Chapter 298 Give You a Chance

On the city wall, Cao Cao watched Guan Yu cut off Wen Chou's arm and then Wen Chou's head, and almost jumped off the city wall in excitement.

Is Wen Chou too weak, or Guan Yu too strong?
Take a look at the two of you, Zhang Liao and Xu Huang, how embarrassing it is to fight Wen Chou with the strength of two people?

One was almost shot, and the other was almost shot!
But looking at it now, I can't feel Wen Chou's strength at all. Could it be that after shooting the bow and arrow twice, he became soft and had no strength when facing Guan Yu?Not hard anymore?

This is not realistic!

Then there is only one explanation, and that is that Guan Yu is too strong, and Wen Chou, who is too strong, can't fight back, so his head falls to the ground!

Xu Huang and Zhang Liao looked at each other, and swallowed with a "gudong".

Come on, we are convinced!
No wonder the Prime Minister likes Guan Yu so much, we have no face to be unconvinced, when we face Guan Yu in the future, we can only get out of the way and bow down.

That Qinglong Yanyue Knife reflected the noon sun, it was so dazzling, so soul-stirring!
This... seems to be art!
"Hahaha, I have Guan Yunchang, like having an arm, like having half the world!" Cao Cao raised his head excitedly and laughed.

The two most famous generals under Yuan Shao's tent were beheaded at the beginning of the war. This dealt an unimaginable blow to the morale of Yuan Shao's army!
In future battles on the battlefield again, as long as Guan Yu is released to the front of the formation, the opponent's courage can be frightened directly!
This battle has been fought so far, and one-third of it has been won, and Guan Yu should be the first.

As for the officials...

Cao Cao looked around and saw that Qin Lang was holding an unknown object, and was concentrating on Guan Yu who was under the city.

Cao Cao walked quietly behind, stretched his neck to see...

"Fuck, what kind of magic weapon is this?"

"Huh? Am I terrified? Why did I blurt out a word? There are no other experts here?"

"No, no, now is not the time to think wildly!"

Cao Cao quickly shook his head, dispelling the messy thoughts in his head.

"Officer, why does Yun Chang appear in this treasure of yours?"

Looking up, Guan Yu is indeed still under the city, and it is exactly the same as the scene in Qin Lang's hands!
This treasure is too unimaginable, is it like my heavy treasure, which can receive people inside?
But if you think about it carefully, it's not right.

The woman in the heavy treasure seemed to be immobilized, and she couldn't move at all!
If that woman can act like this, I'm so... full of passion again!

Qin Lang put away the video recorder, with an unfriendly expression on his face, he said: "Meng De, don't look at it indiscriminately, if you are photographed by my treasure, your soul will be lost!"

"Ah? Is that so?" Cao Cao hurriedly took a few steps back. How could you be so vicious?That's your sworn brother, Guan Yu Guan Yunchang!
Do you want to collect his soul too? !
"Prime Minister..." Zhang Liao tugged at Cao Cao's sleeve, and said in a low voice, "I heard from Xu Chu that when Guan Yu beheaded Yan Liang, Qin Lang was also holding a strange thing, and it must have been this thing!"

At this moment, Zhang Liao was relieved. It turned out that there was a reason why Guan Yu could defeat Wen Chou so easily.

Wen Chou must have been locked in his soul by this thing, so he was hacked to death by Guan Yu twice. If you say that, I can do it myself!
Are you Guan Yu good?It is clear that Qin Lang's treasure is powerful!

Cao Cao was thinking about something else, was the girl in my treasure also sealed inside by Qin Lang using such means?
You must talk to Qin Lang about this matter. I have given you the two wives. It is not too much to ask you to lift the seal of the woman in Chongbao, right?
"Prime Minister, all the materials in Baima City are scattered and properly arranged, and we can proceed according to the plan!"

At this moment, Xu Chu and Cao Ren rushed back to the city.

According to Xun You's plan, Yuan Shao's large army could be wiped out in Yanjin.

Cao Cao waved his hand and said, "Yuan Shao's general, Wen Chou, is dead, and half of the victory is over. Next, proceed according to the plan. As I said earlier, how could Yuan Benchu ​​be my opponent?"



"Crack... clap..."

Yuan Shao went crazy and smashed all the things that could be smashed in the big tent.

The battle report came from the front, Wen Chou was killed in front of the battle, but Yanjin City was captured, what the hell is going on?

When Yan Liang died, he captured White Horse City...

At this time, Wen Chou died, and took the land of Yanjin again...

This is too wrong, this is too weird!

A dead general in front of the battle, but the outcome is victory, no matter how I think about it, I think it is impossible!
Who is it that can kill my Yan Liang and my Wen Chou?What the hell is Cao Cao doing again?

Is it really Guan Yunchang?

"Come on, come on! Bring Liu Xuande, if I don't kill him this time, I will be his grandson!"

Yuan Shao made up his mind, and now it has spread all over the world. It was Guan Yu who killed Yan Liang and Wen Chou. If he didn't kill Liu Bei, how would he stabilize the morale of the army?
The morale of the army of millions is unstable, but big things will happen!
At this time, Liu Bei was in Liyang City, and also got the news that Wen Chou had been killed.

It's not that he didn't think about leaving directly, but the five thousand cavalry hadn't been completely obtained yet, so he felt reluctant to leave now.

As the saying goes, wealth and wealth are sought in danger, and if I try my best, with my wisdom, can I still not be able to deal with Yuan Benchu?
If you can't even pass this level, how can you fight against Cao Cao, and how can you help the Han Dynasty?
Liu Bei did not resist, but confidently handed over the five thousand cavalry and went to see Yuan Shao.

It is said that I have never won a war with soldiers, you must let me lead troops, and you can't blame me if you lose.

Correspondingly, I will definitely be able to take away your five thousand cavalry, and no one can stop this.

What's more, generally speaking, whoever I turn to will be finished. I hope you can break this rule!
From Gongsun Zan at the beginning to Tao Qian later, it was the same!
Arrived at the central tent.

Yuan Shao stared angrily, and said, "Liu Bei, what else do you have to say? Many people have seen it this time, and that red-faced man is your second brother, Guan Yunchang!"

"Why is Mr. Yuan so angry? How could he be so angry after the death of two trash?" Liu Bei pretended to mock.

Those two confidant generals of yours were beheaded by my second brother with one or two knives, so what's the pity even if they died?

I can send a letter to my second brother to vote for!

"Yuan Gong, if you let my second brother work for you, what do you think?"

"Ah? This..."

Yuan Shao only wanted to kill Liu Bei to vent his anger, but he never thought that if he could recruit Guan Yu under his command, wouldn't it be more reliable than having Yan Liang, Wen Chou?
What's more, Liu Bei and Qin Lang, Qin Guanren's brother, this matter is feasible!

"Okay, Liu Xuande, I will give you a chance. If you can call Guan Yu here, you will cancel the matter. If you can't call Guan Yu, I will kill you... You, then go to Liyang City to lead troops!"

Although Yanjin City has been captured, there are still many places in the land of Yanjin that are in chaos, and there is still a fierce battle to be fought after all!
(End of this chapter)

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