Chapter 312 I am a scholar
Guan Yu left the carriages of Mrs. Gan and Mrs. Mi far away from the city, and went to the front of the city alone to call the gate.

As soon as Guan Yu appeared, the soldiers guarding the city immediately became nervous. Not only did they immediately disperse the people who were entering and leaving the city, but they also immediately put up a defensive formation.

Guan Yu nodded, that's quite right, if Guan Yu doesn't defend himself when he sees me, would he still welcome me?
Unrealistic? !
Just why didn't they attack them in groups?Is it because I know that Cao Cao kept his promise and wants to let me go, so this is the case?
If this is the case, it can save a little trouble, and you don't have to kill too many soldiers of Cao Cao when you leave!

When my eldest brother and I meet, we will be able to completely cut off the fetters created during this period of time.

Guan Yu didn't go forward, he had already seen soldiers going to communicate, so he waited quietly outside the city.

Having lived in Xuchang for a long time, Guan Yu also knew a lot about Cao Cao's troops.

The guard of Dongling Pass is called Kong Xiu, he is the descendant of the sage Kong, and he learned martial arts as a scholar!

Back then when Cao Cao assassinated Dong Zhuoming and made the world famous, he only admired Cao Cao. The person he admired the most was the legendary man named Qin Lang.

Qin Lang's heroic act of assassinating Dong, and the loyalty of his best friends to each other thousands of miles away, just these two things, I don't know how many young people admire them.

Until one day, news came that Qin Lang died in Yanzhou, and Cao Cao used all his troops to avenge him!
For Kong Xiu, that day was like darkness like the sky collapsed.On that day, Kong Xiu made a decision. While studying literature, he practiced martial arts and went to join Cao Cao who avenged Qin Lang.

After Yanzhou City was broken, Kong Xiu came to Cao Cao with a sage book in one hand and a long sword in the other.

From then on, Cao Cao had a refined general who guarded the gate for Cao Cao and never made any mistakes.

Later, when the news came that Qin Lang was still alive, Kong Xiu stood on the city wall for a whole night.

He also imagined that one day he could fight side by side with Qin Lang, but unfortunately he has already voted for Cao Cao and recognized the lord...

As for the news that Qin Lang likes women, Kong Xiu laughed it off, being liked by such a hero, shouldn't women in the world be proud of it?
In the Battle of Mangdang Mountain, Guan Yu and Qin Lang surrendered Cao Cao together, and Kong Xiu held a banquet at Dongling Pass. It was the first time he drank alcohol since he was practicing martial arts, and he was so drunk.

At that time, if someone came to attack the pass, it would be absolutely easy.

The situation of the battle between Cao Cao and Yuan Shao kept coming. In the battle of Baima City, Guan Yu killed Yan Liang, and in the battle of Yanjin, Guan Yu killed Wen Chou.

Everyone marveled at Guan Yu's toughness, but only Kong Xiu knew that Qin Lang definitely had a place in these two wars.

His desire to see his idol became more and more urgent.

But no matter how urgent it is, he is also the guard of Dongling Pass. He can drink until drunk, but he can't abandon the pass.

Kong Xiu didn't have a good impression of Guan Yu, but he didn't have a bad feeling either. He asked himself, if he was in such a situation, he would go to his elder brother.

He also fantasized that if he could become sworn brothers with Qin Lang, even if Qin Lang went to the fairy world, he would kill himself immediately and follow him!

But duty is duty, and this general is now Prime Minister Cao's general, the guard of Dongling Pass.

If you want to pass the customs here, you need a guide issued by the prime minister.Otherwise, you will step on my dead body.

Guan Yu didn't wait long, when a handsome and handsome young man came on horseback. The young man was not wearing armor, but a Confucian gown, with a long sword on his back.

This long sword is twice as long as a normal long sword.

"What a handsome scholar, what a young guard!"

Guan Yu nodded secretly. He naturally felt close to the descendants of Confucius.

Just because, we are also a scholar!

"The person here is Guan Yu, Guan Yunchang?"

"I'm Guan Yunchang, but the guard of Dongling Pass, Kong Xiu?"

Guan Yu nodded with more satisfaction, looked at the young people, and asked who you are instead of declaring his family background.

This saves a lot of embarrassment!

Otherwise, let me say, who are you after I am the sage of Confucius?

How can I answer?

I used to be a seller of offal. This status is really not as high as that of Confucius later!

"My general, Kong Xiu, may I ask why Guan Yunchang came to Dongling Pass when he was not in Xuchang under the order of Emperor Han?"

Kong Xiu seemed to be polite, but actually he was quite indifferent.

No matter how he understood Guan Yu, and no matter how much he admired Qin Lang, it was Guan Yu who abandoned Cao Cao after all, and humiliated the master he served.

"I have an agreement with the prime minister that I want to go to my elder brother, so I have to pass through Dongling, and I ask General Kong Xiu to get out of the way and let me pass!"

"Oh? Since the prime minister agreed, is there a way to clear the customs?"

Kong Xiu touched the hilt of his sword. My duty is to guard this pass. If you have the Prime Minister's guidance, even if I want to keep you, I can't do anything.

But if you don't have the chancellor's guide, then I'm sorry, I can't let you pass!

Guan Yu frowned, and said: "I came out in a hurry, and I didn't get any guidance from the prime minister, but he promised me that as long as..."

"Needless to say, since there is no way to guide you, then go back where you left off, or fight me and kill me. Naturally, no one will dare to stop you, Guan Yunchang!"

Kong Xiu got off his horse and pulled out the long sword behind his back from its scabbard.

This is a two-handed long sword, even in this era, it is a very rare weapon.

"You think I dare not kill you?"

Guan Yu narrowed his eyes slightly and opened them a little. Although he admired Kong Xiu more, but to prevent him from going to Liu Bei, that is the enemy of life and death!
"How could Guan Yunchang dare not kill me, but because you dare to kill me, I will break the rules for you!"



The next moment, the long sword came out of its sheath, and Kong Xiu was the first to strike.

Even if you are Qin Lang's second brother, even if you are unparalleled in loyalty, I will not back down half a step.

Because so am I!
"Good come!"

Guan Yu yelled loudly, and slashed the Qinglong Yanyue Saber diagonally from bottom to top in his hand.


There was a loud and crisp sound, and the long sword and the Qinglong Yanyue Saber collided fiercely.

Guan Yu didn't take a step back, and after only staggering slightly, he stabilized his figure.

Kong Xiu retreated ten steps in a row, propping up the ground with his long sword, his hands trembling.

After all, he was born as a scholar, and after all, he was practicing martial arts halfway, so he was no longer Guan Yu's all-in-one enemy.

"Kong Xiu, do you really want to become a body of loyalty through death?"

The more Kong Xiu was like this, the more Guan Yu couldn't kill him.

In the distance, Qin Lang was sitting on the trunk of a big tree, watching the scene in front of the city through binoculars, and was also a little tangled.

Kong Xiu looked quite pleasing to the eye, at least she was much stronger than Yuan Xi, and she was extremely loyal. No matter where she was, such a person was worth associating with.

It would be a pity if he was cut off by Guan Yu...

"Xiao Ai, open the exchange list, I want to exchange for a dart!"

Blowing darts are generally seen in the rivers and lakes. They are small and easy to carry, just a thin bamboo tube with ingenious mechanisms.

Powered by the breath accumulated in the chest, it shoots thin needles to kill the enemy.

"Should we dig some people from Cao Cao's side to go to Liu Bei? It will save the embarrassing scene that there will be no generals in Shu in the future!"

Qin Lang scratched his head, this Kong Xiu, let's save him first!
(End of this chapter)

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