(End of this chapter)

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