Chapter 283
What should I do now?

Xu Chu was in a dilemma, and Cao Ren left the city to fight Yan Liang after being provoked by Cao Ren. Now that he saw that it was difficult to win, he immediately regretted it.

It's not that I'm afraid of defeat in battle, I have a huge head, and I've never been afraid of dying in battle, but I'm afraid of delaying the prime minister's plans.

Bastard Cao Ren, I regard you as a friend, so you, like Xiahou Dun, have been trying to trick me!
I, Xu Chu, are not afraid of anything, but when the prime minister gets mad, I really feel weak.

"Boy, you are too weak, I don't bother to kill you, goodbye!"

Xu Chu gritted his teeth, stared, turned his horse's head and returned. Even if he left without a fight, it would not delay the prime minister's great cause.

"Go, drive..."

Xu Chu roared and rushed towards the city.

Yan Liang was a little confused, what happened?The strength of your knife just made me want to fight, and then you are about to run away?

The two of us passed each other, and I was in the direction of the city gate. If you want to go back to the city, you have to ask the knife in my hand if I agree.

Just rushing over like this, and dare to say that I am too weak, who gave you the courage?

"Bah..." Yan Liang spat and said bitterly, "Go back to the city? It's a good idea, I must kill you!"

When Xu Chu wanted to go back to the city, Yan Liang blocked him in front of the city gate, and the two fought again.

Yan Liang was brave, Xu Chu was even braver, you come and go, dozens of moves are fleeting.

Xu Chu couldn't find a chance to return to the city, after all, Yan Liang's sword was not a vegetarian.

Yan Liang also couldn't take Xu Chu down, and his heart became more and more impatient.

If you can't take down this guy for a long time, the morale of the soldiers under him will be bad.

Where did this idiot come from?How is it so powerful?

"Damn Cao Ren, after I see the prime minister, I have to sue you for making a fool of yourself, and wait for you to be put on little shoes!"

Xu Chu took the time to glance at the top of the city, and murmured in his mouth, scolding is scolding, and he said it, how can he make Yan Liang stop for a while and let me go back to the city?

Seeing that Xu Chu dared to distract him, Yan Liang became even more angry, you are fighting me, who do you look down on, do you think Lao Tzu's sword is slow?

Whoops, what the hell...

Xu Chu only felt a flash of light in front of his eyes, and there was a crisp "bang", and the helmet flew off at once.

Cao Ren quickly covered his eyes on the city wall, startled, "Oh, this Yan Liang is so tough?!"

If Xu Chu died in battle in front of Baima City, it was still because of his aggressive generals, then the prime minister would definitely deal with him, and the loss outweighed the gain!

"Xu Chu, what the hell are you doing? Did you play too much with girls yesterday? Where's your strength? Where's your bravery?" Cao Ren shouted hastily.

"Hahaha, idiot, are you still bragging?" Yan Liang laughed, holding his long knife horizontally, and radiating chills.

You have a helmet to block this knife, but the next knife will cut off your head!

"Cao Ren, if you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb. Even if I play with a woman, I can't have no strength!"

Xu Chu yelled, how could it be possible that I have no strength, even if it is true, it is because my horse has no strength!

Ok?Wait... Fuck, I have an idea!

"Boy Yan Liang, my horse has lost strength. Even if you win, you won't be able to win by force. When I return to the city and change my mount, you also change your horse. I will continue to fight you to the death. I will not take advantage of you!"

"Heh... idiot, I will convince you to lose, hurry back and change horses, don't be here!"

Yan Liang pointed at the big knife in his hand, with a disdainful expression on his face.

Do I need to switch horses?Of course not!

"Hahaha, I don't know who is the idiot, so just wait here!"

Xu Chu laughed secretly, turned his horse's head, and returned to Baima City.

"Hurry up and close the city gate, everyone hurry up!"

It wasn't until the city gate was closed that Xu Chu heaved a sigh of relief, and at the same time, a feeling of extreme anger rushed straight to his forehead.

