Chapter 277 Are You Cao Cao's Wife?
"Isn't I dreaming?" Liu Xie stretched out his hand, about to touch Qin Lang's face.


Qin Lang slapped him, what the hell, you f*cking old man, what are you doing touching my face?
"Huh? It hurts~~"

A burst of surprise burst out in Liu Xie's eyes, this is not a dream, it is real!

"Officer, take me away!"

Liu Xie rushed forward and was about to hug Qin Lang's thigh.

If you don't take me away today, I won't let you go.

I am in this cage, like a canary without freedom, and I will soon die of suffocation.

"Get out, stay away from me!"

How long has it been? Why did you see me, a big man, jumping up?
You haven't been beaten in this period of time, but you want to be beaten again? !
"Hey... Hey, officer, why did you come to Xuchang, but my uncle sent you here, how is he doing now, when can we kill Cao Cao?"

After experiencing the Yidaizhao incident, Cao Cao made great efforts to cut off Liu Xie's connection with the outside world.

Liu Xie didn't even know what happened outside the palace, otherwise, he wouldn't be so depressed.

My imperial uncle has occupied the important town of Xuzhou, and I have the clothes and belts to call on all the heroes in the world. If it doesn't make a big deal, it will be a waste.

"That..." Qin Lang was rather embarrassed. I want to say that the reason why he appeared in Xuchang was because he surrendered with my second brother. Do you believe it?
The point is, it's too embarrassing to say that.

I am a dignified cultivator, and I am also a time traveler with a system. Apart from the timely completion of the Fairy Book task, there is nothing I can do.

Up to now, I am still exhausted because of the three pits in Taoyuan, and I don’t even have the next main task.

"Don't think about killing Cao Cao. Anyway, you won't be in any danger for the time being. You don't have to worry about food and drink, and you can sleep with Cao Cao's daughter. This life is also possible. I don't know how many people dream of it!"

As the emperor of the Han Dynasty, Liu Xie was a layer of natural protection.

Whether it is Cao Cao who wants to coerce the emperor to order the princes, or Cao Pi who wants to change the dynasty in a legitimate way, Liu Xie is needed to live.

The same is true in history. Liu Xie was also forced to abdicate the throne, and died in depression because of unwillingness.

Compared with other last emperors, he was very lucky.

"Qin Lang, are you so heartless?" Liu Xie was shocked, as if he didn't expect such a result.

I treat you as a brother, but you treat me as an idiot!
"You sleep with my imperial concubine, and you are still pregnant with your child. I don't even mention it. What about you, do you regard me as a brother?"

"Stop, Liu Xie, let's speak conscientiously. When will I sleep with your noble concubine and let her conceive my child? Concubine Dong Gui is pregnant with your child!"

Qin Lang almost vomited blood, I came to the palace to look for you, just to let you testify, so I can explain clearly to my second brother.

It's good for you, I haven't mentioned this matter yet, you poured a basin of dirty water on me first, and you said you didn't mention this matter, now you brought it up!

"You... don't bully people too much. What Dong Cheng said before he died, can it still be fake? You bastard, why don't you bully me harder, you have the ability to sleep Cao Cao's daughter too. !"

Liu Xie was still blushing with anger, his chest was about to explode, and he continued to curse, "Cao Cao's daughter is now a human wife, and also the type you like. What are you waiting for, don't show your true colors!"

As the saying goes, when a person is about to die, his words are good, and when a bird is about to die, his song is also sad. If this is not true, how can Cao Cao believe it, and how can he let go?
If you want to say that what Dong Cheng said was a lie, how could he deceive Cao Cao?
I'm not smart, but Cao Cao is smart, right?
"I...I..." At this moment, Qin Lang was speechless by Liu Xie, which had never happened before.

"I shouldn't have come to the palace this time!"

on the other hand.

Guan Yu was in the house, looking at the sudden addition of a set of furniture, a table of dishes, and a pair of used chopsticks that hadn't been cleaned yet, his brows were wrinkled.

Cao Cao, what do you mean by this, eat the leftover venison in a pot, do you want to beg for food?
There was only half a jug of wine left. Could it be that it was brought along with the leftovers because it was unpalatable?

Why is he like this?Could it be that this kind of humiliation is used to test whether I still have threats?
Guan Yu brushed his beard and thought for a long time.

It's really dependent on others, so I have to bear the humiliation to survive!

If I was the only one here, I would definitely have to fight with a knife, but the two sisters-in-law are also there, so I can't be arrogant.

Let Sister-in-law Mi be protected by the officials, that's nothing to say, you can do whatever you want.

But Mrs. Gan can't do it, so I still have to guard the gate and continue to study Chunqiu.

This humiliation can only be eaten abruptly.

Guan Yu picked up a chopstick of venison and put it in his mouth to chew. He still used the same pair of unbrushed ivory chopsticks.

No way, there must be someone watching around.

"Huh? Oh, this venison is so tender!" Guan Yu's expression changed slightly, quite surprised.

"Well, this wine is not bad, but it's a bit cold!"

Half an hour passed.


Guan Yu hiccupped and pulled his beard behind his shoulders. This damn beard prevented me from drinking venison soup.

If it wasn't for being elegant in the wind, this beard would have to be cut off with a pair of scissors if it was needed to set off the heroic appearance!

"Where did the officer go? He won't take the opportunity to go to Wenrou Township again. This officer is really worrying!"

Guan Yu was thinking about how to talk to the officials. Now he is in the enemy camp, or he came here in a gesture of surrender, so he can't be too casual.

"Da da da……"

Suddenly there was a knock on the door outside.

"Huh? It's a knock on the door, it's coming from the opposite side!"

A look of guard flashed in Guan Yu's eyes. In Xuchang, whoever came to seek officials must have ulterior motives.

When I went out, I saw an extremely beautiful and mature sister Fan Yu... No, there was no such word as Yu Jie at this time, it was an extremely beautiful lady, knocking on the door.

"Hey, who are you, why are you knocking on the door here!"

Guan Yu asked seriously, "I can't let you, a woman, tarnish the reputation of officials.

What's more, whether it's for younger siblings Diaochan or for sister-in-law Mi, you can't let someone you don't know casually enter the official's door.

My Guan Yunchang is guarding the gate here, not just guarding the two sisters-in-law!

"Ah?" Mrs. Huan was taken aback. Why did you knock on the door on this side, and the door behind it opened instead?
After dressing up for so long today, and brewing in the room for a long time, I mustered up the courage to find him.

Mrs. Huan turned around and saw a red-faced man at a glance. She quickly covered her face with a handkerchief and said to herself, "This man, why is his face so red!"

Guan Yu's face sank, and he didn't speak anymore. Anyway, our face is naturally red, but it has become redder for some reason, and others can't see it.

In this regard, we will never feel embarrassed.

"This general, this is the residence of Qin officials, I... I am his friend!"

"Yo... still a friend..." Guan Yu almost started to stare again, you know, when I stare, I want to kill someone!

You are a married woman who is still teasing a woman to blame. Wife, come to find a man, what are you talking about as a friend!
Does your husband know?

Wait... your husband won't know, will he?
Could it be that your husband sent you here?

Guan Yu suddenly remembered that some time ago, there was a trend all over the world, either marrying wives and taking concubines for himself, or marrying wives and taking wives for his son!

They are all because of that one rumor, whoever wins Qin Lang wins the world!

But in this city of Xuchang, who would dare to bypass Cao Cao and do this?
Could it be that you are Cao Cao's wife?

(End of this chapter)

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