It's so suffocating!

"Cao Ren, get out of here, I promise I won't kill you!"

Xu Chu walked aggressively towards the city wall. As for whether he could go out and fight Yan Liang to the death, of course he would not go out.

On the top of the city wall, Cao Ren was spitting and pointing at Jiangshan. A big man with a reddish complexion and a green robe stood beside him, looking at the bottom of the city wall.

"Huh? Isn't this Guan Yunchang who surrendered recently?"

Xu Chu immediately closed his mouth and narrowed his eyes.

when did he comeRight in the empty space where I go to town?

The prime minister valued this person very much, and even sent all the furniture in the house to this person's house, and he almost didn't send it to his wife!

Originally, I, Xu Chu, was the prime minister's confidant and favorite general, but Guan Yunchang is my confidant's serious trouble!
Why did this person come? There was no one on the top of the city just now!
What is Cao Ren doing?

Let's also secretly listen to...

Xu Chu sneaked over and heard Cao Ren bragging to Yan Liang.

"Yan Liang was born in a family of military generals in the Shandong area. His martial arts skills are extraordinary and unrivaled, and he is invincible! The guard of Baima City was not a one-shot opponent, so he was beheaded!"

"Huh? Is Cao Ren fooling Guan Yu and letting him go down to fight Yan Liang? This is a good thing!" Xu Chu nodded. If Guan Yu was beheaded by Yan Liang, there would be one less thing on his mind.

In this matter, I, Xu Chu, can still help you Cao Ren, but after this matter, there will be a battle between you and me.

This battle can be regardless of life and death, but there must be a winner!
Cao Renzheng spoke with enthusiasm, didn't know that Xu Chu had come up, and continued: "Our general Xu Chu, who was beaten by Yan Liang, cried for his mother and cried for his mother. He has to kneel down and beg for mercy to save his life!"

Guan Yu is extremely arrogant, if I brag to Yan Liang like this, can you still sit still?

Cao Ren thought proudly, I am different from Xu Chu, I have brains.

"I hate you..." Xu Chu gritted his teeth, if it wasn't for Guan Yu going out of the city to fight Yan Liang, I would kill you right now!

Guan Yu was standing opposite Cao Ren, just in time to see Xu Chu gnashing his teeth there, feeling rather puzzled.

He has seen Xu Chu's force, although he is far behind me...cough cough...

However, Xu Chu can be regarded as a famous general, and it is really not easy to beat Xu Chu to the ground!

When going out of the city to fight Yan Liang, one has to be cautious and cautious, if the boat capsizes in the gutter, it will be a shame.

Let me inquire carefully!
Guan Yu turned his gaze around Cao Ren, and said, "Brother Xu, Yan Liang is really so powerful that you can beat him so much that you cry and beg for mercy?"

"Huh? Damn it!" Cao Ren turned his head abruptly, and saw Xu Chu standing behind him, his big face distorted.

"Cough cough... I was patronizing Keng Guan Yu and didn't notice the battle situation below. How did Xu Chu come back so quickly?"

Cao Ren immediately sweated profusely, "Xu Chu, when did you come back? Didn't you hear anything strange?"

Xu Chu first cupped his hands at Guan Yu, "You don't need to ask more questions, Yun Chang, I'm struggling with my horse, so I'll go back to the city to change my horse, and I'll continue to go out of the city to fight that Yan Liang!"

After speaking, there was no movement on his feet, and he looked at Cao Ren again, "I just came back, and I definitely didn't hear you say that I cried for my father and mother, fucked the shit, and knelt down and begged for mercy!"

"Heh...haha..." Cao Ren smiled awkwardly.

"Alas... But this Yan Liang is really powerful, I really can't beat him!" Xu Chu sighed, and then changed the topic, "Guan Yunchang, why did you come to Baima City, but did you come to fight Yan Liang?"

(End of this chapter)

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